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We did a mommy guided craft today... Keith made his first card. Did a couple of practice runs first to make sure he got the letters down but when it came time to do it he did really good. So daddy will get a suprise when he gets home.


He wrote on it and put the stickers on by himself though I had to get the stickers off the sheet for him.





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:hi Besties!!!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I tried going back to see what you all have been up to, but my brain is all kinds of fried right now. Last Thursday night we decided to go visit BIL and family, hurriedly packed and left at 5 Friday morning. While we were down there, the new iPod player went berserk, wouldn't change settings, wouldn't play, and drained my car battery, so we had to jump it every day we were there. :( We came back mid-afternoon Sunday (I made 2 dishcloths in the car! :cheer) and set everything out for Monday. Monday morning we took the girls to school, and Eva and I played hooky so I could take my car back to Best Buy. The Geek Squad guy told me there was nothing wrong with the iPod player, and of course it played normally while we were there. :angry He told me the car needed a new battery, and if that didn't work, then to take it back and they would switch the players.

The older girls had a wonderful day at school, btw! Both of their teachers are really nice, very organized, and very much in charge of the classes. :yes (I don't like wishy-washy teachers. :rofl) Mia came home with a fever, sore throat, and neck pains, and went to sleep right after dinner. Today she woke up with a fever, and the lymph nodes on the left side of her neck are completely swollen. I played hooky again :( and took her to urgent care, where they diagnosed Strep, and said she can't go back to school until Thursday. We were on our way to get the antibiotics, and the iPod player started acting up and wouldn't recognize my iPod. :thair I tell ya...this is not my week!!

Dh thinks he will be able to take Mia to work with him tomorrow so I don't have to miss another class, and after I pick up Eva, if the player is still not working, I will take it back to Best Buy. :whew


Sorry I don't have time to post to everyone- I have to run and get Eva now, then over to get Isabella because Tuesdays are shortened days. Hopefully I will make it back later tonight for proper hellos!!


Love and lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug!!!

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We did a mommy guided craft today... Keith made his first card. Did a couple of practice runs first to make sure he got the letters down but when it came time to do it he did really good. So daddy will get a suprise when he gets home.


He wrote on it and put the stickers on by himself though I had to get the stickers off the sheet for him.






That's some pretty awesome penmanship there! :wink:clap:cheer

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:hi Besties!!!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I tried going back to see what you all have been up to, but my brain is all kinds of fried right now. Last Thursday night we decided to go visit BIL and family, hurriedly packed and left at 5 Friday morning. While we were down there, the new iPod player went berserk, wouldn't change settings, wouldn't play, and drained my car battery, so we had to jump it every day we were there. :( We came back mid-afternoon Sunday (I made 2 dishcloths in the car! :cheer) and set everything out for Monday. Monday morning we took the girls to school, and Eva and I played hooky so I could take my car back to Best Buy. The Geek Squad guy told me there was nothing wrong with the iPod player, and of course it played normally while we were there. :angry He told me the car needed a new battery, and if that didn't work, then to take it back and they would switch the players.

The older girls had a wonderful day at school, btw! Both of their teachers are really nice, very organized, and very much in charge of the classes. :yes (I don't like wishy-washy teachers. :rofl) Mia came home with a fever, sore throat, and neck pains, and went to sleep right after dinner. Today she woke up with a fever, and the lymph nodes on the left side of her neck are completely swollen. I played hooky again :( and took her to urgent care, where they diagnosed Strep, and said she can't go back to school until Thursday. We were on our way to get the antibiotics, and the iPod player started acting up and wouldn't recognize my iPod. :thair I tell ya...this is not my week!!

Dh thinks he will be able to take Mia to work with him tomorrow so I don't have to miss another class, and after I pick up Eva, if the player is still not working, I will take it back to Best Buy. :whew


Sorry I don't have time to post to everyone- I have to run and get Eva now, then over to get Isabella because Tuesdays are shortened days. Hopefully I will make it back later tonight for proper hellos!!


Love and lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug!!!


Nice to hear from you, Stacy! I hope the Strep doesn't travel thru your house! I will keep you all and your car's battery in my thoughts


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:hug:hug:hug LeaAnne and Leeann!


The Strep has traveled...to me. :( My throat is hurts and the back of my neck is sore. I ran to the health food store for some grapefruit seed extract, though, so hopefully that will prevent me from getting it too bad.

