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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning!


DH brought home hot fudge sundaes last night (buy one/get one free night at Carvel) That was a nice surprise! Of course, I'd better do some walking at lunch time to help take care of all those yummy calories):lol. We watched the Yankees lose:( and then called it a night!


Colleen- Glad to hear that DD had a fun time with her Daddy- I'm sure the fresh air and fun did tucker her out- and I hope that you got to sleep through the night last night!!! Have a good day!


LeAnne- :hug for you- it must be hard to have all that clinging all day! Good that you may get a break from it, by them separating them. Did the granny making relieve some your stress?


LeaAnne- Looking forward to hearing about the possible job! And seeing pics of your project!


Mary- Feel better!


Stacy- How did school go yesterday? How's Mia feeling? And you? Hope that the other two girls are still feeling ok and enjoying school!


Here's a pic of the dishcloth I did for International Crochet Day as well as a scarf I finished for my friend at work. I also did a round of my RR.


Off to get more coffee! To ALL OF YOU--have a good day, feel better to those that are under the weather, Remember your vitamins and have a good laugh- it's good for the immune system!:)



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Hi everybody. :hug


The only reason I will hug you is because they are cyber hugs. I'm feeling :sick with a cough, headache, chest congestion, etc... And it's going through the city -- everyone is sick!


I am still working on the sunflower squares -- not a lot of progress to report. I do hope to finish them this month. I'm not sure how I can tie that into the theme in the 12 months of Christmas CAL, but maybe someone with a working brain could help....


I hope you all have a wonderous day! I'm ready for my :morcoffee...

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm up and showered, waiting for the cable guy....sometime between 8-11 :think Hopefully he comes sooner than later since I'm supposed to be at work by 11 :eek I have some rice cooking to take with my lunch today. Now getting ready to make some bfast while I wait. May as well watch something from the dvr too...it's getting pretty full.


Colleen - If we lived closer, I'd sure be there to gobble up that soup :D


Joanne - I really like how the colors fell in your dishcloth and the scarf is just gorgeous :yes


Beth - I hope you feel better :hug :hug :hug You sound worse off then me so try to get in some rest :hug

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Oh that's easy Beth. :yes You could go with "treasures" because isn't everything a treasure? Or, you could say your afghan also makes "smile after smile", because Sunflowers are so happy and make people smile. :shrug


:coffee Good morning friends. It is cool and rainy here today and we might even get thunderstorms. It is so gray out there. Makes you want to go back to bed. But, I went to bed at 9:00 last night, DD had me up once but it didn't keep me awake, and I slept until 7:00. :blush Guess I needed it.


Joanne - Love your dishcloth and your friend's scarf. Is that gold yarn? Very chic.


Have a great day everyone! :hug:hug Cyber hugs for all who are sick.

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good morning friends!


i only have a minute, as i have an IRL coming for coffee:clap ...it has to do with a possible job with her. :xfin:xfin I won't share any details yet, I don't want to jinx myself:lol


Joanne - I LOVE that scarf! And your dishcloth is very pretty, too!


Beth, Mary, Marisa, Stacy, Sarah, Shannon - feel better :hug:hug:hug:hugfor you all!


Colleen - :U:U :cheer for pride in your "job"! LeeAnn was right, btw...pretty soon you'll be looking forward to having the house to yourself! Do you play the radio or anything to "keep you comany"?


LeeAnne - so happy to hear that "the twins" are being separated! Your job sounds rewarding but oh, so exhausting! :hug


Vicki - How's school? And life? I hope that you are :U and relaxed today, friend!



I wanted to mention to you all that the Charity CAL is happening this weekend! It starts today, and ends on Tuesday. I am not sure if you have an hour or two to stitch something for charity, but it sure would be fun to have you all join in!


I gotta run! Here are some extra :hug:U:hug:U for you all, and like Joanne said: Remember your vitamins and your :heehee's!

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:hi, everyone!


My friend got tied up this morning and couldn't make it over. I will have to call her this afternoon when she gets out of work.


The good news, though, is that I gained a little extra time to work on my new project! :clap here is what I am trying:


It will be my very first for me wearable! The colors I am using are: MC - Vanna's Pearl Mist, and the accent colors are Vanna's Olive, Vanna's Brick, and Red Heart Soft in warm brown. I will share pics as soon as it begins to look like something:lol


I only will do a little each day for the weekend, though... I am also working on a pink project for Breast Cancer Awareness. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and my city has a foundation that supports that cause. I will be donating whatever I can get done to them, to use as they see fit.


Here's some :hug:hug:hug and hopes that your day is going beautifully!

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Oh I like that sweater and I know you can do it, LeaAnne :cheer:cheer:cheer Too bad your friend couldn't make it, but I'm sure you'll catch up with her later. WTG on the charity project! What are you thinking of pinking?


It is raining cats and dogs here!

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Hi all,

LeaAnne- Sorry your friend couldn't make it over. Hope you got to talk to her this afternoon. That cardi is so pretty! And I love the colors you picked for yours!! Good luck with the charity crocheting. I'm making some squares for someone that requested them, so I'll be doing that this weekend- along with my RR and another scarf for another friend.


Colleen- We got thunder, lightening, rain, torrential at times- but luckily after I had already gotten home from work. The weekend is supposed to be nice though


To all my sick friends- its that time of year, and seems like it's going around everywhere!!! Try and rest as much as you can.


Time for dinner- Chinese is here!


Have a good evening everyone!

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Hello hello and howdy!

Beth-so very sorry to hear that you are "under the weather" today, hopefully you will feel better soon!:hug:hug:hug

Joanne-Great work on the dishcloth and the scarf...can I just say that I am :droolover it! Soo pretty and like Colleen said, very chick! Ice cream sundaes sound like the perfect dinner!

