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:yuck Not liking Boston bread. It had molasses in it and it was way too molassesy. It looks beautiful. Oh well, the rest of the meal was good.


Raining here now, dark, dreary and I am tired.


I hope everyone had a great day!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I worked a bit on my sister's ghan last night and got 5 rows done and I also did a little of a sqaure for a friend. Other than that, nothing new this morning.


Joanne - My color came out good :DGlad to hear it! I was a little worried!!!!My mom was worried she messed it up, but I told her I was sure she did fine since she had such good lighting to do it :lol Oh, and tell DH that a true fan stays with their team even when they're playing poorly (I should know, I'm a Philly fan :rofl ) Very funny:lol And I tell him that all the time- He gets mad at the Yankees, gets mad at the Giants, gets mad at the Devils- I keep telling him you are a FAN through the good times and the bad!! Either you are a fan or your not!!!


I'm glad the JETS won for Vicki :clap but I picked Miami on my football pool and if they would have won by at least 2, I would've gotten 9 out of 10 and won some cash ;) But since I only got 8 out of 10, I didn't win anything :( Oh well, maybe next week :think


My youngest DD is doing fantasy football and she has a player from the Eagles ( I forget which one) and one from the Jets and one from the cowboys- she said it's wierd to root for teams to win that she normally wouldn't (She is a Giants fan like her mama:))

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Quick stop in to say hi!

Good to see that Shannon was around for a bit and had a nice chat with Colleen


It's been raining all day here- but we really need it and I was working all day -so it's all good!


Hope that you all had a good Monday!!!


Beth Congrats to your DS GF on the ribbons- and you should be proud for teaching her to crochet!!!


I'll try and stop by in a bit- I'm getting hungry!!!:lol



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Good evening ladies :hi


I had dinner while reading :D After I finish here, I will go change, lose my eyes, and get to the couch :lol


Colleen and Shannon - nice of you ladies to get a little chat in during the day :yes


Colleen - Glad your meeting went well and you'll be tutoring :D


LeaAnne - How'd your hairdo come out? Did you change it at all?


Shannon - I love mario too ;) Actually I always like to be Luigi :lol And I used to have a strawberry shortcake bedroom set and curtains :manyheart

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Good Day Friends!


Sorry I did not get a chance to post pics. yesterday was a loooong day. After running errands in the a.m. I made lunch for the famiy (my mom and little brother came over) then my mom begged me to go with her to take pictures. She was taking Glamour Shots-don't ask me why???? :thinkI still can't figure it out, I seriously think she is going thru a mid-life crisis...really?? Anywho...three hours later we were on our way home. To which dh needed help painting, so stopped to paint the gate and then headed indoors to wash another set of dishes-I had cleaned the kitchen before leaving...:blush then still had to get ironing done and tidy up the house. By then, I totally lost my cool. The kiddos were laying down "relaxing" :angry:angry:angry never did get a chance to crochet or sit and veg...


Ok, on to better subjects.


Joanne-Great scarf! You are cranking those out super duper fast! Sorry that your team lost.:hug


Marisa-what an adventure you had yesterday! WOW! Hopefully the gentleman will get the help that he needs, that must have been scary for your parents.:hug


Colleen-that's the pits when something we cook does not come out the way we want it to. Did your family eat it anyway? :hug Cool bag! WTG getting a wip finished!


LeaAnne-yes, how did the hair cut come out? did you get all of your errands ran?


Beth-how neat is that, that your ds gf won ribbons and did so well! Coolness!!!!


Shannon-hoping that your floors are installed without a problem.


Vicki, Sarah, Stacy, Mary-where are you???

going to catch up on my ironing, hopefully I can squeeze some :hook therapy.

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Hi friends!!


Sorry I haven't been around...I've been kind of down and don't want to spread it. Things aren't too good on the Roomie front and it's really uncomfortable right now because she's on break and always home. Don't want to get into specifics but basically she said I think her kids are liars and thieves and always accuse them of stealing from my children (which I absolutely NEVER have done.) But I found out what she truly thinks and am doing my best to not let it bother me.

On a good note, my classes are going very well- I've only had 1 true homework assignment and 1 quiz so far. I do need to practice my yoga moves- last week was a super-fast pace and it will take a lot of practice to master it! I felt like a pretzel during class...:lol


LeaAnne, glad your chicken had an awesome-ness party! Have you re-gained your hearing? :lol Oh, and for the Ashlar sweater, I am making the main body forest green, with white, brown, and purple stripes. I think she will like it- I am already at the part to form the arm holes and I just started Saturday! :clap


Colleen and Shannon, glad to see you guys had a bit of chat-ness this morning! How fun.


