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hey ladies, just a quick check in. on my phone so its a bit harder . i have a pic to share of my girls set, but its at home and im now at my parents. going to bed early in hopes a good night sleep :xfin i hope everyone had a great saturday and i'll try to check in sometime, but may not be back until sunday :(

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Good morning!

Welcome home Colleen!!!:yay Glad to hear you had a wonderful time! Gotta love that place!!! Hoping to get there next year for our 10th Wedding Anniversary- we were supposed to go there for our honeymoon- but 9/11 happened. And here it is 9 years later and we still haven't gone. I think it would be perfect to go next year to celebrate!


Did you see that I finished my first RR??? I'm so excited about that! And I will be starting the Bernat Mystery Ghan on Sunday when I hope to have off. Yes, this is a 12 day week- but if we get tomorrow off, it will be an 11 day week! I'm so ready for next weekend already!!!


Vicki- I couldn't watch the Yankees last night- it was too painful- so instead of falling asleep in my chair I took my badorkus up to bed- fell asleep by 9 - so I'm well rested and ready to tackle this day! Good luck getting everything done- and remember- take a little time to crochet and De-stress!!:hook


Mary- Missing your red posts too- hope all is well with you up in God's country:hug


LeeAnn- sounds like you had a nice evening last night. I love Mexican food too and there is a great place we go to here- and there is always so much food that we have a meal the next day too! Can't wait to take out my new yarn tomorrow and make the 2 squares for the "first" clue- second clue comes out on Wednesday.


Sarah- Happy Birthday to Keith!!! Hope the Party is a blast today!!!:cake:birthday


Stacy- How's things in sunny Cali? Are the girls all settling into the routine? How bout you? Hey, if you stop at TJ's today can you pick me up some Joe's Dark? :lol Used the last of it last night when I set my coffee for this morning and doesn't look like I'll be getting there today. I'll have to settle for the medium (DH's favorite) tomorrow!


Beth- Have a great time at DS Surprise 18th Birthday Party:birthday:cake


LeaAnne- Does Pete have a soccer game today? Go Gators!!!:cheer


Marisa- I'll be thinking of you enjoying all the junk food today at the fair. Have fun!!!


Well time to get ready for another day in "paradise"


Have a wonderful day!:hug

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hi, and good morning, friends!


Colleen - :clap Glad you are home, safe and sound, and that you got to meet Tink! :wink How many characters did you get to see? What parks did you viist? Disneyworld is our Favorite place to go!


Joanne - good luck at work today! I hope it flies by for you, friend! oh, and Congrats on your 7,000th post!!!!! You chatty thang, you! :devil


LeeAnn - Mexican sounds great! And :cheer for DD's treats! There's nothing like new hair accessories when you are her age!


Sarah - :birthday PARTY to Keith!!! I hope you all have fun, and that he :manyheart those gifts you made!


Beth - Wow! 18! :):(:) Time sure does fly by! I hope you all have a blast at the surprise :birthday party and the fair! GF sounds like a keeper for sure!:c9


Marisa - please have an extra fried dough for me! :drool ...have an awesome time!


Vicki - :cheer for the Magic Chair!!! It's just what you needed! oh, and I am sure you could use a couple of these: :hug:hug


Mary, Shannon, Stacy :hug:hug to you all! I miss you!!!!!!


Today we are having Krissy's :birthday party. 11 girls. 6 of them for a half-over, and the other 5 for a stay-up-over! I know... :loco.... but we let Krissy plan her own party, and she earned it! Her real birthday is Wednesday, but she wanted to get to celebrating early! :heehee


The eye exam went fine yesterday, but I forgot about the drops to dilate my eyes. I ended up on the couch for the afternoon, as it made me queasy. I was glad that I went, I do need glasses. Not for distance, but for anything up close. My cheaters weren't working for me anymore, that's why I went. My hair was cancelled till Monday (which was a blessing in disguise), and the car place was too busy, so it will go into the shop on Tuesday. All in all, everything worked out :tup.


Oh, and :yes, the Gators play at 11:30 today!:cheer I am discovering that I enjoy soccer!


I guess I better "Git to Gittin'"... I have cupcakes to make!


Have a great day, and I will catch you all later....

