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Some good clean fun?!

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Hiya friends!

Late post for me, had to stay for a training. But happy to report that all is well and that I had a Great Day!

Joanne-I am working on granny squares...I should be working on x-mas gifts but I have been in the mood for grannies. What's a gal to do?:devil

Marisa-your weekend trip to the fair sounds like soo much fun! :manyheartDo you buy any of the craft items?

Beth-I can't wait to see your squares! I love the color Claret! A few years back I made a ripple ghan and just adore it! I remember because it took me forever to find the yarn and then they ran out of it here at our small store before I was finished...I had to wait and wait. Of course I should have ordered it from the net...but never thought about it. Silly huh?

Sarah-I hope that Keith's b-day is fantastic! I have worn glasses/contacts since I was 6, my daughter started at the same age. I prefer glasses now that I am older, actually am wearing them all the time now, I wore contacts for almost 20 years. Had to give my eyes a break. Great buy on the hooks? I love Boye hooks too!

going to relax as the kiddos finished homework before I got home! what a treat! hugs n squishes!!!

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:waving, girls!


sorry to have been MIA today... I needed to finish the lapghan. Last night i fell asleep:blush


I will be back tomorrow to catch up with you all... meanwhile, please accept lots of :hug:hug:hug and good thoughts, and of course a :photo


...sorry the colors aren't showing up true...it's too dark in here. It is Simply Soft Pink and White, and is lap-sized at 34 x 42.


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:waving, girls!


sorry to have been MIA today... I needed to finish the lapghan. Last night i fell asleep:blush


I will be back tomorrow to catch up with you all... meanwhile, please accept lots of :hug:hug:hug and good thoughts, and of course a :photo


...sorry the colors aren't showing up true...it's too dark in here. It is Simply Soft Pink and White, and is lap-sized at 34 x 42.


Very pretty LeaAnne :manyheart

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Joanne- love your round ripple and scarf.


Marisa - hope the alternate route works or they've finished working.


Vicki - thanks for bowling scores, sounds like you had fun =0) Hope things calm down for you.


Beth - sounds like you've got as busy a weekend coming up as I do. Hope your DS has a wonderful b-day, fingers crossed his girlfriend wins some ribbons...


LeeAnn - glad you had a good day.


LeaAnne - your lapghan is very pretty.


Anyone I missed hope things are going well.

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Quick good morning and Happy Thursday to all!


LeaAnne- love the comfortghan!!!


Hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll check in again after work! Not much new to report since posting last night!!! (other than I worked some more on a scarf, started a square for a friend and then fell asleep:lol)


Cya later!:hug

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Good Morning friends!



LeaAnne-I must say....Gooooood Wooooork! Your lapghan is fantastic! Great job getting it done so soon! How are all your chickens?


Joanne-have a great day!


Marisa-hope your day goes fast and smooth!


Beth-hugs right back atcha!


Sarah-what's on the agenda for today?


gotta run...have a wonderful day everyone! Hugs n squishes!

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:coffee Good morning, friends!


I just got back from dropping off the 'ghan. that mom was so surprised! she will bring it to her friend later today when she goes to visit her.


I also heard from my friend... there are no openings at her work, so the job thang is still a no-go. I just wasnt' meant to be there, that's all. I will keep looking, and the right thing will present itself. I will remain optimistic about it all.


Today I need to go grocery shopping, and do a couple of loads of laundry. I do not want to fall behind again on that! Also on my agenda are the 1st squares of the mystery CAL, and to get back to my Ashlar sweater.


Joanne - I adore that scarf pattern! It's really tempting to try out, but I gotta get a couple of things done first. Here's hoping that your day at work is wonderful and productive!


Sarah - good luck with Keith's appt's and birthday party preparations! Nice deals on those hooks! :tup


Marisa - so glad to read that you are starting to feel better:hug sorry for playing Hide and Seek yesterday!:lol


Beth - Your trip to the fair sounds like so much fun! Did you remember your camera batteries while at the store yesterday?:devil ...btw, you totally tricked me with your post this morning! I thought you were bright eyed and bushy tailed!:lol


LeeAnn - grannies are a nice change of pace.:yes Are they for a ghan? what colors are you using? i hope you have a wonderful day, friend!


Vicki - WTG on your bowling scores the other night! It is so very nice to see your green posts again! We missed you! don't forget to :crocheting every day to bust that stress! I hope things start to go a lot more smoothly soon!


Speaking of missing you.... Mary and Shannon... :yes We really do!!!


Colleen - thinking of you and hoping that you and your :princess (and DH) are having the most Magical Day!:c9


Stacy - how are you all doing? what colors will you use for the Ashlar for your mom?


