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If the Eagles are smart- I say Vick should be the QB, not Kolb- I wasn't impressed with him- but hey, what do I know???:lol


Next game is on Nbc- they are doing their pre-game stuff now.


LeaAnne- congrats on your Patriots win! Did you get to do any :crocheting today?


Shannon, Mary, Beth, LeeAnn, Vicki, Sarah, Stacy- Hope you had a good day --



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Hi gang and Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a great weekend! We were in South Padre! We left on Friday and got back a little while ago. It was nice and I did not want to come home! I am now doing the laundry that I need to get done before I get back to reality. YUCK! I don't wanna go back to reality! It was fun to have a little bit of play time!

I see that the Giants won their opener! The J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS!! start their season tomorrow. That is good since we weren't home to watch the game. It was bad enough listening to the Yankees get swept by the Rangers. What is up with them? They are just letting the season slip away!!!

I need to go back and see what I missed. I saw the beautiful ghan that LeeAnn made! Love it! Just gorgeous!!! I have so much to catch up on. I will talk to you all later! Have a great night and enjoy the late game!


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Hello hello!

Marisa-welcome back! I too was beginning to worry about ya, hope that your internet is fixed soon. did you have a good time at the Hershey Race?

Joanne-How's the rippling? :lol I am thinking of starting a new project...can't decide. I want to make slippers, and socks and scarves and found a neat pattern for a sweater/cardigan...and and and...what to do? I guess I will have to make a list of what needs to be done first then go from there. I am thinking of making X-mas baskets-bath baskets with homemade soap, washclothes, headbands, slippers and bath fizzle. I was also thinking of adding candles and a relaxing cd. What do you think? and then I thought of another type of basket-scarf, hat, mittens, hot cocoa and marshmellows...oh the ideas are just floating in my head!!!! Help????:devil k..I really need to focus.:yes

Sarah-so sorry that you had a reaction to your meds, hope you feel better soon!

Vicki-soo happy that you were able to escape reality! WTG!!!! Have a good week!

I made two dishclothes from the pattern that LeaAnne shared, the first one curled but I know that it will straighten out. Am enclosing pics.

Picked up the kiddos from the in-laws as well as supplies for the Club House. The in-laws are remodeling, lucky us, we know have brand new carpet to put in as well as paneling. :clap:cheer the kiddos are beside themselves. :P

hope everyone else had a fantabulous day!



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Good morning and welcome to Monday!

Not much activity here yesterday-


LeeAnn- Your dishcloths came out pretty. I just made a basic one- and since they are to wash things with I wouldn't worry about the curly-ness on the one. Your ideas for Christmas gifts are wonderful! I had thought about making washcloths with soap (DD said she would make soaps) . I love the idea of scarf/hat/mittens/hot cocoa together!


Vicki- Tonight is the night for you to say J-E-T-S JETS, JETS, JETS!!! Enjoy the day. Seems like you weekend get-a-way was just what you needed!!


Stacy- Hope that the girls have a wonderful first day of school!!!! Now you can start getting on some kind of a schedule!!!


Beth-:clap The Cowboys lost and YOUR Redskins won the game!!! Hope you got to watch and enjoy!


Everyone- hope your Monday is a good one!



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Good morning ladies :hi


Vicki - I know how you feel about having to come back to reality :( I would've liked to stay away too :yes Good luck to your jets tonight...I will be rooting for them over baltimore :lol


LeeAnn - No race, we went to hersheypark....it's an amusement park :D I like your dishcloths and you have great ideas for xmas baskets :clap


Joanne - I just noticed there are 2 games tonight with one at 10pm!!! :eek Is this going to be new this season or is it a one time deal, do you know?


I hope everyone has a great day today and I'll catch y'all later :D

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I think it's morning... :morcoffee Yup, It's morning.


I hope you all have a fantabulous day. I was BAD yesterday :devil I did not pick up my crochet hook. I will be celebrating international crochet day late -- I'll be crocheting in public a lot today, as much as work will allow.


I'm running behind. have a good one! :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning, friends!


I am joining Beth in celebrating a belated "crochet day" It was a fun and wonderful day yesterday, I just didn't get all that much time for my :chook. I did manage enough time to make the dishcloth, though, and will post some pics later on....


LeeAnn - I :manyhearts the ideas you have for Christmas gifts! Very nice ideas that I might have to consider "borrowing":lol Your granny ripple is pretty... very pretty! It makes me want to think about making one! Your discloths came out really nicely too! If you are doing the bath baskets, I also can share a pattern for a bath puff. It's really cute! I have 2 saved in my Ravelry faves. let me know if you are interested!


Joanne - Nice win by your Giants yesterday! I am also a very happy fan this week: The Pats and the Saints won!!!:cheer It was really awesome to see Wes Welker back in action... I :manyheart him!!!! What colour did you use for your dishcloth? You used my favorite stitch!:c9


Marisa - Glad to have you back, girl! I am glad that it was internet issues that kept you away, and hope that it's fixed for good! It's just not the same here without you! Hershey Park sounds fun!!!! My chickens would have a blast there! And who can pass up chocolate?!:devil


Sarah - :( Sorry about the bad reaction to your script. I hope you are starting to feel better:hug


Shannon - How are you feeling today? I hope you are having a good morning!