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Mornin' Glories! Just wanted to check in and let you know that the chair let me up and about today! I need to go pay some bills before DD goes to practice this morning. I wanted to go get my bloodwork done early but no one was open! I don't know when I'm going to go now. Maybe Tuesday. The boss is supposed to be getting me a sub to comlete this HUGE project that was dumped on me by the SPED coordinator. He was not happy. If that happens maybe I can go in a little late to get the blood work done. I'll have to talk to him on Monday.

Otherwise, a very quiet morning here. I really have a ton of stuff to do, but all I want to do is pick up my hook. That will have to wait until later though.

Welcome home Colleen! Glad you had a great trip and I hope you post some pics! We won't be going back to Disney until the summer of 2012. Next summer is the Disney Cruise!

Joanne - Hope you get tomorrow off to watch the football games! The J-E-T-S play the fish on Sunday night football!

Shannon - Hope all is going well with you!

Beth - How are the inventions treating you?

LeaAnne - Have fun at the party today! And happy birthday to Krissy! Hope the stay up over is fun!

LeeAnn - Glad you had fun going shopping and eating out last night! I love Mexican food. It's my favorite. I tell my hubby I can always do Mexican!

Mary - Hope all is well with you!

Stacy - How are the girls doing and how are you? I hope all they are doing well and that school is going well for you!

I need to get going and get my bills paid. Talk to you all later! Have a great Saturday!!

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Top of the Morning to ya all!:yay

Joanne-hope that tomorrow you do not have to work and can work on your mystery CAL. How exciting! I am really thinking I should put my squares up and away (so as to not get tempted:devil) and get to X-mas. What color/s of yarn did you buy? I think I have some chunky yarn,...actually I am sure I do, it is so easy to work with and really works up fast. Enjoy it!:)

LeaAnne-Go Gaters! Your soccer game sounds like fun. What a busy day you have planned, :birthday to Krissy. I don't know how you do, that is alot of girls. :rock I would be going crazy. :yes

Vicki-hoping you get some hook time in and that you get to go to work late on Tuesday. :hug

Marisa-eat lots of goodies as Joane said and do have a blast!

We are getting our house ready for winter today, have to clean out the heater vents and wood stove...:blush. We were freezing last night, but didn't want to turn the heater on without cleaning out the dust. Ds's allergies would have caused him to have an asthma attack. Other than that, we have to catch up on chores...nothing fun and exciting but relaxing. :c9

Beth-:birthdayto ds! Have a great day!

Sarah-:birthdayto Keith!

Colleen, Stacy, Mary, Shannon and all of our friends-hope to hear from you soon!

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Thanks for the birthday wishes for Keith. He's out with Doug right now at a breast cancer awareness festival put on by the county. Doug was taking him to go on the rides and cause Doug wants to dunk some of the county officials at the dunking booth LOL. I'm home trying to save all my energy for this afternoon for his party, it's at 3pm til 5pm and I'm sick w/ a massive allergy attack that kept me up all night. =0(


ETA: I'll post a lot of pics on my facebook so if anyone wants to add me on facebook just PM me and I'll tell you which e-mail address to look for as my main account is not under solaceinmusic and you can't search for me by name cause my name is way too common. LOL yes I have more than one facebook account. The other 2 are for playing games so my main account isn't cluttered and doesn't have total strangers on it.

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Wow- another party today-:birthday:cake to Krissy- Good luck with the house full of 11 girls plus your own! Been there done that!!! It is crazy, but lots of fun!!!! Enjoy the day and hope the Gators had a good game.!


Vicki- Yes, and Big Blue are playing The Titans tomorrow @ 1!!! Rutgers lost today:( and the Yankees are playing like you know what!! What is happening to them- Two days in a row, losing to those dreaded Red Sox! Just saw that the Texas Rangers clinched their division- AL West!


Colleen- Hope you had a good day getting all settled back in at home!!


Sarah- hope you got a little rest before the party!!


LeeAnn- Did you get the house all ready for winter? Today was hot/humid here, but supposed to be more fall like tomorrow:c9


Stacy, Shannon, Beth, Mary, Marisa- :hug


And now for the good news!!!:yay:cheer:clap I don't have to work tomorrow so I can :crocheting and watch football and catch up on my DVR'd programs!!!!:clap:clap


Have a good night!