Colleen-how was your day? did the t-storms pass thru? We have had a dry summer, no rain,..no moisture. I think it is going to be a looong winter. The trees are changing colors and it's about 39 F in the a.m.

Marisa-the crocheting did help. :lol Today was a much better day, without my crying little gal, the day went smooth. I checked on her a few times in the other classroom and for outdoor time, she did wonderful! I am so happy for her.

LeaAnne-sorry your IRL friend couldn't make it over..I have been meaning to ask, what is IRL? Just wondering. I will work on something for charity this weekend, maybe a few baby hats-the hospital always needs some. Thank you for reminding me.

Mary-feeling bettet?

Stacy, Shannon, Sarah-hope your week is going by smoothly and without a lot of "bumps"

Other than that, same ol same ol' can't complain. Going to grab a bite to eat before homework. Talk to ya all soon!

hugs and squishes!!!!

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evenin' friends~


I did talk to my friend. we will have coffee next week.


Joanne - Chinese sounds like a nice and easy supper! Lots of extra stitchin time!:wink:clap Hopefully, you also used some "fine china"...errr, I mean paper plates!


Colleen - :ty for the :cheer! It was just what I needed:yes Are we on for coffee at 9?:devil


LeeAnn - IRL is the acronym for "in Real Life" friends. I had to ask about that one and LYS. Glad you and your little friend had a great day! :yay:yay How are your grannies coming along? Baby hats sound like a great charity project. :tup


Stacy & Mia, Beth, Marisa, Mary, Shannon, and Sarah - get plenty of good rest tonight friends, and I hope you are feeling better tomorrow:hug:hug:hug



Off to relax and :crocheting for a while... HUGS to you and your families!

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Hey ladies :hi


The cable guy came at 9:30 and was here about a half hour and gave me a new modem and router. When he left I still had enough time to set up my security the way I like it :D Then off to work, which I wished I had called out, but hid in my office all day doing narratives. But now all the coughing and sneezing has put my back at step 1 again :( Oh well, will do my exercises before lying on the couch. If I still feel like this tomorrow I think I will call out :think I just hate doing that :(


I hope everyone's day went well :hug

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LeaAnne- glad you got to speak with your friend- and now we have to wait till next week?!! I'll be keeping positive vibes coming your way!


Marisa- Feel better


LeeAnne- glad you had a good day


I made one of the squares tonight that I promised someone and now I think I'm heading to bed to read a bit and then call it a night!


As LeeAnn would say - Hugs and squishes!!


Cya in the AM!

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Night friends!


Marisa-hope your back feels better soon and that you rest, rest and rest some more. :hug


LeaAnne-thank you for clearing that up! IRL-I was totatlly confused. :yes:hug


Joanne-have a great Friday! :hug


off to bed with myself, so far I have 9 grannies. They are seven rows-I think this will make connecting them much easier. Will post a pic this weekend as I get more done.


hugs n extra gentle squishes!!!

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I am insane... I have to be... why else would I decide that rather than making a liner for this basket that can be removed I decided to actually crochet it ONTO the basket so it can't be taken off, which has me trying to juggle basket while crocheting on the liner... =0) guess I just can't resist a challenge... photos when it's done, back to work I go =0)

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Morning glories- hope those of you who are "under the weather" are starting to feel better. :hug


Sarah- Can't wait to see the finished project- and yes, I guess you do like a challenge!:yes


LeeAnn- Glad you got some 'de-stressing' hook time in!:hook


I have a busy day on tap in "paradise" today, so I'm going to go in early- rather do that than stay late.


Colleen and LeaAnne- Enjoy your coffee time this morning! I'll be knee deep in work by then! :lol


Cya later!

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:morcoffee... TGIF!!!!!


Sarah - I can't wait to see how your basket turns out!


LeeAnn - glad you got some "squaring" in!


Joanne - You posted right when my alarm went off! I hope that going in early pays off, and that you don't have to stay late!


Marisa - How is your back?


Stacy - did you get to the Dr.? Did anyone else come down with Strep?


Beth - how is your :cough?


Colleen - I hope DD gets off to school with a great big :U!


Shannon - missing seeing the "irishrose" postness!


Mary - hoping you are feeling better!


Vicki - sorry that school is stressing you out this year... i hope it settles down soon


Have a great day, all... it's off to make lunches and wake up some chickens for me!



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:coffee Good morning!


Marisa - I hope you and your back feel better. If you need to call in sick, you should call in sick. You have to take care of yourself :hug I'm happy that you got your internet fixed.


Sarah - Good luck with the basket!


LeeAnn - Glad you had a better day at work and that your little friend did well.


LeaAnne - That's good that you rescheduled your coffee with your IRL. TGIF. I bet you are looking forward to a weekend with your chickens. Does Pete have soccer?


Joanne - TGIF! I hope you have a great day at work! Chinese for supper sounds yummy. Our favourite Chinese take out restaurante moved and now it's not really convenient for us to go there :( We'll have to try somewhere new. :sigh


Beth - How are you feeling?


Mary - How are you feeling?


Stacy - How are feeling?


I'm beginning to feel like a broken record.


Shannon - I'm missing irishrose posts too :yes


Vicki - Missing your green posts too. How are things going?

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not much. I need to clean up around here a little, and then get in some serious hooky time!:clap

It's "playdate Friday", so I will be gaining some other people's chickens for the afternoon:c9


:lol at the top o' the mornin'... i posted the same sentiment at the charity cal!!! Great minds, I tell ya! :wink

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are you working on the scarf for MIL? ...or did you already finish it? my memory is not good today:blush


I finished it, the red one. Put a pic in the Christmas Carol CAL. I gave it to her last night. She liked it.

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