Mia is going to stay with dh's cousin tomorrow while I'm at school- dh's boss is coming so he couldn't take her. Poor girl had these huge black circles around her eyes, she didn't want to eat or drink. I've been making her take constant little sips for about the past 2 hours and she's looking better and walking around a bit.

It's almost time for her second dose of amox, so I'm going to do that and then go to bed. Dh wanted me to stay up and wait for him but that's another 3 hours! :eek

Good night, friends!

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Quick fly by-


Stacy- Hugs for you my friend!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug Hang in there- and if you have strep, you really need an antibiotic- don't think it will go away by itself! Hope the Ipad player gets straightened out


I've been working on a scarf for my friend at work- her birthday was today- didn't finish it, but showed her the work in progress so she would know that I didn't forget her!:lol It's this pattern- http://sarahsweethearts.blogspot.com/2009/08/craftee-saturdeethe-surreybelle-scarf.html easy, peasy- and oh, so pretty! I'm making it with Caron SS in bone.


LeaAnne- Can't see what you've been swatching!!


Sarah- Love Keith's card he made for his Daddy!!!


Colleen- Yay for a lazy day!


Beth- Yes, I'm loving football so far. And loving the cooler weather we've been having too!


Shannon- How was your Sunday with your sister?


Mary- Did DH get the results of his testing?


Vicki- Sorry about your J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets And Yankees didn't do much better either:( Although tonight, Posada just hit a home run so if they can hold off the Rays in the bottom of the inning they'll win:clap


LeeAnn-:hug:hug and squishes right back at you!


Marisa- Can't wait till your internet is fixed!!! Hope you are having a relaxing :crocheting filled night!


Hope I didn't forget anyone, but it's getting to be passed my bedtime!!!



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Hiya Ladies!


Stacy-Poor Mia! Strep throat is just awful! My throat hurts too. We have had Pink Eye and Chicken Pox as the center, hopefully I do not get either one, I have never had Chicken Pox, neither have my kiddos...scary.


Joanne-oooh la la! Love the scarf pattern! I started working on the slippers, but my mind just couldn't count. So...started a granny ghan, I know again?? but I love them! I am using the new yarn that I bought and adding flowers to each granny, very pretty, I will also use the join as you go method-now that I figured it out, I am hopelessly addicted!


Dh is not home yet, he had to go help the in-laws, they bought a new computer and are having trouble hooking up the internet. They live in a canyon, I hope that they will eventually be able to get service. Nothing works out there, no cell phones, just satelite. :)


other than that, nothing new..the day went well, my two little girls are still attached to me, it has become quite overwhelming. I can't step out of the room, they cry and cry if they do not see me or if I am not holding them, I am beginning to feel like I have twins. :lol


LeaAnne-did you get any time in this afternoon to :crocheting


Beth-ds did not have homework! Double Yippee! I feel frustrated when he thinks it's my homework and doesn't want to try, he wants me to give him the answers or do it for him, we have chatted about it, he is going to work on it, then I will step in only if he doesn't understand something or to check it, but I will not do it for him. Smart guy, tho', he knows how to con us!



Sarah-sorry to hear about the meds, I am not very good at taking any kind of pills, forget my vitamins most of the time! :-)))))



Colleen-glad to hear that dd had a playdate and you were able to have adult conversation. :cheer

back to :hook

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Thanks for the vitamin reminder Joanne - I needed it :blush


Just a quick drop-in ladies. I didn't have time last night and now that I caught up reading posts don't really have time to comment or I'll be late for work since I need to leave in 20 minutes and still need to shower :eek


Last night I had to go to the pet store to get a new lamp and filter for the turtles and then clean them and the tank all up, so by the time I finished didn't feel like sitting to check in so just went to bed :) Had a bit of a sore throat yesterday which feels like a bomb went off in there today :( I will be drinking tea out the wazoo at work today :lol


Catch y'all later

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:coffee Good morning! Looks like I have some catching up to do. It is cloudy today but supposed to get sunny. It's hump day! :clap I have to do a couple errands and want to vacuum and do the floors in the basement today. That's about it!
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morning, friends!


I hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday! I just wanted to post quick, so you know I am here! I have a bunch of things to take care of today, so I needed to be quick!