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:hi everyone,


Just a quick fly by to check in. It's been a long day and I'm beat. Day at the fair and we were home by about 3 and then did some running in town :D Started my first boy's mitten today, but didn't get very far yet :lol I'll work on it a bit tonight yet :think


Catch y'all tomorrow

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Quick post. Keith's party went really well. He had a blast. I forgot to bring the pillow (was rushing out of the house and trying to keep things dry cause it was pouring down raining and Doug was running late) But he LOVED the puppy. It was the last present he opened and he immediately took the puppy out and started walking it on the fake turf at the place we were at making barking noises =0)


Pics are all up on my facebook so if anyone wants to add me PM me so I can send you the e-mail address to search for cause my name is way too common for you to do a search by name. Not up to trying to go through and post some on here right now.

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How is everyone today?


Joanne-so glad that you did not have to work! Happy Happy Happy!


Marisa-what kind of yarn are you using for your mittens?


Sarah-so glad that the party was a success! :clap I will pm you my last name so that we can get togeth on FB.


LeaAnne-how was your night? did you get any sleep?


Vicki-can you relax today?


All my other friends-how ya doing? where are ya?


I officially started my x-mas gifts. :cheer:clap:cheer I made a set of slippers last night, I had a difficult time. :blushThe yarn is similar to terry cloth and RH plush, I couldn't see where I was supposed to put the stitches. After 5 times of froggin, I changed yarn. It just isn't worth the stress...then the pattern needed more rows...let's just say, I re-wrote the pattern to what I needed. Now I can make another set and whiz thru. I will post pics this evening. We did get the house ready for winter-what a chore! I have to clean out my closet-going to pack up all my flip flops and such but have to run to the store first to buy a tote and a few supplies. Will be back later to see how everyone is doing!

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:hi, friends!


:bday to Keith and Beth's 18 year old DS!!!!!


I survived perhaps the loudest girl party in history!:lol I was wondering what a decibel meter would have read! Thank heavens it's only once a year! They all had a wonderful time, and some nice memories were made for them:c9


LeeAnn - glad that you are all winter ready:clap I can't wait to see your slippers!


Joanne - hooray for no work today!


everyone else... I hope you are having a great Sunday! I need to go relax and watch some football...quietly!:lol



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Sarah - Sounds like Keith had a fun party and the pics are cute. :)


LeeAnn - WTG getting ready for winter. We turned the furnace on for a few minutes this morning, just to make sure it works. It won't be long now. Can't wait to see your slippers I've never found a pattern that I liked, so I'll be interested to see what you did. I was thinking slippers with hot chocolate would be an nice gift too ... or a good book or magazine :yes


LeaAnne - Glad the party was a big hit! I can imagine how loud that many 11 year olds would be :eek I hope the game is more peaceful and quiet. I bet there is one chicken that might be needing a nap today :wink


Marisa - I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Sounds like you had a fun day yesterday.


Joanne - :yay for having today off. I hope you enjoy your Bernat mystery project. You'll have to keep us posted.


Beth - How was your son's party? It was a surprise at the bowling alley, wasn't it?


:hi Vicki, Stacy, Mary, Shannon and anyone I've missed.


It's a gray, cool, fall-like day. I think I might crochet. DD and I were supposed to go to a hike at the nature center with some friends, but my friend cancelled. DD thinks she'd rather stay home. That's okay with me. DH is going golfing and I could handle some couch time. :hook Have a great day everyone!

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Hi all,

Watching football- Giants losing- but it's still early

did my grocery shopping, trek to Trader Joe's, 2 loads of laundry and some cleaning. The rest of the day will be spent relaxing.


Have sausage and peppers cooking and now I'm going to pick up the hook and yarn!



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Well, the Giants lost- actually they played AWFUL in the 2nd half!!! But I see LeaAnne's Patriots won and Marisa's Eagles are doing well also...same goes for Beth's Redskins!


