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Some good clean fun?!

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Well my friend. I'd better get to unloading the dishwasher, starting the laundry and running those errands.


I hope you get lots of stitching in today!


Thank you so much for coffee! :hug:hug


Thank you, too! It was, as always, wonderful chatting with you! Have a splendiferousness day, my dear friend!


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Good morning ladies :tea


I called out and just had bfast :D Still coughing up a lung and blowing my nose like crazy :( The coughing and sneezing is still hurting my back, but I'm still working with my exercises even being sick so it hopefully won't get worse :xfin


Thanks to all of you for your care and concern :ghug


LeeAnn - WTG on the 9 grannies :cheer


Sarah - can't wait to see a pic of the finished, lined basket ;)


Joanne - Hopefully your day goes quickly :yes


LeaAnne - Sounds like you're keeping your self busy :D


Colleen - I'm also a homebody...I like to be out, but usually I'm ready to be home after just 2ish hours of being out and running around :yes


Yesterday I made a square to mail out to someone. I didn't do anything else :no Just laid and relaxed :yes Just what I'm about to do now, may work on a ghan or a scarf :think


I'm debating if I'm going to leave the house at all. I don't really WANT to, but didn't stop at the mac last night to deposit my check so should run to the back to get it done. And, if I leave the house, I'll make the pit stop at the post office to mail out the square and then to boston market for some soup and/or pot pie :yes You think the check should be motivation enough....but it's really boston market :rofl

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Hey girls!!!


LeaAnne, that sweater is positively adorable!!! :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart I might even think about making one...:devil if I ever find the time. :blush Good for you on making time for yourself while your kiddies are at school! :hug:hug


Colleen, good for you, not allowing yourself to be talked into doing something you don't want to! :clap I actually thought about joining the PTA this year at the girls' school, since Eva will be in school and I'll have the time, but wouldn't you know it- they don't have one this year! :(


Joanne, your scarf and dishcloth are beautiful! Great job! :clap


Beth, Marisa, and Mary- hope you all are feeling better. :hug :hug :hug


Shannon, LeeAnn, Sarah, Vicki- :hug:hug:hug to you all, happy Friday!


I am feeling better- my throat isn't nearly as sore as it was even yesterday, although my ear is really hurting now. I will see if I can get in to the dr. office this afternoon- sore throats I don't mind, but I have enough experience with ear infections that I know they're nothing to mess with.

Right now I am at Starbucks, I told myself I would check in for 20 minutes, and wouldn't you know I've been here for 30 already, just reading what you gals are up to. :rofl I really must run now, though. I have 2 maps to label and color, a health article to find and read and write a short essay about, and a health journal to work on. Hopefully I'll BBL!

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:yesHappy Friday!


Soo nice, got off work early because I have a Home Visit tonight at 7...not really excited about it, but guess it will have to do.


Marisa-glad to hear that you stayed home, it's no fun being at work when you feel miserable. I hope that after your errands you were able to sleep, watch t.v. crochet and then repeat. :lol


Joanne-hoping that you didn't stay extremely late and that you had a super Friday!


Colleen-I am a homebody in all senses. I can stay home all weekend and not venture anywhere and be perfectly fine with it, I can actually do that for about a week or so before I get the itch to go somewhere. Now that's scary. :yes:):lol


LeaAnne-you can get an entire ghan done in a weekend? wow! You are amazing! That is too cool!~ Did you get to :crocheting?


Stacy-you sound completely organized! When I was in college, it was soo hard to find time to do homework and work and spend time with the kiddos. Great job!

Sarah-ooohhh can't wait to see your pic!


I have been thinking of baby patterns for the hats...I know I have a few patterns in mind, just have to find them, pick out the yarn and get to it. off to relax before driving back into town. The joy of living out in the middle of no where! bbl!

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Hi everyone

Happy birthday to Shannon's DH!


Marisa- Glad you stayed home and hope you didn't really cough up a lung:lol:lol


LeaAnne and Colleen- Glad you had a nice "coffee klatch" this morning!!! And good for you Colleen for knowing you and what you want to do.


LeaAnne- hope that you got in some :crocheting time before the chickens and their friends came home!


LeeAnn- Good for you getting out early- sorry about the home visit tonight- but hopefully it goes by fast


Stacy- WTG getting some school work done at my fav place- Couldn't resist posting on FB from work when I saw that 's where you were. (of course it was from my phone- I don't dare log in there from the work computer) Hope you got to see the Dr about your ear!


Vicki- It's FRIDAY!!!!! You made it through another week!


Mary- How are you feeling?


Shannon- Where are you?


Sarah- Hope you are figuring out the lining to the basket!


Beth- How are you feeling?


(sounding like Colleen's broken record:lol)


Got a square done for a friend and will probably do another one tonight then back to finish up the RR!


Have a good night-- laundry needs to be put in the dryer- getting one of my Saturday chores done early!!!

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Sarah- the basket and liner are so nice!!! Great job on that!!! I guess you rose to the challenge after all!!!