I gotta run along for now, but before I go... here are a bunch of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug take some and share 'em around!:U

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Good morning everyone :coffee


I'm enjoying my coffee and bfast :D


Sarah - I went a different way home yesterday, but it looked like they finished the paving :clap


Joanne - Another day in paradise....Oooo you could make a song out of that :lol


Beth - You surely had me fooled!!!!! :hug


LeeAnn - Hope your day goes well and ends with some 'me' time ;)

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Hi everyone- Very busy day in "paradise" today- I didn't get home till about 5:45- and was at work at 7AM- so I'm beat!! And still have 2 more days to go. Fingers/toes still crossed that we don't have to work Sunday too!!!!


LeaAnne- You are right about the job- the right one will come along that is meant to be.


Marisa and LeeAnn- hope you both had a nice relaxing day at work today.


Colleen, Beth, Mary, Shannon, Stacy, Vicki, Sarah- Hugs to you all!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I got a lovely letter from my middle DD today and in it she said "You are too blessed to be stressed".. I'm going to remember that-:manyheart


Hope you all have a great evening- I plan to work some more on my scarf and square for a friend and DE-STRESS!!!:crocheting

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Evening all!


Joanne-I so agree with your dd, stress is no fun! On a happier note, are your grannies for something in particular?


LeaAnne-so sorry that the job did not work out, something will come along, I am absolutely sure! The yarn I am using is RH Soft Yellow, Light blue, Deft Blue and French Country. I am making the squares and then crocheting a little flower using the French Country in the middle. I am thinking of connecting them in Soft white, not sure why I am making this ghan, it's a just because. :lol

Marisa-glad they are finishing construction your way! Can you send them over here?

Beth-18 was such a learning age, how fun tho!

Shannon, Sarah, Stacy, Vicki and Mary-hoping that you all had a great day!

Today was the same ol' same ol' I sound like a broken record. Nothing exciting to report here. We are going to get ready for winter this weekend...that's just dreadful! The weather has taken a turn, it is chilly during the day and oh so cold at night...any way we can prolong winter? :-)))

back to cooking...we are actually waiting for dh to get home so that we can eat. BBL!

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Evening all!


Joanne-I so agree with your dd, stress is no fun! On a happier note, are your grannies for something in particular?


LeaAnne-so sorry that the job did not work out, something will come along, I am absolutely sure! The yarn I am using is RH Soft Yellow, Light blue, Deft Blue and French Country. I am making the squares and then crocheting a little flower using the French Country in the middle. I am thinking of connecting them in Soft white, not sure why I am making this ghan, it's a just because. :lol


Those are the best kind- a just because- you like to crochet!:manyheart


I'm not making granny squares- one of the ladies on another CAL who I have met up with is making a comfortghan for a friend who just underwent surgery for cancer. The squares are from Happy Yellow House- but don't you worry, I'll be going back to grannies soon! But I also have the Bernat Mystery CAL and those will be different squares. And I'm making scarves for gifts. So little :crocheting time- so I'd better get off of here and get hooking!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I see that now schools back it gets busier in here during the morning and not soo much later :think


LeaAnne - Hope you had a wonderful day :hug


Joanne - So nice getting that letter from your DD, and just in the middle of your long stretch at work....good timing on her part (even if it happened by coincidence ;) )


LeeAnn - What's for dinner tonight? I think I can smell it, but I want to see if I'm right ;):lol

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Hello hello and howdy!

Marisa-had to giggle at your post! :D I made pork chops, noodles with alfredo sauce, buttered toast, and fresh sliced pears with caramel sauce and coffee to drink...yummmy! I tell ya, the way to dh's heart is thru his stomach! best part, I was able to crochet! Yippeee skippy! You are right, once school starts, it is super busy! I think we have finally gotten into the swing of things, but it was tough. :lol

I have 18 grannies so far, I think this weekend I will get to the flowers and start connecting. I still have to figure out how many squares I will need.

to shower with myself!!!! Have a great night and sweet dreams!

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning and Happy Friday to all!!!! To all of you are actually going to HAVE a weekend- enjoy your TGIF!!! I can't get all excited about Friday this week, since I still have to work Saturday- please keep fingers/toes crossed that I get Sunday off!!!!:xfin


Another busy day on tap in Paradise so I'd better get hopping!


