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:whew! all of my chickens are off to school!


I need to spend today :crocheting! My charity project already has a home, as there is a woman having surgery today.... I saw the mom I know yesterday, and she told me about it. She is friends with the woman.

I want to finish by tomorrow night! :xfin:xfin...


I might not be back to post until I finish... i need every moment I can steal!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you all!

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Morning, all!


Just a quick fly-by to wish everyone a happy Monday! Eva came home from MIL's yesterday with a nasty cough and raspy breathing, so dh is home with her today so I don't miss yet another class.


Beth and Marisa, glad to hear you're feeling better! :hug


LeaAnne, good luck getting your charity blanket done! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Shannon, Vicki, Colleen, Mary, Leeann, Joanne, Sarah- lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug!!! Have a great day!



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I'm home!

Busy day and at our meeting today, it looks like we might have to work sunday:(


Oh, well, there's still lots of time during the week, so hopefully that changes!! Gotta think positive.


Sorry to hear about Eva- but nice that D H stayed home so you could get to class Stacy!!


LeaAnne- :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer you can finish the ghan! You can, You can!!


Beth- I can't wait to see when you have the ghan all finished- your ghans are so pretty!!! Still haven't tried the sunflower pattern again, but after this week of intense work, I might be able to wrap my mind around it again!


LeeAnn and Marisa- Hope your day in paradise went well.


Mary- How are you doing up in God's Country?


Shannon- How are you doing? Tonight is the Saints game!!!


To everyone- have a good evening. Off to eat dinner then watch the Yankees- this is a crucial series for them against the Rays! DVR is all programmed for the week for all the shows I want to see- and usually I'd catch up on the weekend- but since I'm working, who knows when I'll watch them--but at least they will be there!:lol

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:hi all!


Joanne, it's too bad that might have to work on Sunday. :xfin that everything will get finished so you don't have to. :hug:hug I know so many people who rely on their DVR's during the week. We record shows then forget to watch them. :lol Then it gets full, and we're like, how did that happen? Well, duh! :loser LoL


Leeann, your hooks are smoking!! Good idea to take a small break to rest your hands. :yes Be sure to take lots of pictures of that playhouse! Have you been taking "progress" photos? My kids would absolutely love a playhouse! I just hope we will own a house before they are too old to enjoy it.


I keep procrastinating on this article report I need to do for my health class. :( It only has to be 3 paragraphs long, but the words just aren't flowing, ya know? I even sent the girls to bed early so I would have some quiet time to work on it, but...:shrug Someone needs to light a :fire under my badorkus!


Okie dokie, I am off. Good night, dear friends! :ghug

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Good morning,


My camera is not working (needs batteries) so i can't post pics, but I've done the sunflower with Caron pounder in Claret as the border, and it's very striking. I finished 4 squares yesterday, so I'm half done.


Joanne, I hope you have a good, productive day, so you can have your Sunday off.


LeaAnn, I hope your wrists are feeling better.


LeaAnne, I hope your chickens are enjoying school, and Petey is enjoying soccer.


Mary, I hope you are well, and things are good in God's Country.


Stacy, I hope your little one is feeling better, and school is going well for everybody.


Colleen, I hope you are adjusting to being a homebody. I wish I could be home more, and I only work part time.


Vicki, I hope the stress level is decreasing at your school. Are you still being asked to magically fix problems? How is dd liking school?


Shannon, I hope you and your family are doing well. How is your sister enjoying college?


Sarah, you have posted some very nice projects. What's on your hook these days?


Marisa, How is your back? How is your cold? I hope you are feeling great today.


The son has risen. (Haha, pun!) I'll talk to you later.

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Good morning!


Love your pun, Beth- the "son" has risen!! Good one and it put a smile on my face--Thank you for that!!!!:D


Stacy- I know- I'm going to have a DVR full of shows and no time to watch them. But the Yankee game last night was a good one- and they had a tribute to George Steinbrenner with unveiling of a monument in Monument Park- Joe Torre and Don Mattingly were there- which I thought was very touching- they flew cross country for it only to have to turn around and fly back to Cali- for the Dodger game tonight!


LeaAnne, LeAnn, Shannon, Colleen, Sarah, Shannon, Mary, Marisa, Vicki, John Boy and anyone else- :hug


Have a great day and cya later!