Finished it 30 minutes ago =0) All that's left is to superglue the floral stuff to it's stem so it won't keep coming off though having it removable made working with the liner easier after I went around the handle. =0)

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Marisa - sorry you're still feeling bad


Colleen, LeaAnne - sound like you both are keeping busy =0)


Stacy - sorry you ear is bothering you but glad your throat is feeling better.


Shannon, Vicki, LeeAnn, Mary, Beth and anyone I might've missed hope everything is going well for you..


was lazy today. All I got done was the basket. Really need to fold laundry... but I keep putting it off cause I'm in a crocheting mood and really want to take advantage of this mood to finish some decorations for fall

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:kettle:sick Morning, folks. I hope you are planning an awesome weekend. I feel that I'm getting better. I'm still coughing, but I don't feel as worn out as I did. My inventions have been awesome. I sent the oldest to the grocery store for me yesterday, and (oops, forgot the paper towels) drove my dd to another store after he went to work, and she ran in for me. She's been feeding me lots of tea, doing dishes, doing most of the cooking, just :manyheart making me feel loved.


I'm way too far behind to say hi individually. Just take a few hugs :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug and know I care.

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Good morning!

Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better Beth and that your inventions have been taking care of you! It does come in handy when they are able to drive! How sweet that DD has been serving you tea and taking care of the cooking and dishwashing, etc. It warms my heart that you have such amazing kiddos.:manyheart Relax and feel better! :hug:hug


Marisa- Love the scarf! Hope you are starting to feel better too- It was probably a good thing that you took yesterday off to rest- and crocheting is very relaxing!:hug:hug


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! This morning is cleaning for me- the usual Saturday AM chores, which need to get started now since I'm going for a pedi at 9:30. Then some errands to run and the cable guy is coming this afternoon- after replacing the modem and we got a new router about 2 months ago, the internet is still randomly going out. (I must have caught this issue from Marisa:lol). Anyway, it'll be a good reason to sit and crochet while waiting for him to show up!

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Well Joanne, it is contagious (the internet issue that is :lol ) I'm planning on sitting around and resting again and am hoping a nap is in my future today since I'm up early :xfin I'm just not much of a napper :no


Will run out to get more soup today, maybe at Panera today then I can stop across the street to Borders to pick up my next book :think That will be my outing for the day


Beth - I'm with you, still coughing like crazy, which woke me up this morning, but don't feel so drained so that's a plus :yes

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Good morning and happy Saturday all! I hope everyone has a great day. I, on the other hand, have to go to a reading training. I found out about it Sunday night. I am not a happy camper about having to go. My Saturday will be shot!

My head is bothering me today. I think it is another round of vertigo. I had it a few days ago too. Too much stuff going on and not enough time to get it all done. And lots of stupid people expecting me to do magic tricks for problems that I am not able to solve. This year is killing me. The teaching stuff is fine. It's the administrative end that I am not sure I can get through this year.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great day. Have a wonderful, relaxing day and I hope to talk to you all soon!

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:waving, friends!


Marisa - love that scarf!

Sarah - love your basket!


:U:hug:U:hug for everyone today... feel better, get some rest, and don't forget your vitamins and :chooks!


I just got back from the grocery store, am heading out for Pete's soccer game. Other than that, my house is cleaned, my laundry is done.... nothing left to do but :crocheting and watch football!


Have a beautiful day!

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Good Day ladies!


Sarah-what a cool basket liner! The colors are fantastic! What are you going to put in it? I love baskets!


Marisa-your scarf came out fantastic! Such happy fun colors! I haven't started on my x-mas gifts, but know that I must soon. I have the list made, just have to get "crackin". Your venture out for soup and a good book is a great idea! What kind of books do you like to read? I enjoy mystery novels the most.


Joanne-sounds like a wonderful way to spend Saturday! A pedi also sounds :c9.

LeaAnne-enjoy your game! Let us know how it turns out!



Beth-your kiddos are just wonderful! So glad that they are taking care of you and helping out.


This morning I woke up to "mommy are you awake?" dd had made us breakfast in bed.:c9:c9:c9:c9 what a sweetheart! I was so excited and immediatly turned to mush. :lol she made us waffles, sliced apples and toast with butter and 7up to drink. Gotta love it! I am still amazed she did it all by herself. My little luvie.


other than that, going to clean and get a few hats done. The home visit went well last night, I didn't get home until 8:30, but I did get a couple of squares done. I think this afghan is going to come together quickly. I have to run and buy more blue and yellow yarn but will get to that tomorrow as I am going to work on something else for awhile.


best get busy, bbl! Hope you all have a relaxing Saturday! hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn - I mostly like mystery/suspense stuff, but I also like romance, drama, etc...

Right now I'm reading Stieg Larsson's series and have finished The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played With Fire....The last is The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest and the one I'm picking up today. They are a good read and like one big long novel :lol It was difficult getting started with the first one and didn't grab me until after about the 4th chapter. I had tried a couple times getting through 2 chapters each time and then I saw that it was being made into a movie and decided to push myself with it since it kept getting such great reviews :think Glad I did :yes


How sweet to be surprised with bfast in bed :c9:manyheart

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