Please know i am thinking of you all~



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Alrighty, I think I've caught up.


LeaAnne - Nice to see you and have a quick cup of joe with you. I hope you get everything done! :hug By the way, can't wait to hear about your project.


Stacy - :hug:hug:hug I hope Mia and you feel better soon.


LeeAnn - How nice, a night with no homework. I hope you have a wonderful day and that the little girls get busy playing and give you a moment to breath.


Sarah - Cute card from your little guy. Those cards are priceless.


Joanne, Vicki, Marisa and LeeAnn - Happy Hump Day!


Shannon - How are things with you?


Beth - How are you and the inventions doing? What's on your hook these days?


Mary - How was GS's first day of school? I'm guessing you are not coming down this way this week :think


:hug:hug:hug:hug Have a wonderful Wednesday my friends!

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:waving, friends~


Colleen, sorry I "missed" you this morning!


today is job hunting day... I might have had a most serendipitous stroke of luckiness! :xfin:xfin Can you all say a little prayer for me?


I will show you all my :crocheting project by tomorrow, I promise! I need to go work on it, and calm my nerves!


Please know I am keeping you all in my heart today, and please accept my apologies for not saying separate "hi's" to you all.....



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Hi Ladies

This is going to be quick. Colleen Iam sorry I didn't call you to let you know I was not coming down. I started to come down with a cold on Sunday and didn't want to give it to anyone. again Iam reallt sorry.


I have been trying to keep up but I just don't feel well so Iam doing my best.


Know that Iam thinking about you all

Lots of Love


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:hi everyone! Quiet here today, besides me chatting with myself :lol I had a good day. I did a couple errands this morning, vacuumed the basement. I still need to mop the floor and will do that shortly. I made chicken and rice soup for dinner and did some laundry. That's about it. It's so quiet home by myself, but I'm starting to learn to appreciate my jobs at home and take a lot of pride in them. DD and DH have gone golfing together this evening. DD was so excited. She just loves time with her Dad.


LeaAnne - How did job hunting go? Job hunting is the pits, so I am thinking about you and you are in my prayers.


Stacy - How are you feeling? How is Mia?


How was everyone else's day?

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Hi all,

Today is my 9th wedding anniversary- and DH surprised me by sending me a dozen roses at work today!:manyheart He has never sent me flowers at work before! I was so surprised and they are so beautiful. I took a pic on my phone and they are on my FB page. I set them up behind my computer so I can look at them all day!!


He's out tonight teaching a class- should be home around 8-8:30- so I'm thinking maybe that is why he sent them to work! But it made my day!:yes


LeaAnne- Fingers crossed, postive vibes and all that good stuff that you have serendipitious good fortune with the job hunt! Please keep us posted.


Colleen- That's nice that DH and DD are out playing golf. Sounds like fun for her! So when are you coming to NJ to do my cleaning?:lol I'm glad you are starting to get used to your time alone. I really treasure my alone time!


Mary, Stacy and Marisa --sorry to hear you all aren't feeling well- it's the time of year for that it seems- Feel better!:hug


Today the weather was spectacularly marvelously, awesome!!! :c9 Just like the day I got married- perfect blue skies, nice gentle breeze- Oh, if it could be like this all the time!!!!


Beth, Vicki, LeeAnn, Shannon --thinking of you and sending:hug


Off to finish the scarf for my friend!!!


Have a wonderful evening!

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Hi all!

I'm typing from my iPod in bed so this will be brief.


Joanne, happy anniversary! How sweet of dh to send roses to work. I will have to go check them out onFB. Oh and I didn't mean to imply I wouldn't go to the dr., I just got the GSE to use until I can see the dr. :wink


Mary and Marisa, hope you feel better soon. :hug :hug


LeaAnne, fingers and toes crossed and prayers said that this opportunity goes well for you.


Everyone else, please accept lots of hugs and love. Dh is out getting me some pho, then I will take a little nap before he leaves for class. Be back hopefully tomorrow.

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Good day friends!

LeaAnne-I know you will get the job, but will keep my fingers and toes and arms and legs all crossed and said a little prayer for ya too. :dance

Joanne-Happy Anniversary! :flower I am so happy for you and glad that your dh sent you roses! What a sweety!

Marisa-sorry to hear that your throat is hurting you too, hope the tea helps.

Colleen-being home can be lonely, but hang in there, before you know it, you will love the quiet and will look forward to it.