Colleen - sounds like you had a wonderful Saturday! I hope that yesterday was equally nice for you and your family. Did you get to stitch at all? I went over to the Christmas CAL and peeked at your scarf... I :manyheart it! I bet my fashionista neice would love one for Christmas! I will have to find out what color her coat is.


Vicki - :cheer:clap:cheer for weekends away! You are starting to sound like your old self again! Your post made me :U:U


Stacy - How are you? Did your girls get off ok on their 1st day of school? I can't wait to hear how it went! Were they excited? And :cheerfor the yoga class! that is hard work! I would like to try it one day soon....


Hey, Mary..... how are you and DH doing? Any word from the Dr. about the MRI? I am thinking of you both today, dear friend!:hug:hug:hug:hug


:hi and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Beth! I hope you get lots of time to play hooky today!!! How did the big date go yesterday? And :clap for DS not texting during school hours!


Make today as great as you can, friends!


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:coffee Good morning! Not much to say on my end. I didn't stitch yesterday. I took out my pattern and my cotton to make my dishcloth but just didn't feel inspired to pick up the hook :shrug


I have the day to do laundry, groceries and some cleaning.


I'll catch up later, just wanted to say good morning. Gotta get that first cup of coffee into me first. :coffee

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:hi I'm back. I got some coffee into me, 2 loads of laundry washed and on the clothesline, groceries bought and had my lunch. Now what? :think Just kidding :rofl I think I'll do another load of laundry, wipe down the shelves in my fridge and go for a walk. I seem to be loosing my motivation to walk...not sure why but it's a bummer.


LeeAnn - Your afghan is beautiful and I like your dishcloths. I'll have to take a look at that pattern.


Everyone else - I enjoyed hearing about your weekend and I hope your week is starting out right.

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hello ladies :hi on my phone so please excuse any typos and text talk :lol


internet went down as i just got into the site :( i hope they just give me a new modem when they come out on thursday :xfin


rain delay for the game tonight so have a little extra time to settle in :yes


leaanne...i love ur dishcloth, where did u find that pattern?


beth...i hope u had a good day :)


colleen...i get some of those days too where i just dont feel up to crafting :( good luck with the walking!


mary...how was gs's first day of school??


not sure if i'll make it back in tonight or not, depends on my internet :( the phone is slow so i cant continually deal with it, but here and there is ok :lol

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Good morning ladies :hi


Vicki - I know how you feel about having to come back to reality :( I would've liked to stay away too :yes Good luck to your jets tonight...I will be rooting for them over baltimore :lol


LeeAnn - No race, we went to hersheypark....it's an amusement park :D I like your dishcloths and you have great ideas for xmas baskets :clap


Joanne - I just noticed there are 2 games tonight with one at 10pm!!! :eek Is this going to be new this season or is it a one time deal, do you know?


I hope everyone has a great day today and I'll catch y'all later :D


Didn't know about the 2 games tonight! Really- a game at 10PM???? Well, I'll be watching Yankees until the Jets/Ravens game comes on- and then- it's bed time for me!!!

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Hi all,


The dishcloth that I did was in vareigeted peaches n' creme- blue/limegreen/white--


The pattern for the one LeaAnne and LeeAnn did is here: http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/90403AD.html?noImages=


You may need to log into LionBrand- It's called Sylvan Star Washcloth


LeaAnne- yours came out really neat!!


To everyone- I worked late tonight- my choice to get something finished. So sorry if I don't respond to all of you individually- plus it's getting very dark and the angels are bowling. I'll catch up with you in the morning!


And for Vicki- J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS:cheer:clap:cheer

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this is the link to the dishcloth pattern, and it really was Shannon's idea! :ty, Shannon for such a pretty recommendation! I liked the "ripples" :lol


Marisa - sorry about your internet :irk... what a pain! At least you have your phone, though:yes


Can't wait to hear about the big first days for Mary's GS, and Stacy's Isabella and Mia!


Vicki - I am sorry, the Patriots fan in me just can't let me :cheer for your J-E-T-S! :blush:devil


Colleen - I have been forcing myself to walk lately too... but I do it. Even if it's 1/2 my normal distance. Hang in there, buddy! :hug


Joanne - :clapWTG working late by choice to finish up what you were doing! Does that mean tomorrow will be better for you?


Beth, Sarah, Shannon - :hi

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:hugHiya friends!


Not much going on here in our neck of the woods..helping ds with homework and trying to be oh so patient, but he is driving me nuts!


LeaAnne-love your dishcloth! It is soo pretty! I would love to share your pattern for the scrubbie. Thank you so very much!:hug


Joanne-I hope that you get to rest, it is the pits working late. :hug


Marisa-hope your internet problem is fixed soon. It is difficult logging on from a cell phone.:hug


Mary-hoping that all is well!:manyheart:hug


All our other friends, hope Monday treated you well!