Off for another day in paradise!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Sorry I didn't get back in last night, was watching the game with company so didn't want to sit on the computer the whole time. Maybe next time I'll pull out my old laptop to have over on the couch :lol Anyhoo, had a 'catch up' day at work. On monday's I always go though every patients travel cards to see that everyone is doing and getting what is needed, which took me extra long yesterday for some reason :( It makes me feel like I didn't do anything when that happens :think


LeaAnne - I can't wait to see your charity project!


LeeAnn - Hope you had a good day at work yesterday and were able to relax a bit last night.


Stacy - Sorry to hear that Eva is sick :( Did you pick the article that you're using for your health report? What are you doing it on?


Joanne - Have a good day at work today. I can usually catch up a little on the weekend with the dvr, but that's only if I stay here for the weekend :lol Don't forget that if you tape on the regular channels instead of HD channels, you can fit alot more on the dvr ;)


Beth - Can't wait to see a pic of your sunflower ghan. I have to get back to mine :blush Just trying to get these mittens done now. Last night, I worked on my spiral ghan while watching the game. My back and cold are both doing better thanks :D I'm still congested, but seems to be breaking up a little more each day and my back still bothers me in the same spot, but definitely less so it's getting better.

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Hello again! Sorry I did not make it on last night, was relaxing with the kiddos. They finished homework early, so we sat and watched DWTS. I hope this season is better than last. Work went well, same ol' but it's a good thing. :-0)))


Gotta run will chat with you all tonight! Have a great Tuesday!


hugs and squishes!!!

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:waving, friends!


I hope everyone has a wonderful and Magical Day!


I have some tidying up to do, then finish my project! I saw my friend this morning, and she said after 13 hours of surgery, the "to be survivor" is doing ok and is in recovery.


Marisa - you sure have lots of projects going! I like your style, girl! :wink


Stacy - :fire ... I hope you got through that article.


Joanne - I am hoping you get enough done to not have to work on FootballDay...err... I mean Sunday!


LeeAnn - take care of your wrists. :clapfor snuggly with chickens nights!


Beth - :drool I bet the Claret is Gorgeous! I can't wait to see!!! :hyper


Mary, Shannon, Sarah, Colleen, Vickster... I hope everyone is well, and happy.


:hug:hug:hug:hug to all....

I gotta jet!:lol

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Good morning, glories! :sun


It is cool and overcast here! :clap:clap:clap When I stopped to buy dog food this morning, the clerk asked, "Don't you just love this weather?" And I said, "I sure do!" :lol It's supposed to be back up to the 90's by Saturday, so I will enjoy it while it lasts.


It occurred to me this morning while driving that my mom would absolutely love one of those sweaters that LeaAnne posted the link for, so I will make one for her. Can't decide to give it for her birthday or Christmas, but she is hoping to be here for her birthday and I'd love to see her face when she opens it. :yes


LeaAnne, hope you get that project finished! 13 hours of surgery- wowza! :eek So glad to hear the woman is okay, though. :hug:hug


Beth, your sunflower 'ghan sounds purty. :manyheart You love that Claret, don't you? :lol Can't wait to see some pics of it!


Marisa, sorry you felt like you had an uneventful day. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I can't wait to see pics of that spiral 'ghan, too! :drool


Leeann, hugs and squishes right back to you! :hug:hug


Well I better run and get everything packed up for class. Have a great day!!



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hi, friends!


i needed a little break... so here i am!:lol


all i have left is the border, which I will do tonight. I will wash it in the morning, and send it on it's merry way when the elementary dismisses early tomorrow at 12:30. It's not going to be very big:blush, but there's lots of :manyheart in it. I ran out of pink, so it is what it is.


love, hugs and squishes to all...


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Oh, my besties!!!!! I have missed coming to see all my BESTIES!!!!!!

As you have probably figured out the year has not slowed down enough YET! I hit the wall yesterday and was ready to have a nervous breakdown. It was seven in the morning and I was ready to cry when I realized that I had missed a meeting on a student for his annual review and had another meeting on a different student for her annual and I haven't even begun her paper work yet. I have 6 annual reviews in the next week. I am dying! I told my principal that today. He looked at me and told me I was fine. I said, yeah, if I don't fall down from the vertigo first!


I went home yesterday and after dinner was done and I could sit for a minute and breathe I picked up a crochet hook and I crocheted. I started a baby sweater for a friend at work who is having a baby girl. I went yarn shopping over the weekend for her, so that was what I did. It was just what I needed!! I felt much better after 2 hours of that! I need to continue with it. It helps me to relax and I need that, especially this year. This year is going to be SOOOOO stressful.