Leeann, your mom is shooting Glamour Shots?! How cute. LoL Sorry to hear you had to clean up after everyone. :hug:hug:hug:hug


Joanne, your scarf is so pretty!!! :h5 I stopped at the Bux today while waiting for the optometrist to open, and they were giving out samples of the pumpkin spice cake and pumpkin cream frapps. Yumm! Have you seen that they're coming out with flavored VIA? I just don't know...but I'm sure I will try it! :rofl


Marisa, I'm glad your parents' house is okay! Did you find out what happened with the neighbor? Glad to hear your hair came out fine.


Vicki, sorry to hear you are having a rough year already! :hug:hug:hug I hope having the sub gives you a glimmer of relief.


Beth, Sarah, Mary- lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to all of you!!!


I better get scooting and find something for my chickens to eat. Then showers and bedtime so I can study. Have a great night, besties!!

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ok here's what I've been working on when I wasn't getting ready for Keith's party or taking advantage of the quiet while Keith was getting some daddy time to catch up on sleep...


I made my first doily... well it wasn't done w/ crochet thread but some fingering/sport/baby weight yarn that Doug's Grandma gave me in a bag full of scrap balls



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Good morning, all, :hug :hug :hug


Sarah, nice doily. I really like those colors.


Stacy, sounds like your roomie is paranoid delusional. I have a family member who has that disease, and we all suffer. You need some :hug :hug :hug


Vicki, I hope the stress level at work is better. :hug :hug :hug


Mary, thinking of you, Sister, and hoping all is well in God's country. :hug :hug :hug


Shannon, nice to read your chat with Colleen. I'm glad to hear that Janna is doing so well in school. And 5 already? What's up with that? It's hard to belive how quickly our kids grow (says the lady with the "boy" who just turned 18.)


LeaAnn, If GlamourShots are the only symptom of your mom going through a mid-life crises, she isn't doing too badly! As long as she stays away from sports cars and younger men.... :rofl Maybe she just needed verification that she's a beautiful woman. Some times we all do.


Marisa, are you keeping up with your back exercises? Are you finding time to crochet?


LeaAnne, you always sound so busy, but happy. I think I'd like your house. Sounds like lots of love lives there!:manyheart I hope you and your chickens are well.


Joanne, do you get more or less crocheting done during football season?


Colleen, I need to go to the Christmas thread and see the new song. I'm glad you and Shannon discussed it, to remind me. That was nice of you! :hug


I hope to get a doctor appointment today. I've been coughing all month, and I'm about tired of it.

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Good morning!


Beth- I get about the same amount of crocheting done football season or not! I've really been on a spurt here, where that is what I want to do all the time! Of course, that isn't happening, but I do try to do something each evening and of course the weekend! I started another scarf last night with LionBrand Tweed Stripes- its working up quickly. Next up- a felted bag!! Good luck at the Doc!


Stacy- I agree with Beth re: roomie. I hope it sorts itself out- Is this why you are hanging at the BUX? Intersting about the VIA coming out in flavors--I like the VIA- and have bought it on more than one occasion- I treat myself at work with it when I am tired of the so-so coffee we have there. Hang in there my friend!:hug:hug


LeeAnn- That is too cute about Glamor Shots! That's a pretty mild mid-life crisis! Mmm gives me an idea--can Glamour Shots make me look 10 years younger?:lol Glad you re-posted again last evening. After reading your first post, I thought to myself--"where are the Hugs and Squishes":hugAnd now that you've got one slipper done, can you match it with the 2nd? That's always the hard part to me for anything in pairs- I make leg warmers last winter and fingerless gloves- they were never exactly the same- but close enough!


Sarah- That's a lovely doily- and I love the color!!!!


LeaAnne, Colleen, Shannon, Mary, Vicki, Marisa- No more time to post now- gotta get ready for Paradise! Have a good day everyone!:hug:hug:hug:hug


Remember your Vitamins!!!

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Good Morning :sunshines!


How is everyone today? Happy Tuesday! I just finished baking oatmeal chocolate chip muffins and cleaning up the kitchen. Now I've got laundry to start and vacuuming to do. We'll go to the store today to get some groceries and a baby gift. Maybe the library :shrug It's a rainy day, so we'll just have to keep busy doing indoor stuff.


Beth - I hope your Dr. can think of a way to get that cough under control :hug


Joanne - It is so nice to see you enjoying your crochet so much. :hug


Sarah - That doily is pretty. I love the colours. :hug


LeeAnn - WTG on the one slipper. I hope you have a super duper day full of lots of hugs and squishes from your little people. I would love to see a pic of this clubhouse your DH and kiddos have been building. :hug


Stacy - :hug I hope everything settles down with the roomie. I'm happy to hear that you are doing well at school. WTG I am so proud of you for going back!!!! :hug How are the girls liking school so far?


