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LeeAnn- Oh, how nice of your DD to make you breakfast in bed ! :c9What a sweetie!!!!! Glad your home visit went well too!


LeaAnne- Good luck to Pete at this soccer game!::cheer. All my cleaning is done too- and I did wash towels which are in the dryer so all that is left is to fold them when they are done.


Vicki- Sorry to hear that you are having the headaches and vertigo- Stress will kill you- and seems like you have alot of stress with all the administrative stuff you have to do this year. I worry about you! The best thing I ever did to relieve some of my stress from my job was to crochet!!! Studies have shown knitting (and crochet ) do relieve stress~ Hang in there and take a deep breath!! And pick up the hook every now and then!:hug:hug:hug


Marisa- Did you get out to get your book and your soup?


The pedicure was relaxing as always- I just love them!!! Especially the massage chair!:manyheart . I also got my Son-in-law his birthday present- we are all going out to breakfast tomorrow to celebrate (B-day is actually Monday) Errands done, cleaning done, so that means it is :crocheting time~~


Hope ALL of you are having a good Saturday!

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Joanne - sure did get my book and soup :D Just got back and was going to get soup at Panera but I stopped at the market right there to get stuff for beef vegetable soup/stew for tomorrow in the crockpot and they had some soup already made so I got a small container of Italian Wedding and a small container of Chicken Noodle :drool Just finished the first and will wait til a bit later for the other or I won't enjoy it as much :lol


Have fun at bfast and think of me :manyheart

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Joanne - sure did get my book and soup :D Just got back and was going to get soup at Panera but I stopped at the market right there to get stuff for beef vegetable soup/stew for tomorrow in the crockpot and they had some soup already made so I got a small container of Italian Wedding and a small container of Chicken Noodle :drool Just finished the first and will wait til a bit later for the other or I won't enjoy it as much :lol


Have fun at bfast and think of me :manyheart

I love Italian Wedding Soup!!! I have to watch how much soup I eat cause of the high sodium content- but I've found that Healthy Choice soups are pretty good. I do treat myself every now and then to "real" soup!!!


I will think of you at breakfast tomorrow- another person who LOVES going out to breakfast! :manyheart

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I love Italian Wedding Soup!!! I have to watch how much soup I eat cause of the high sodium content- but I've found that Healthy Choice soups are pretty good. I do treat myself every now and then to "real" soup!!!


I will think of you at breakfast tomorrow- another person who LOVES going out to breakfast! :manyheart


I don't really eat the canned soups (you're right, there's alot of sodium althrough I have low BP, so don't need to worry about that yet) ...I'll pick it up already made like I've been the past couple days. But usually I have a stash of mom's homemade beef barley in the freezer :lol However, I just finished it off last week....and I wasn't even sick when I had it :eek She said she has some in her freezer so I'll steal it next weekend when I go home again :devil

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I've been having fun trying to get pics of the birds that come to our feeder that's outside Keith's window... here's some of them





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:waving, Kids! :lol


Joanne - have fun at breakfast tomorrow!


Marisa - those soups sound yummy!


Sarah - thanks for sharing your bird pics!


LeeAnn - WTg on the hats!


:hi to Everyone else!


Off to get back to my :chook... I am on square 3 for the day...

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Hiya friends!


Been working hard:manyheart-so far have 5 baby hats done.:cheer:clap they are pretty easy to make and seem to work up quickly.


Marisa-glad to hear that you are feeling a teeny tiny bit better-soup sounds delicious, I have never made homemade soup, isnt' that crazy? Guess I will have to put that on my to do list. Have a great b-fast tomorrow!


Joanne-did you get hook time in? how's the rr coming along?


LeaAnne-good work on your squares, the pink one's right? how cool!


Sarah-love the bird pics! how cool, does your ds like to watch them?


Vicki-I agree with Joanne-stress is not good for your health. I try to de-stress as much as possible. :hug I hope that it gets better for ya.


off to work on more hats! Have a good night friends!

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Good morning!!

Lots of birthdays in my family today! My one niece turns 21 (she has been counting down like mad on FB- LOL) and another niece turns 14. My Son-in-laws birthday is tomorrow.


Can't wait to go out to breakfast this morning to celebrate SIL's Birthday! And can't wait to see if he likes the Rutgers sweatshirt and tee (plus I got a birthday lottery ticket)


Love the bird pics, Sarah- Keith must have fun watching them!


Marisa- Hope today finds you feeling even better than yesterday!!! And your crock=pot soup that you are making today will be fab I'm sure


LeeAnn- WTG on the baby hats. They do work up quickly. I made another square yesterday for a friend and then started another scarf in the same pattern that I made the bone one in. I got a pack of mill ends at ACM in the new Caron Simply Soft Chunky. It's a pretty color- "wine country" and it is not as bulky as most "bulky" yarns. It has a nice sheen to it too. Did one more row on the RR. It will be finished soon!