I finished the Shelley Scarf- I got the pattern here and left off the fringe. I made it with Caron SS in Berry Blue.http://www.crochetme.com/media/p/89470.aspx


I finished a square for a friend who is making a comfort'ghan and also finished the 1st of 2 squares for the Bernat Mystery CAL. Feels good to sit and :crocheting



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Good evening ladies :hi


I had a busy day and of course since it's ALOT, I copy and pasted :lol So here it is.....


We woke up this morning and I did get to sleep in until about 9 :eek So then my mom go the stuff ready to color my hair and got started. My dad came in and said something about smelling smoke earlier that morning and didn't see anything and was now seeing smoke outside and was going to check it out. Comes running up the porch telling us to call the fire dept that it was the neighbors house (Mind you he initially smelled some smoke at about 7:30 and it was about 9:30 at this point). I called, and he went back out and saw the 3rd floor window blow out and sure enough there were flames so he and another neighbor were banging on the door because his car was home (he's the only one that lives there). Finally he came out, could barley talk but was also on with 911, as was I...it looked like is mustache had started to burn a bit :eek He wasn't calling his sister like my mom suggested so I got her # from him and I called and left her a message (I used to babysit her kids) so she came down not long after (she got my message after coming back from walking the dogs) He doesn't really talk to her (he's always been super weird) Anyhow, we heard the fire engines coming, pop quick moved all our cars and they wouldn't let us back in our house ( I have half a head of color) so my mom snuck back in our side door to get the color to bring out and finish, which we did. So I'm out there in my pj pants, mom's housecoat, and my head with color in a shower cap.....oh yeah, and a pile of cutie firemen. My mom was starting to freak out a bit because it was soo close, but there was NO damage at our house, not even any smoke damage :whew They took the neighbor to the hosp and were then flying them to Allentown (our town is a really small one).


So one of the men comes over and asks when was the last time he took his trash out? :think How do we know that? He doesn't talk to anybody!!! Anyhoo, they said it was soooo nasty inside and that he had to clean off hit boots when he came out :eek AND that there was about 100 packs of cigarette butts in the attic :think They mentioned that things don't really add up. They had our street blocked off until about 1:00 and 1 fire engine stayed there the whole time and then the police came as well. All the head fire marshall guys and the police were doing an investigation inside because the whole situation didn't make sense.


So now the house has been marked condemned and unsafe for human occupancy. I said to my mom that I hope they tear it down and make him move. They don't need to lose their house because of some idiot!!!! And, they usually aren't home on sunday mornings, but do their running....they were only home because me and mary were there.


Crazy, crazy!!!!!


So me and mary left a little later than expected. Made a pit stop at the apple store in kind of prussia, but didn't find what we were looking for and now am back home :D


I made one of the boy mittens, so one more and both sets are complete :D


OK, that was my eventful day :eek

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Sarah - :yay for Keith's party turning out well.


LeeAnn - WTG on the slippers, can't wait to see a pic ;) for the girl's set, I used caron ss and for the boy set I used naturally caron country, which I liked working with :yes


LeaAnne - Glad you survived the girl party :hug


Colleen - Sorry you didn't get to go on your hike today, but at least you got some 'me' time :yes


Joanne - :drool I love sausage and peppers!!! Gorgeous scarf!!!

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Marisa - Oh dear what a scary and sad story. All things considered, I hope your neighbour is alright and they find him somewhere safe to live. :hug to you and your family. How traumatic that must have been. :hug


Joanne - Beautiful scarf! Sorry about your Giants, but I hope you enjoyed your day off.


I finished my Bucket Bag that I started last winter. :blush But, it's a WIP done! :clap I bought the yarn for this with the Michael's gift card DH gave me for Christmas last year and then the amount of yarn called for only got me half way. Hello typo!!! Anyway, I bought another ball last weekend when it was on sale and I had a coupon. This pic isn't the clearest. It's hard to see because it's gray, but it's got some shell detail halfway up the bag. I plan to use it as a purse-like bag but when I don't need my heavy wallet, etc. I'm happy with it. It's made out of Wool-Ease Thick and Quick.



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Good morning and Welcome to Monday!


Nice bucket bag Colleen :manyheart and WTG finishing another WIP!!!!:clap


Scary story Marisa! :eekThat guy does sound wierd- thank goodness that nothing happened to your folks house! And, BTW, how DID your color come out?:think


Vicki- Congrats on the JETS win last night. DH and I were switching back and forth between the Yankees- and my DH said that he may switch allegiance from the Giants to the JETS since he said they play with more passion. Hope your week goes by smoothly!