Marisa - Reading while eating a meal is one of my favourite things to do. :c9 I live with a couple chatterboxes, so it doesn't happen very often. I hope your week is off to a good start. :hug


LeaAnne - How are Uncle Art and Aunt Sue? I hope you had a good visit with them. :hug


Shannon - Thanks for the chat yesterday! Let's do it again soon. I hope you and Miss Janna-ness have a wonderful day getting ready for your new floors. :hug


Vicki - I hope your week is going smoothly too. :hug


Mary - I hope all is well with you and that you are feeling better. :hug


To anyone I've missed, have a terrific Tuesday! Gotta go have my vitamin. Thanks Joanne. :wink

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I slept in today :D Rolled over when I initially woke up and got a few more hours :clap But that also means no time to do anything before work!


LeeAnn - I had to :lol at the glamour shots, I agree with the others though, if that's as bad as it gets than she's doing really good :yes And, your kiddos are old enough....I think it's time to enlist them for dish duty :think


Stacy - Glad to hear classes are going well :yay However, sounds like roomie and kids puts alot of stress on you :think If she keeps it up, you may have to rethink this arrangement for your own well-being :think


Sarah - I love your doily and the color is very eyecatching :yes


Beth - Yep, still working on my back exercises :yes Slacked on the weekend a bit because I don't have a ball at my parents house and don't cart mine back and forth, so was only able to do one of the exercises while I was there :( And yep, you better get to the doc, a month long with a cough is too much :hug :hug


Joanne - I don't know what I'd do without you reminding me to take my vitamins since I'm horrible at remembering them :( Thanks!!!


Colleen - mmmmmm, muffins :drool Sounds like you're getting alot done :clap

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Good day friends!

Now ya all may ask....why is she posting in the middle of the day?? Ds is sick, I decided to stay home with him. I felt tired this morning so went back to bed for a cat nap-now I feel mucho better!

Joanne-I am going to try your scarf pattern today if I can get my slippers finished. Your crocheting inspires me!:clap

Beth-hope the doctor visit goes well and he/she can figure out why you are holding on to this cough.:hug

Stacy-praying that things on the homefront settle down-I do not handle home stress very well. Tension makes my tummy hurt.:hug

Colleen-muffins??? I will be right over! yummy!:c9

Sarah-Pretty pretty pretty! I love your doily! Fantastic! What's on your agenda?:D

Marisa-you are right, I need to enlist my kiddos in doing more chores. They had a chore chart during the summer months, but once school started, I let it go-they had so much homework and I felt bad that they didn't have time to relax, but I need help. Thank you!:hugI do have pics of the progess on the club house..let me dig them up and I will get them posted, so excited for the kiddos!

Vicki-hope your Tuesday is filled with happiness!:hug

Back to my mom, she really is going thru something. She has a "friend" that she has been chatting with. I am positive that he has something to do with her change of hair style, clothing and personality. My mom has always been more of a natural gal-no make up and relaxed clothing. She started straightening her hair, doing the nails and a teeny tiny bit of makeup. Which I think is all good, but leaving my dad at home to go "here and there" just doesn't feel right. I can't believe it, actually I am just down right shocked..but what is a gal to do? Yesterday she took the day off from work and went to a funeral, on the way back she stopped to gamble at the casino's...now that's just plain wierd.

sorry didn't mean to dump on all of you, I just had to get it off my chest. Going to crochet and sit with ds. BBL!

hugs n extra squishes!

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HIya friends!


I did it! I finally finished the second set of slippers-I like them better than the first set. But I still think I need improvement. What do you all think?


also enclosed pics of the beginning stages of the club house, will take more pics of it almost completed.


hugs n squishes!






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LeeAnn - Nice slippers! Those turned out very nicely! Good job! Wow! That's quite a clubhouse your chickens are getting! How much fun will that be? Neat! And I must say, it looks like you really are out in the middle of nowhere :lol I hope you and DS are feeling better :hug


Marisa - WTG on sleeping in. You must have needed it. :yes


We got groceries, I did 3 loads of laundry (2 still need folding), and I tidied up DD's dresser drawers. One more bag for donation :tup We're having grilled cheese and fries (sweet potato for me) for supper. Somehow I didn't get the vacuuming done :think Oh well, I guess that will wait for after supper or tomorrow. It is so dark and rainy here. I just want to nap. :lol

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I'm back! :lol picked up dd from school just have to fold laundry then get dinner started.


Colleen-yup, we are out in the middle of nowhere...it's the pits at times and peaceful at the same time. We really live in a desert area, not that purrttty but not that ugly either...silly huh? Sweet potatoe fries sound delicious! Mmmm good!


ok back to chores...

