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Some good clean fun?!

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Good luck getting everything done LeaAnne. My meeting went well. Start tutoring next week. My laundry is underway. I made a hawaiian style meatballs dish for supper and put it in the slowcooker. I want to bake a quick brown bread (Boston style from the New England cookbook DH bought me in Boston) to go with it. I'd like to get my fall decorations out. Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away!

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Good luck with the tutoring, Colleen! Your dinner sounds yummy!


I am back from my haircut, and just found out that Uncle Art and Auntie Sue will be down for the night!:eek ... i better get this place picked up!:lol

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Well that's a nice surprise and I'm sure they won't mind if there is a bit of a mess. I saw your post on the CAL for that flowered poncho. What kind of yarn are you thinking this would take? It would make a nice sister gift :think

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A new hat sounds fab! We're having our first fall day here too. Good thing, 'cause I am so sick of 100 degree weather!:angry


How was your trip?

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Trip was awesome (except for the 100 degree weather :rofl). No it was absolutely perfect. Our travel went smooth, everyone was healthy, we had a lots of fun, ate way too much good food and enjoyed the magic. Kinda hard to be back to reality.


How is Janna doing? Is she enjoying school? What are you up to these days? We miss you!

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That's great! I'm so happy for you all! A vacation does sound nice. Except I think I'd like to fly north for the winter!:lol


Janna's wonderful! She's really enjoying school and is working so hard in therapy. We're so proud of her. She'll be 5 on Sunday!:eek I can't believe it! So I've just been trying to get the house ready for the party. The guys come to put my new floor down Wednesday. I'm super excited and super-duper nervous, since Janna's party is Sunday. We're cutting it close. :xfin for no floor problems!

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That's so exciting about your new floor! I'm sure it will be just fine! I am thrilled to hear that Janna is doing so well! Yay for turning 5! Is she having a special cake or a party theme? What is she getting for her birthday?


Oh ya, and if you want to come up here for the winter I'd love to have you. People will think you're crazy for wanting to come here, but whatever turns your crank.

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She's having a Mario party. Strange for a girl, but she plays it at Honey and Al's house, and she loves it. Thank goodness we don't have it here! As for presents, there's nothing that she really wants. I've picked up a few puzzles, and she just recently got interested in Strawberry Shortcake. Oh, and this morning I finished making her a lamb! I still need to finish the scarf and find a ribbon for a bow.


How's DD? Is she enjoying school so far?

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Aw cute, hey if she's into Mario that's easy enough. There should be lots of that stuff out there. I don't generalize between girl and boy stuff, it's just kids stuff. Can you share pics of the lamb? That would be cute.


DD is doing well. She missed a full week of school, so she was a bit nervous going back this morning. Otherwise so far so good!

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I'm so glad she's enjoying school! And you start tutoring next week? That's so great!


I'll share pics of the lamb when her scarf is finished. The 'Ville might frown upon naked pictures!:lol Hopefully it will be done tonight.

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I'm so glad she's enjoying school! And you start tutoring next week? That's so great!


I'll share pics of the lamb when her scarf is finished. The 'Ville might frown upon naked pictures!:lol Hopefully it will be done tonight.



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I'd like to try to make slippers. If I'm any good at it, I'll make some for Christmas gifts. Kinda like how the Grinch made his own Santa suit...

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My Advent stars are done. I still have to string them and make the numbers to hang from them. I saw your bag. Very nice! What else have you been working on? How's the flannelghan?

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I'd like to try to make slippers. If I'm any good at it, I'll make some for Christmas gifts. Kinda like how the Grinch made his own Santa suit...


You have such a great sense of humour, friend. Slippers would make great gifts! :sigh So much to make so little time to crochet. :sigh


Well my friend I'd better go. I've got a load of laundry in the washer to get drying and one in the dryer to fold. :sigh So much housework to do so little desire :sigh:rofl


Thanks so much for chatting! :hug:hug:hug

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My Advent stars are done. I still have to string them and make the numbers to hang from them. I saw your bag. Very nice! What else have you been working on? How's the flannelghan?


You'll have to share a pic. :yes I'm not crocheting much still. The flannelghan is still there.

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You have such a great sense of humour, friend. Slippers would make great gifts! :sigh So much to make so little time to crochet. :sigh


Well my friend I'd better go. I've got a load of laundry in the washer to get drying and one in the dryer to fold. :sigh So much housework to do so little desire :sigh:rofl


Thanks so much for chatting! :hug:hug:hug


You are so wise, bestie! This has been so nice. Have a great day, and I'll talk to you soon! Love ya!!:hug:hug

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