Hope everyone has a great day. Today after breakfast and grocery shopping, I'll be watching Yankees and then football!! And of course, crocheting!

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:hi, friends!


I hope you are all having a splendid Sunday! I have dinner to make and Stitchin' to do!!! :tup


I just wanted to stop in and let you all know I am thinking of ya!


:hug:hug:U:U and squishes for everyone!

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Top of the morning to ya ladies!

Joanne-great gifts! I am sure that he will love them! I was thinking of starting a few scarves, I am so excited to start lots of projects that I am getting ahead of myself.:lol

Marisa-what kind of soup is in the crock pot today? I really need to get myself organized and start using mine...now if I could just walk away from the yarn...oh yeah and the computer too! :devil

LeaAnne-do we get a looksie of the new squares?

Sarah-what's on the agenda for today?

Mary-Oh Mary!!! how ya doing? Haven't heard from you in awhile, hope everything is ok.

Colleen-how was your weekend?

I attached a pic of the hats and square-I am going to try another color for hats, I think I will make these ones a little longer and maybe not so wide. I have been searching on the net for the proper width and length-I think it's about 14-15 inches for width but not sure on the length. Any ideas? I guess you can always roll it up if it's too long. going to enjoy the quiet before the entire house gets up. :devil

hugs and squishes back at ya!!!:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart



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LeeAnn - your square is very pretty, and WTG on those hats! Are you going to sign in to the Charity CAL, and post your accomplishments? Nicole, the gal who organizes it every month keeps a running tally of what we all accomplish :wink


Marisa - your soup sounds yummy:P


Oh, and here is a pic of my grannies. I am up to 9 so far:


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Nice hats and square LeeAnn!!!!


Soup smells yummy Marisa!!!


Breakfast was fun- and DD and I decided to share breakfast. we both wanted the Basic skillet (eggs, cheese, potatoes, sausage) and also the Choc Chip pancakes with strawberries and choc drizzle with strawberry reduction and whipped creme on the side. So I got one, she got the other and we then had both!!! YUMMY!!!


Son-In-Law liked his sweatshirt and tee- as did my DD. Still waiting to see if the Birthday lottery ticket was a winner.


Well, off to watch the Yankees and crochet a bit!

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LeeAnn - your square is very pretty, and WTG on those hats! Are you going to sign in to the Charity CAL, and post your accomplishments? Nicole, the gal who organizes it every month keeps a running tally of what we all accomplish :wink


Marisa - your soup sounds yummy:P


Oh, and here is a pic of my grannies. I am up to 9 so far:


Nice squares LeaAnne!


Enjoy the Patriots/Jets game- Wonder if Vicki will be watching? :lol:lol

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Here are pics of the 2 hats and the boys scarf. I started one of the girl mittins, but still need to add the thumb. However, I think I'm done wtih those for today. I'm itching to play with some different yarn now :lol


I have to pick up a friend at 3 and then going to watch the eagles game...even though I have it on now, the dvr is going because he has something to do this afternoon. So for me, it will be like deja vous! :lol




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oooohhh laaaaa laaaa!


What eye candy! I love it!


Marisa-your scarf and hat combos just look so happy! I adore them!


LeaAnne-the pink and white squiares are so calming, how are you going to connect them?


Joanne-great idea sharing with dd! I like to do that too. Enjoy your game!



finished my chores with the exception of 2 loads of laundry, waiting for the washer and dryer to finish. The kiddos are outside helping dh with their "club house" I tell you, that house has taken on a life of it's own! Dh has been working so hard on it. today he is finishing up the shingles and the outside panels-next weekend he is going to add propanel to the outside walls and paint it to match our house. It is so neat! I will post pics as soon as he is finished. I am very proud of him, he is exhausted tho.


other than that, still plugging away on the hats-I have two more finished. Thank you LeaAnne for inviting me to Ravelry I will get on know and see waht I can do.:hug


Talk to ya all later!

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:hi all!! Happy Sunday!


Leeann, how sweet that dh is so into the kids' playhouse. :manyheart Sounds like he is really adding the details! I'm sure your kiddos are just thrilled. I had a good laugh that you think I sound organized! I may sound like it, but I feel so overwhelmed right now. :blush Our house is a wreck, every single room needs some kind of de-cluttering, cleaning, organizing, etc. :sigh Dh helped me with our room this morning but I really need to find some time each day to work on one room at least for half an hour.


Joanne, you know I love the 'Bucks! :lol I laughed when I saw you posting from work but figured it was from your phone. Glad you had a nice breakfast with dd and SIL.


Beth, I'm so glad you're feeling better! And that your inventions have been so caring and helpful. :hug


Mary, I thought of you the other day in class. My geography professor said people who live in Northern CA think of it as "God's country." :rofl I even wrote it in my notes so I didn't forget to tell you that Canada has competition. :D


Marisa, your soup sounds yummy! I love soup! I do try to make my own though because dh has high blood pressure and all that sodium is not good for him.