How is everyone else doing? I am sort of keeping up with everyone on facebook, but I miss seeing all the creations here. I love to see what you are all making! It inspires me! I hope everyones back to school has been good so far and there have been no major problems and that all is well otherwise. I have missed all the chats and all the good stuff! I need to go back and see what I have missed. It will take me forver!

Bowling night tonight! Yes, the new season has started! I didn't go last week because I didn't feel well. I am ok today so I should go. Hopefully I can bowl well. We'll see!

I need to go so I can get home and do dinner. Have a great night all and I will talk to you all later!

TTFN besties!!

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:lolHello hello!

Vicki-can I just send lots of :hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug and good thoughts your way! I am glad that crochet therapy worked! Works for me all the time. :D

Joanne-how ya doing? missed your morning post, hope that all is well.

Marisa-your hooks are smoking! You are on the ball girl! I need to get with it too. Maybe tonight I can work on the slippers-I was having a difficult time seeing exactly where the stitches belong, but I think I will get it.

Stacy-did ya get your paper done? Sometimes it is hard to get homework done, I had to make myself my last semester, I was burnt out on the whole process. Hang in there! Have you decided on a color for the sweater?

LeaAnne-You go!!!!:cheer:clap:cheer You are amazing! I can't believe you finished so soon! WTG! Do we get pics?????:devil

Beth-how are things going in your neck of the woods?

Mary-where are ya??? we miss you!

Today was uneventful, but still good. I actually like those days...the day runs smoothly and stress free-my kind of life!

guess I should get myself in the kitchen and prepare dinner...anyone have a spare fairy that can "cook and clean" for me???:devil:devil

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Hi all,

LeeAnn- I posted this morning at 5:41 AM!:lol you must not have had enough coffee!!!:lol:lol Glad you had an uneventful day- those are the BEST kind!


LeaAnne- Good news about "the survivor". I'm sure the comfortghan will mean a lot to her. Don't forget to take a pic before sending it on its merry way! WTG on getting it done!!! So far, we are a little behind on what we have to get done at work- so I'm hoping Football Sunday will not be spent at work!


Stacy- It has been beautiful weather here- no complaints at all- it is supposed to get more humid as the week goes on though! And tomorrow is the first day of Fall!!!! I love that sweater too that Marisa made- When is your Mom's birthday? Nice that she will be coming to visit- and it would be really neat if she could open it with you there!


Marisa- Hope your day went well!


Beth- I'll bet that sunflower square looks awesome bordered in Claret- I love that color!!


Vicki- Good to see your Green post!! And YES, :crocheting is THE BEST stress reliever- it has really helped me to de-stress from work! Glad it helped and hope you have fun tonight at bowling!!


Sarah, Shannon, Mary, Colleen- :hug to you!,

I finished my RR and a scarf- so here they are! Have a great evening!



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Good evening ladies :hi


Just got home a little while ago. It took longer than usual because they're paving the main road past my complex and I had to go all the way up and around to get into the neighborhood from the back roads :(


LeeAnn - You'll get the slippers. I was having that problem with the thumb of my first mitten and I put it down. I picked it up this morning and understood it right away :lol Sometimes you just need to give your eyes a break :yes


LeaAnne - I do have lots of projects :yes I don't know if I'll get to them all for xmas, but we'll see :think Did you finish your border yet?


Stacy - Don't get me wrong now, uneventful is a GOOD think :D


Vicki - I find that crocheting helps me too :D As long as it's not a tough pattern :lol Good luck bowling tonight, that will be a good stress reliever too.


Joanne - Once again, the scarf and RR are great. You really did a wonderful job :yay:clap

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Joanne-Amazing! Wonderful rr and scarf! you are getting lots of projects done! Good work! I am sorry, I did read your post, I do need more coffee!


Marisa-construction of any type can be difficult. They have been working on the highway that I take for almost a month now..what a pain! I was leaving the house extra early to ensure that I would miss it, but they have been starting by 6:30 :-((


back to crocheting! night all!

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Not on much right now. Getting ready for Keith's b-day party that we are celebrating on Saturday (his b-day is Sunday). Plus Doug's Grandpa got the all clear, he is cancer free. So today he had the pacemaker he needed put in and from last we'd heard he'd come through just fine and should be home in a day or so.