Stacy- Have a good week- you must be so busy now with school, 3 kiddos and housework! hang in there- it will be for the best in the long run! And I did think of you yesterday while at Trader Joe's!


Shannon and Mary- Hope you are ok!!!:hug


Sarah- Has Keith unwound from his birthday party? Glad to hear that he loved his present!


Beth- I saw on FB that you had a great day at the state fair and the DS GF won some ribbons for her crafts! How neat is that??? VERY NEAT!!! Congrats to her and glad to hear you had such a nice day! Did DS like his surprise birthday party?


LeeAnn- Have a good day at work today. Watching sports last evening and they showed the end of the Bronco's game and it was over 100 degrees in Denver! What???? :eek And here you are getting ready for winter in your part of the state! :lol


LeaAnne- Hope you have recovered from your loud stay=up -over!!!


Well, I just looked at the clock:eek- gotta run- have a good day all!


Oh, I did finish the 2nd square for the Bernat Mystery CAL!:hook

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I worked a bit on my sister's ghan last night and got 5 rows done and I also did a little of a sqaure for a friend. Other than that, nothing new this morning.


Joanne - My color came out good :D My mom was worried she messed it up, but I told her I was sure she did fine since she had such good lighting to do it :lol Oh, and tell DH that a true fan stays with their team even when they're playing poorly (I should know, I'm a Philly fan :rofl )


I'm glad the JETS won for Vicki :clap but I picked Miami on my football pool and if they would have won by at least 2, I would've gotten 9 out of 10 and won some cash ;) But since I only got 8 out of 10, I didn't win anything :( Oh well, maybe next week :think

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Hi Everyone,


It's been busy, so I'm behind. I read a page or two back, but don't have time to read all the posts I've missed. Here's my update.


The party wasn't a surprise. My dh asked David if he was ready for bowling, so he blew it. David did have a good time, though. There were 10 "kids" (3 of them technically adults) and me, my SIL and my MIL. He had fun. The next morning, we picked up his girlfriend and went to the state fair. She had 13 items entered in sewing, knitting, crocheting, and jewelry making, and won 13 ribbons -- the necklace she made didn't win anything, but one item won a blue ribbon and best in section ribbon. She won 1 3rd, but mostly 1st and 2nd place. And I taught her to crochet, so I'm so proud. It was fun to look through the stalls with a girly-girl while my not-so-girly girl rode rides and played games with my son. And it's cool that my son's girlfriend likes me enough to hang out with me while he's off with his sister.


Sarah, I'm glad Keith's party went well. I'm glad he likes his dog.

Marisa, what a story! Did your hair turn out OK? It sounds like your parents' neighbor might be a hoarder. That's a very hard situation to live in.

Joanne, I'm glad you got a day off, but I'm sure you worked hard to get it. Love the scarf.

Colleen, Love the bag. It's great to have a WIP done!

Mary, LeaAnne, LeaAnn, Stacy, Vicki, Shannon, I hope your day is awesome.


Gotta run. It's a busy one here today.:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning :sun shines!


I hope you all have a marvelous Monday. I've got a meeting at the school today (see, now I'm getting busy :D) and I'm doing laundry, laundry, laundry. Should probably get some groceries too. :think


Beth - Sounds like you had fun at the fair! Congrats to DS's GF on her ribbons.

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Hey friends!


Just have a minute... it's a busy day for me today... catching up from weekend laundry backups, etc, and we have dental and ortho appointments and 2 dance classes after school. Oh, and I am getting my haircut at noon!:clap


Beth Congrats to DS's GF! that is sooooo cool! I need to go see your FB pics... I haven't been there in a while.


Colleen - nice bag! good luck at your school meeting!


Joanne - that is yet another Gorgeous scarf!


Marisa - Yikes! @ your story!!!! I hope everything works out ok!


Vicki, LeeAnn, Mary, Stacy, Sarah, Shannon..... good thoughts are being sent your way!


:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone! I just looked at the clock:eek:eek I gotta jet!

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