A friend of mine is teaching me how to knit! Oh my gosh! It is super hard for me! I would like to learn so that I can make a scarf...nothing fancy, just a plain ol scarf, but I do not know if I will ever get there. I think I will stick to what I do best, "Crocheting!"


off to veg by myself..a little alone time with my yarn is sure to make me feel less irritated. Hugs and extra squishes!!!

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Good morning everybody,


It's just too early to name everyone, and not miss half of you, so I'm going to be general. I am impressed with the dishcloths. I worked on sunflower squares at the ballet studio yesterday. I finished all the leaves for my squares, I just need to do the borders. I am using different colors for the backgrounds, and arranging them in diagnol stripes.


Since I love a challenge...


Joanne, are you enjoying this football season so far?

LeaAnne, how do your chickens enjoy school? How does it feel to know someone else is in charge of the PTA? Are you providing child care again this year?

LeaAnn, sorry your son's homework is giving you trouble. Is there a particular subject that's the culprit?

Marisa, are those exercises helping your back?

Sarah, are you feeling any better?

Mary, how was GS's day at school?

Colleen, how is dd doing at school?

Stacy, is school going well for all of you girls?

Shannon, How is Louisiana treating you?

Vicki, I hope your school year is going great. Is DD adjusting to the school routine?

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good morning, friends!


Joanne must have overslept...her before the rooster post isn't here! :nworthy... I don't know how you do it, girl! getting up so early every day. My badorkus is DRAGGING!:lol


Just wanted to say a quick :hi... I had a little blip in my morning-ness, and can actually enjoy a few sips of coffee... who better to share it with than you guys?!




I'll be back after the chickens are out of the coop, and my morning chores are done.

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I hope everyone had a good evening last night. I fell asleep in the middle of the 4th quarter last night of the the jets/ravens game. It was a good game at least, but wish the Jets won


Joanne - Yeah, the 10 game caught me off guard too and I asked a friend about it. He just laughed at me and said since 9/11 there's always a double header on the first monday :think Now I'm guessing I go through this surprise every year :lol


LeaAnne - Good luck on getting your chores completed :cheer


LeeAnn - I hope ds got his homework done and that you were able to keep your sanity :yes I'm sure that your crochet time after all that was :c9


Beth - I think the exercises are helping a bit :yay My back still bothers me...but not constantly or as bad, which is a step in the right direction :clap


I'm going to finish my cup o joe, then get on the elliptical, which I haven't used since my back started up a little over a month ago :eek Guess I'll have to start back at the beginning with only 10-15 minutes maybe and work up from there :think I'm hoping it goes well :xfin

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Marisa - :thinkI don't remember a Monday Night double-header either :shrug

I guess it's because I never could stay up that late? good luck with your eliptical... it kind of sounds like fun!


I have a few more things to get done this morning... clean up my kitchen and bathroom, mostly. My beds are made, bedrooms are tidied, and laundry is humming away. :scrachin what is a girl to do in a house that is all quiet? :idea.... :crocheting! :lol


I will share the puffie pattern link a little later, and show you my newest "what I want to try":devil ....


Have a great day, friends!:manyheart:hug:hug:hug

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:coffee A late good morning to my besties!


We have a lazy day planned. A friend and her kids showed up at 9:00 after dropping her oldest off at school. We were still in our PJs :blush:devil But, we got dressed quick and they came in for a play and a tea for the moms. We had a nice chat. I'm working on laundry. I need to vacuum and that's about all that is planned for today. DD is watching a movie right now. Just a hang around the house day :tup


I won't write to you each individually right now, but I'm thinking about you. Have a great day!

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I am busily swatching for my new project. My chores are done, save the laundry, but it will wait until the chickens are home... no counting will be required for that!


I am very excited to be trying something new on my :chook. I need something for when my hands need a little break from the thread, and some yarn to loosen the muscles back out!


...will share with you what it is, once I get it going and am sure that I will be able to do it!


Colleen - your post made me :U! Glad you got together with some IRL's for tea and a playdate, and that you have a low key day planned! :tup:hug


ok, then... back to that swatch! :tryme:lol

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Been mostly lurking lately. Feeling better now. What happened is I took some aleve and started having a tightness in my throat/difficulty breathing. Took some of Keith's liquid benedryl cause it works faster, it caused me to throw up which helped as I threw up the pills but left me feeling weak and having a sore throat for a couple of days. Of course it happened late at night when Doug was sound asleep cause he'd taken benedryl cause his allergies were bothering him. I won't be taking anymore aleve though. Which leaves me with just tylenol that I can take for headaches and other stuff.


I have been getting some crocheting done though. Started yet another project LOL Now I'm doing up a basket for fall decorations, wrapped some velvet ribbon around the handle, put some floral decorations on the sides and am now crocheting a liner and am going to make some pumpkins to put in it... Still haven't decided if I want to make another scarecrow or not since I doubt Keith will let me have the first one to use during the fall season LOL

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