Today (since it's after midnight) we take Keith to the doc for his 4 year check-up but he won't get his shots til next week as they won't give them to him until after his b-day for some reason. Taking him early cause he's been having trouble seeing/reading things that he could before (having him know his letters and numbers as well as he does makes it easy for us to test him) so it looks like he might be near-sighted but we need to know before Friday so Doug can get the optical insurance. We hadn't gotten it before since it's only him on the insurance so it wasn't worth it, but if Keith needs glasses it would be worth it. I can't be put on the insurance since we're not married (otherwise we'd already have the optical insurance since Doug and I both wear glasses)


Hope everyone is doing well and I'll try and get caught up next week when things let up here...

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Good morning!

Sarah- Good to have Keith's eyes checked out. My oldest DD got glasses when she was 4! I'll never forget her first pair- they had little strawberries on the side- and were called Strawberry Shortcake glasses! That's great news about Doug's Grandpa!!!! Have fun planning the birthday party for Keith!


LeeAnn- Happy Hump Day! Hope that today is another uneventful one for you! What's on the hook now?


Marisa- I hate construction too- especially when there is no warning- they've been working on the main road I use to get home too- but at least they are working on it at night- and there hasn't been any real disruption during commuting hours! Fingers crossed it stays that way!


Vicki- Hope you got to take out lots of stress on the bowling pins last night!


I worked some more on a scarf last night and now it's time I'd better start getting ready- just looked at the clock-:eek running a tad behind so that's it for me posting now!


Have a great day EVERYONE-:hug

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Good morning ladies :coffee


The first clue for the bernat mystery cal is up (I was surprised to see it at 12:01 :lol I was still up so just had to check it out to see.


Sarah - Good news about Doug's Grandpa :hug Yes, get Keith's eyes checked. I didn't get my glasses until 6th grade, but my sis had hers before age 1 and my bro was about 4 yo. Now my oldest nephew got glasses last year at age 5 and my mom's upset because they told him he might grow out of them so now he anticipates that :( Unfortunately he comes from a long line of bad eyes, so he's really just not gonna grow out of them :no


Joanne - I'll take a completely different route home tonight :yes It's just a couple minutes longer but totally worth it if they're working again. I don't know what time they started, but they were not there when I left in the morning (just before 11) and I got off at 7 yesterday and they had already been there a while, and I heard them into the night. Thankfully the noise did not keep me up


I hope everyone has a great day :hug :hug :hug


Catch y'all later

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Hi gang! I came to report the bowling scores!! They were good ones too! I had a 169, a 151, and a 158!!! I took 2 out of 4 points and the team took 16 out of 28! Not a bad night!

Sarah - My DD started wearing her glasses for nearsightedness in kindergarten. She looks so cute in them! Good luck getting them!

Joanne - Your RR and scarf are so pretty! Love seeing what you do!

Marisa - How are you feeling? The last time I was here you weren't feeling well.

Beth - How are the inventions treating you?

LeaAnne - How is school going for your chickens?

LeeAnn - how are things by you?

Stacy - How is school going for you and the girls?

Mary - Are you getting ready fo ryour next craft fair?

Hope everyone has a great day! I must run and get ready for the day. We have a different schedule today for fundraiser kickoff!


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Hello Everyone.


Wow. I must have been tired. I was back in bed before my dh left for work (after packing his lunch and fixing his breakfast) and didn't hear my oldest ds come into my room to get the van key to go to work half an hour later. The neighbor's cat got my cats all riled up at 6:30, and that woke me up, but I went back to sleep after I fed the neighbor's cat so he'd leave us alone. It's extortion, I tell ya!


Any way, I finished another sunflower with claret border. I still don't have batteries for my camera, so you'll have to take my word for it that it's beautiful. :wink I need to go to a store today, so hopefully I'll remember.


This weekend is my ds's 18th birthday party on Saturday. On Sunday, my dd and I are going with him and his girlfriend :manyheart to the state fair, where she has several items entered for ribbons -- sewing projects, knitting projects, and a crocheted beret. I love that girl!!!