Vicki, :hug:hug:hug to you, my friend!! Is there anyone you can talk to about the administrative pressures- principal, etc? I hope you can get it straightened out so the rest of the year is not filled with un-pleasantness. How is dd? Is she still in tae kwon do?


To everyone who posted pics- beautiful work!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer You all are really on a roll. :h5


Not much happening today. The girls are with dh's parents, they stayed overnight so we could get some homework done. I finished both maps and did some work in the journal but I'm not feeling the health article right now. It will be easy once I find the right article because it only has to be 3 paragraphs long.

My old-man friend came over to watch the Patriots game with dh. We bbq'ed and :blah. It was nice. I worked on a potholder and now I am just poking around online. There is some laundry on my bed that needs to be folded, but other than that, I think I am free to :crocheting for the rest of the night. :clap I have missed my hooks.


Well better get going, have a great night, besties! :hug:hug:hug



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Hi all,

I finished the scarf I started today- I'll post pics tomorrow after work. I really like the pattern and how it comes out looking a lot harder than it really is!!


Stacy- Good for you having a bbq with your old man friend- Will your MIL take the kiddies to school tomorrow? And yes, I know how you love the "bucks"- me too- I didn't get any today- missed it!!


Sorry about the Pats loss, LeaAnne, but I'm sure Vicki and her DH are shouting: J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS


Beth- What a bummer that the Redskins lost- they were looking good and McNabb seems to be fitting in nicely with the team. The Texans look like a team to be reckoned with this year. Hope you are feeling better!


Marisa- Nice win by the (dreaded) Eagles!:lol And SO HAPPY that the Boys lost today!!! Hope you enjoyed your soup!! Nice job on all the scarves/hats you've gotten done- love the colors (gee now where did we get them?? :lol:lol) I should start one with the yarn for my DD next, but first I should finish the RR! So close to being done, and I keep starting new things!


Giants are not looking good, I may be heading to bed earlier than originally planned. We'll see how it goes, but I have a sneaky feeling that the older Manning is going may just beat the younger Manning!


Have a good rest of the evening.:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi there! Checking in before getting myself ready for the work week. I finished 3 hats for a totatl of 8. I wanted to make more but my wrists were starting to hurt so thought I would take a break before they really start throbbing. I think I will take a little break from crocheting at least for 2 days to give them a good rest, I have been crocheting what feels like a lot lately. Other than that, nothing new-dh is still outside...I hope he doesn't tire himself to the point of no return-but I think he is past that stage.


have a great Monday friends!


Stacy-so glad that you were able to BBQ and relax-those days are rare and far between when you are taking classes. Enjoy!!


hugs and squishes! night!

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Good morning and Welcome to Monday!


LeeAnn- wow- that's a lot of hats!! Sorry to hear your wrists are starting to hurt- I think a couple of days of rest is a good thing! Hope you have a good day at work today!


Well, the Giants were NOT playing well, so I headed off to bed last night. Good thing-By the looks of the final score, it was not a pretty game. Glad I opted for sleep instead!


Vicki- Hope you are feeling a little better today- you too Beth and Mary and Marisa!


Stacy- Have a good day at school today.


LeaAnne- When are you having coffee with your friend re: job?


Shannon, Sarah, Colleen- thinking of you and sending hugs


Off to get ready for another day in paradise.


See you later!

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:tired:morcoffee:hi:hug :hug :hug:coffee:heart


I'm not sure which is disrupting my sleep the most: the nervousness I feel from the medicine, or the coughing. I did finish another sunflower square in the wee hours this morning, and I made progress on another one. I also plotted the arrangement, so I know how many to make of each color.


I hope you all have good days. I hope everyone who has been sick is feeling better. I love all the projects that have been posted.

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Good morning ladies :tea


Well, gotta go get ready to head to work today. Back to the grind. I am feeling better, just still a bit congested and a tickle in my throat, but I feel ok :D


I didn't do any more crocheting after I stopped with the 1st mitten yesterday :eek We watched the eagles game and had dinner....the soup was wonderful :clap and then my friend continued to watch football all day while I listened and read my book :) We watched the jets/pats game ( :yay Vicki?, :( LeaAnne? ) and then the giants/colts game ( :( Joanne) I definitely zonked out before halftime of the giants game though :lol


Joanne - Have a good day at work, I hope you get a lot done in anticipation of getting sunday off :xfin


Beth - I hope you start feeling better and WTG with your sunflowers :clap I'm severely behind on them since I decided to get these scarf/hat/mitten sets out of the way and then I can really focus on my ghans :D


LeaAnne - Have a great day and thanks a bunch for the vitamin reminder :yes

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