I finished a square last night and am almost done with the Shelley scarf. Hoping my yarn for the Bernat Mystery CAL comes today!!:yes


Have a good one all!:hug

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Good morning ladies :coffee




LeeAnn - I was right!!!! That was exactly what I smelled :yes yep, that's my story and I'm sticking to it ;) Sounds yummy :drool


Joanne - I will keep my :xfin that your yarn arrives today AND that you get sunday off :yes WTG with the sqaure and your scarf :D

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:hi! :woo It's Friiiiiiiday! :jumpyay



today is cleaning, laundry, haircut (WAY past due:blush), and I am having an eye exam. I am :xfin that i squeeze in some :crocheting time, but it's not likely. The car is going in the shop, so I will be on foot! ...at least I will be sure to get my walking in today:lol


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone... Have a wonderful, awesome, splendiferous, successful and peaceful day, friends!

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Quiet here today for sure!


Quick stop in to wish you all a good night and good weekend! I'm really beat from work- and am going to just chill tonight- and relax since I have another long day at work tomorrow.


i'll post again when I have more energy- but for now take some these--:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi besties! I am SOOOO tired! I was watching the Yankees losing to the Red Sox and I was falling asleep in my magic chair. Yes, the chair's magic powers were at it again and all before 7! I had to get up thought. DD was going to movie night at TKD! And I have a TON of paper work that I have to get completed this weekend! Way too many annuals this week. 6 of them in the next five days including the first on Monday morning bright and early at 7 a.m.!!!! YIKES!!!!!

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great day today. I need to go back and read what everyone has been up to. I haven't even had time for that lately! I miss all my besties so much and I need to catch up with you all. I will talk to you all soon. Have a great night all!

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:hi Chatty Besties! I'm home! :clap


My gosh we are a chatty group. I don't think I read every word but tried to catch up best I could. Loved the pics!!!


Marisa - Love the scarf and hat! Soup sounded good too. :drool:hug


LeeAnn - Your baby hats and the square looked great! Good job making 8 hats! Glad you are getting into the swing of things. :hug


LeaAnne - That lapghan turned out beautifully! Too bad the job fell through, but that is just what you need to do. Put the word out there. :hug


Joanne - I hope you have a good day at work. Are you in the middle of a 12 day work week? Have fun with your new yarn! What colours did you get? It's Bernat Softee Chunky right? I love that yarn :manyheart:hug


Beth - How are you feeling? I saw your home town on the satelite map as we flew nearby and waved. Did you see me? :lol:hug How is Amanda's dance going? Happy birthday to your oldest invention! 18...he's all grown up. Sounds like he's picked a nice girl!!! :clap


Vicki - :hug:hug:hug I hope you get lots of crochet therapy in and take care of yourself. :hug


Stacy - I hope you get into the swing of things too. How is Eva feeling? My gosh it's been going around with your girls lately. What colours are you going to use for your mom's cardi? Is it still cooler out there? :hug


Sarah - I hope you get Keith's vision test sorted out. That reminds me to make an appointment for DD's annual vision test. I don't have any concerns, but they are entitled to one here every year until they turn 18 so I'm going to do it! :hug


Mary - How are you? Haven't seen many red posts. :think Are you feeling better? Are your hooks flying? :hug


Shannon - :hug Sure do miss your posts. :hug


OK, enough about all of you! :rofl I'm just kidding. We had a FANTASTIC trip! We had smooth traveling, perfect weather (maybe a bit too hot...but no rain:tup), and we had so much fun and relaxation! :c9 It was just perfect! DD had a great time. And yes, LeaAnne, we met Tink! :yay Had so much fun!!! I love that place and wish we could go back every year.


So, I hope everyone's weekend is off to a good start. I've got laundry to do and will have to adjust to having to cook again. It is so nice to not have to cook. :c9:hug:hug to everyone!

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Gooooooood Evening Friends!

I'm home! Colleen's home! :cheer:clap we missed you round here! Please give juicy details!

Joanne-will be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping that you day flies by with ease and that you have fun too! Glad that your yarn came in. :D

LeaAnne-did ya get everything done on foot? How are your chickens?

Marisa-have a fabulous weekend at your parents house!

Beth-hope your ds b-day party is fantastic!

Vicki-hope you get some time in this weekend to breathe.:hug

Stacy, Shannon, Mary and Sarah-hugs and warmest wishes!

We had such a wonderful evening. We went out to dinner at a favorite Mexican Resteraunt then grocery shopping. It was nice to relax and shop with the family. Dd was spoiled and bought a new pair of leggins and boots and hair accesories. Ds was spoiled last weekend and recvd a new game for his X-box. going to sit and relax, dd wants to get on the computer, but wanted to check in with all of you!

hugs n squishes! Talk to you all in the a.m.

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