Joanne, Happy Hump day. Are you going to get Sunday off? :xfin

Mary, I miss hearing from you. I hope you are doing OK. :hug

Colleen, I am thinking of you and your family. I'm eagerly waiting to hear from you. :hyper

LeaAnne, I hope your chickens are enjoying school. I'm so impressed with you getting that afghan done so quickly. I hope your future survivor friend heals well from the procedure.:hug

LeaAnn, I hope work is not stressful, the way you like it. :D

Marisa, I hope the road construction is not too bad. I hate detours! Is your back doing OK?

Sarah, I'm looking forward to hearing about your little man's birthday party. It's good that you can find out if he needs glasses in time to get the insurance switched over. :yay

Shannon, thinking of your and your family. :hug

Stacy, how is school treating you? Are the girls doing well with their classes? :cheer how was your paper?

Vicki, Congrats on the great bowling scores. :cheer It sounds like this year is very stressful for you. I'm sorry you have to go through that. I hope things do calm down soon.


I guess I'll go get the shopping done...


Have a great day! :manyheart:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Very quiet here!

Beth- Sounds like a great weekend planned between the party and the county fair!! Have fun!!:manyheart


Vicki- WTG on the bowling scores!!! :clap:clapYou must have really let a lot of stress out on the pins!! Good for you!!!:yes


Marisa- Hope that you don't get home too late- did you start the Bernat CAL square? My yarn didn't, so I have to patiently wait. But that's ok, I'll work on my scarf and hopefully get that done- Even with working Saturday (and still praying for Sunday off) I should be able to get 2 squares done for the CAL since they are EASY PEASY!


Stacy- hope you had a good day at school today and that the girls are doing well.


Mary- Missing you- how are you feeling?


LeeAnn- Hope you had a wonderful Hump Day!!


LeaAnne any word on the possible job? Do we get to see pics of your comforth'ghan that you made?:devil


Shannon- Missing you too around here


Sarah- Hope you are having fun planning Keith's party!


Colleen- Hope you are having a good day too!


WEll, off to work on my scarf so that when my Bernat Chunky yarn comes I can start the Bernat CAL!


Have a good night everyone!:hug

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Good evening ladies :hi I had a long and busy day at work and y'all just wanna play hide n seek in here. I can't believe there were only 3 posts to read since I left for work this morning :eek Come out come out wherever you are!!!!.......


Vicki - Great job with your bowling :clap You sound like your having a good day today and are very upbeat :D I'm definitely feeling much better, just have some congestion lingering around.


Beth - The state fair will be soo much fun. I'm going up my parents again this weekend and we're going to the bloomsburg fair, which is huge. I like going there every year because they have soo much going on. Between all the food and crafts...it's :c9 My back is doing much better, not 100% yet, but getting there. Right now I'm noticing mostly with coughing or sneezing and then just a random twinge here and there.


Joanne - I started the first square at lunch today. It's going to run 8 1/2 inches for me so I won't worry about that extra 1/2 inch :think Although that's with a k hook, one size bigger than called for. If I go with the J it'll be too small, but since it's easy peasy maybe I'll start one with the j just to see :think Have fun working on the scarf for tonight :yes


OK, still gotta get settled in so off I go..........

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Just a quick post for right now. Will post responses to everyone later tonight.


The test they do at his Doctor's office is inconclusive as at his age he doesn't quite get what they're asking of him on the test but after talking with us his doctor agrees he needs to be see by an eye doctor who'll be better able to check his eyes. He gets his shots on Monday. Doug will take him in cause he took the day off to spend with Keith.


Doug met us at the Doc office so after the appt. I took off to go see what they had in the store Tuesday Morning. It's right by his doc office but I rarely go to that part of town. Got some crochet hooks: Balene II by Boye, they're plastic sizes J, K, L, N and P. I didn't have a L, N or P so at $1.49 for all 5 I grabbed them. Then I got a set of 6 steel hooks (Boye also, I prefer Boye hooks) sizes 3.25mm (0), 2.75mm (1), 1.65mm (7), 1.5mm (8), 1.4mm (9), 1.3mm (10) also for $1.49. They had a bunch of yarn but it was all wool so no yarn today as I don't like wool.


Was going to buy a skein at Hobby Lobby of Lion Brand Jiffy as I'm getting yarn together to make a shawl but found a metal Thomas the Train lunchbox style box there so got that for Keith instead. I only had one 40% off coupon so used it on Keith instead. He's been wanting one of the metal boxes that was regular sized for awhile but all they had before was girly ones or John Deere.


Ok I'm off to go change clothes and start laundry and dishes...

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