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LeeAnn- that club house is going to be sooo cool when it is finished. And I love your slippers- they match!!! Seriously- great job on them!!!! Sorry to hear that DS isn't feeling well, but glad that you were able to stay home with him today and get in some crocheting.


Rainy, cloudy, yucky day here- we were under a tornado watch most of the day- but I think it has passed now. Whew!!!


Colleen- Sounds like you were very productive today- rain and all- Did you save a muffin for me? LOL


To everyone else- I'm off to work on the scarf and watch the Yankees vs Jays before switching to Biggest Loser and DWTS and NCIS and NCIS LA and parenthood. Thank goodness for DVR!!!


Have a good evening everyone!!!

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Joanne - Yes, there are muffins left, c'mon over. But don't expect anyone here to be cheering for the Yankees :lol


LeeAnn - I can see how living where you are would be peaceful :yes:hug to you about your mom. That must be hard for you, but she's a grown woman and can live her own life, right? You can always unload on us here, we don't mind :hug:hug


We went to check on my MIL's house after supper, stopped at Walmart and Home Depot, and now DD is bathed and tucked into bed and I'm planning a lazy evening. I'm not sure if I'll stay up for Parenthood...I've got it on the PVR too.

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Good evening ladies :hi


Just got home not long ago. Ran to best buy and bed bath and beyond after work. Then just picked up a salad at chick fil a for dinner...it was yummy!


I also have parenthood on my dvr :D


LeeAnn - Can I come and move into the clubhouse? It's going to be awesome. And, sorry you're having a tough time with your mom, but just like kids, you have to let her make her own mistakes. She'll come back to reality on her own terms :hug :hug :hug We're always here for you to lash out :yes


Colleen - You got alot of errands done today :yay and I love sweet potatoe fris :drool


Joanne - I love my dvr too, only problem is that I wish I could tape more than 2 shows at a time :(

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:waving, my dearest Besties!


just had to stop in and say "I Miss you!" All of you! My days are just not the same when you are not in them. :sigh


I will be back around tomorrow after lunch. :xfin


oh, and P.S. Uncle Art is AWESOME! And Aunt Sue says :hi!




I Wicked Luv you guys! And if nobody told you today that you are the bomb-diggity-est-ness... well... Now someone did! :wink

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Evenin' all!

Marisa-Bed Bath and Beyond is another of my fav stores! They have the neatest gadgets! last time we stopped, I fell in love with the brown sugar bears-can you tell I live out in the sticks? I had never heard of them, but how cool are they??

Joanne-I watched DWTS and thought of you! What do you think of the season so far?

LeaAnne-your post literally made me laugh out loud! :lol I love you language! Totally!

Colleen-dvr is wonderful huh? I just love that I can record everything and pause it if I have to. The kiddos love it too. Did you have a relaxing evening?

I finished the scarf but will have to take a pic in the a.m. Thank you Joanne for the link! Great pattern!

The slippers wore me out:D I like to crochet without counting....funny huh?

other than that, we had a calm evening. You all are right, my dearest mom must make her own decisions. I have decided not to do anything, just be here to listen and then move on. None of my business really.

going to hop in the shower and get ready for tom.

night all and of course lots and lots of hugs n squissssshhhhesss!

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Good morning!

This will be quick- I woke up at 3 and then fell back asleep (thankfully) and didn't want to get up when the alarm went off!


LeeAnn- which pattern scarf did you make- the Shelly Scarf or the Surreybelle scarf? Can't wait to see it! I almost finished another scarf- this one from LionBrand site called Shades of Blue Scarf. I'm using the LB Tweed Stripe yarn- and I love how it is working up. (I am using the colorway called Woodlands)


And, I have to ask what are brown sugar bears?


LeaAnne- So happy to hear that Uncle Art is doing well. Hope you had a nice visit with him and Aunt Sue. Are the chickens settling into the routine of school? And how about you?


Stacy- I saw the kitchen set you sent on the forum for the Kitchen Swap- really neat stuff you made!! WTG!!


Anyone hear from Mary?


Vicki- Hope you had a good night at bowling and took out your stress on the pins!!! And how bout them Yankees?


Shannon= Hope the new floor install goes smoothly!!! And only a few more days till Janna is 5!!!


Beth, Colleen and Marisa- Hope you have a great day


Off to get ready! Hope I didn't forget anyone, but don't have time to re-check the post and I surely do need some caffeine right about now


Remember those vitamins girls- winter is coming faster than we would like!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


LeaAnne - Glad to hear Uncle Art and Aunt Sue are well, tell them :hi


LeeAnn - I don't think I know what brown sugar bears are :no:( Can you shed some light in this direction?


Joanne - Glad you fell back to sleep this morning and WTG on your current scarf :clap


I hope everyone has a great hump day!!! :yes It's all downhill from here :lol

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