Stacy-feel better soon!

Mary-:hugI will say a little prayer that you feel up par soon! Do you have a cold? or is it more serious?

Today was another busy day, our director popped in to see how "my twins" were doing and noticed that they do not give me a moments room, she is transferring one of them to another room-her aunt works there, we think that will help her with transitions and such and will give me a much needed break. I honestly do not know how much longer I could take the crying and clinging....it was rough...but am still glad that I have a job. We should be ending next month, the end in near. On a happier note, one of my twins did so well today! She walked around and played, what a joy! Other than that, nothing new. Going to work on the grannies as I just need to :hook will be back later!

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:hi everyone! Quiet here today, besides me chatting with myself :lol I had a good day. I did a couple errands this morning, vacuumed the basement. I still need to mop the floor and will do that shortly. I made chicken and rice soup for dinner and did some laundry. That's about it. It's so quiet home by myself, but I'm starting to learn to appreciate my jobs at home and take a lot of pride in them. DD and DH have gone golfing together this evening. DD was so excited. She just loves time with her Dad.


How was everyone else's day?


Can I just say how great chicken rice soup sounds right about now :drool


Hi Ladies


I have been trying to keep up but I just don't feel well so Iam doing my best.


Know that Iam thinking about you all

Lots of Love



Get a good night rest and hopefully you'll start improving :hug


:waving, friends~


today is job hunting day... I might have had a most serendipitous stroke of luckiness! :xfin:xfin Can you all say a little prayer for me?


I will show you all my :crocheting project by tomorrow, I promise! I need to go work on it, and calm my nerves!


Please know I am keeping you all in my heart today, and please accept my apologies for not saying separate "hi's" to you all.....




:xfin How did the job hunt go? Can't wait to see pics :yes


Hi all,

Today is my 9th wedding anniversary- and DH surprised me by sending me a dozen roses at work today!:manyheart He has never sent me flowers at work before! I was so surprised and they are so beautiful. I took a pic on my phone and they are on my FB page. I set them up behind my computer so I can look at them all day!!


Mary, Stacy and Marisa --sorry to hear you all aren't feeling well- it's the time of year for that it seems- Feel better!:hug


Today the weather was spectacularly marvelously, awesome!!! :c9 Just like the day I got married- perfect blue skies, nice gentle breeze- Oh, if it could be like this all the time!!!!


Off to finish the scarf for my friend!!!


Have a wonderful evening!


:yay Happy Anniversary!!!! I hope you enjoy your evening together when dh gets home :yes


Hi all!

I'm typing from my iPod in bed so this will be brief.


Mary and Marisa, hope you feel better soon. :hug :hug


Everyone else, please accept lots of hugs and love. Dh is out getting me some pho, then I will take a little nap before he leaves for class. Be back hopefully tomorrow.


You too Stacy, take care of yourself :hug

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Good day friends!



Marisa-sorry to hear that your throat is hurting you too, hope the tea helps.



Today was another busy day, our director popped in to see how "my twins" were doing and noticed that they do not give me a moments room, she is transferring one of them to another room-her aunt works there, we think that will help her with transitions and such and will give me a much needed break. I honestly do not know how much longer I could take the crying and clinging....it was rough...but am still glad that I have a job. We should be ending next month, the end in near. On a happier note, one of my twins did so well today! She walked around and played, what a joy! Other than that, nothing new. Going to work on the grannies as I just need to :hook will be back later!


Glad to hear you'll be getting a bit of a break :hug Any little bit helps :yes I drank alot of tea today, I should be floating :lol:eek I couldn't talk this morning, but it got better as the day went on :yay Getting ready to go change into pj's and lounge on the couch with my :hook

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DD had a great time golfing with Daddy. They even got a cart. She was so tired when they got home, she had a quick snack and went off to bed.


Marisa - There is some soup left, so please feel free to come by :wink I hope you feel better soon.


Joanne - Happy Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Imanurse! :clap Good job on DH sending you the flowers. Gotta like that guy!


Stacy, Mary - You feel better soon too. :hug


LeeAnn - Enjoy your grannies. I love making grannies. Glad to hear you will get some relief at work :hug


I am so tired. DD woke me in the night and I had trouble falling back to sleep and it is catching up with me. I think I'm going to call it an early night. :sleep

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