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Some good clean fun?!

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Hiya friends!

I think I missed chat. :blush The kiddos were picked up by the in-laws for the weekend earlier, so what did dh and I do??? :cheer We went out to dinner! yup! Had icecream, not healthy but delicious! yummy! Then stopped at wal-mart, of course I had to buy yarn...French Country, Pale Yellow, Light blue and Delft Blue, don't know what I am going to make with it, but they just "popped" into my cart.

glad everyone had a good day. Will be sure and post to everyone tomorrow. Going to :hook Hugs and extra squishes!!!

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:waving... friends! I figured that it got too late. I ended up taxiing to every corner of our fair city! :lol I guess that's what happens with High School, you branch out beyond your own neighborhood!


anyway, I hope everyone sleeps well, and I will catch you tomorrow!


Oh! I almost forgot to mention that Sunday is International Crochet Day! I didn't get to design anything, but have a couple of fun ideas in mind. I will post some suggestions tomorrow, and we can make a "bestie dishcloth" or potholder.



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Good morning!

Quick stop in to wish everyone a wonderful Saturday! Gotta get cleaning here so my plan to watch football tomorrow (1PM Giants!!!) works out!!!!


LeaAnne- have fun at Pete's first soccer game- Go Gators!!!



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Top of the Morning to ya all!


Slept late:c9 oh soo wonderful just relaxing drinking my cup of coffee and planning out my day...well kinda. I need to clean, catch up on laundry but so want to crochet. I think I will toss a load to wash, pick up a little then crochet then clean...kinda like a fun cycle.


dh is going to be working on the club house, so I will have the entire house to myself.:cheer:clap

Colleen-what is on the agenda for the weekend?



Joanne-I thought of you yesterday, one of the girls at work mentioned that the Bronco's would be playing on Sunday:lol


LeaAnne-have fun at ds game! Count me in for the dishcloth or potholder.


Beth-you are up bright and early, enjoy your day!


will post a pic this afternoon of the ripple...oh my gosh! I want it to be finished, quick question, any ideas for a border? I am not sure how to border it, I thought of sc's but wanted something a little more fancy.:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hugHappy Saturday evening all!


Joanne - It sounds like you got lots done! Did you go to the beach?


LeaAnne - How did Pete and the Gators do? Does he like Soccer? Any L&Bing for you today?


LeeAnn - :yay for sleeping in! You deserve it! I hope you got your cleaning done in between your crocheting. I would do a sc border with 3 or 4 stripes of the colours you used. Maybe that is too much?


Beth - Hope you had a good day and that DD had a good day back at dance.


Marisa - Where are you these days? Seems its been a couple since we've heard from you. :hug Thinking about you friend.


Shannon - Where are you? Basking in the glow of a Saints victory? :lol


Vicki, Mary, Stacy & Sarah and anyone I've missed - I hope you are having a good weekend.


I had the most wonderful day. We spent the entire morning outside as a family. I did some cleaning up for fall - cutting back plants that were done, trimming bushes. DH mowed the lawn and stained the shed. DD and I did some sidewalk chalk and spent a very enjoyable time lying on the grass looking up at a tree and just enjoying the day. It was :c9. In the afternoon DD had a quiet time and I had a nap :yay. We picked up a pizza for supper and then played badminton in the backyard after supper and we had so much fun! The perfect day. :c9


I finished my Belle Scarf and I've posted a pic in the Christmas Carol CAL. I also picked out the dishcloth pattern I'm going to try to work on tomorrow for Crochet Day.


I hope you are all having a good weekend so far. :hug:hug:hug

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Colleen- Your day sounds like just what you needed!!!:c9


We didn't go to the beach- instead we went to Starbucks and got a cuppa and then went to a park and read for a while- very relaxing!!!! Came home and cooked pork chops on the grill with corn on the cob, small yellow potatoes and green beans. After that I took a ride to Trader Joe's and DH cleaned the kitchen! :clap I usually go Sunday early morning, but figured I'd get it out of the way this evening. I had to stock up on some Greek Yogurt and get more granola! Also treated myself again to a nice bunch of flowers. Now we are watching Rutgers Football- and I plan to take out the RR and continue on that.


Love the Belle scarf- they come out great each and every time and that's what I love about that pattern!!! I also like the scarf from the Happy Hooker book- DD loved the one I made her so might make a few of those as Christmas gifts-it was easy and comes out so pretty!


Hope you all had a wonderful Saturday!


See you all in the AM:hug


Oh, Marisa was going to visit her folks this weekend, but she usually posts every day and didn't on Friday- so hope all is well:hug

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Your right Joanne, it was just what I needed :yes Your day sounds relaxing too. Do you mean the one-skein scarf in the Happy Hooker book? Yes, that's a good one. I made one of those for my sister. I want to make another scarf for my mom for Christmas and I think I'll make her a Belle Scarf too. Something with a mauve in it maybe. I should make one for myself too. :D

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:hi, friends!


sorry to have been MIA today... I was very busy :crocheting! Well, in between taxiing, that is!:lol

Pete's team won their first game. His little friend Andrew scored 4 goals and had an assist. I was so happy for him!


I have my cotton already for a dishcloth to be made tomorrow! What better project for our Good Clean Fun group, than something to clean with! The one I am going to try is the Sylvan Star washcloth on the LionBrand website. I would like to make some other things, too, but that ole L&B will not finish itself! So, the rest of my day will be spent on it.


I hope everyone is having a good weekend! forgive my not saying individual HI's right now... please just take these :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug and pass them on! And know that I keep you all with me in my thoughts and prayers:manyheart

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Your right Joanne, it was just what I needed :yes Your day sounds relaxing too. Do you mean the one-skein scarf in the Happy Hooker book? Yes, that's a good one. I made one of those for my sister. I want to make another scarf for my mom for Christmas and I think I'll make her a Belle Scarf too. Something with a mauve in it maybe. I should make one for myself too. :D

Yes, the one-skein scarf in the Happy Hooker book is the one I was talking about! And yes, you should make a Belle scarf for yourself- I made a few as gifts last Christmas and then made one for me! I love it!:manyheart

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Good morning and Happy International Crochet Day!!!


LeaAnne- That's a cute dishcloth pattern! Congrats to Pete and his first soccer team win- go Gators!


I think I"m going to tell DH that I need to crochet all day today to celebrate the holiday! :devil I may have to just work on my mindless RR while watching the Giants though- can't be paying attention to any patterns!!


Hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing "hooking" kind of day!!!:hug:manyheart:hug



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"Holiday" :rofl Joanne, you are too funny! Enjoy your holiday ;)


Happy Int'l Crochet Day my crocheting friends! Hoping to get to my dishcloth later on. Right now it is off to church and then to deliver a b-day gift to DH's Goddaughter.

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Hiya gals! Sorry I haven't been around. I'm still not feeling great. But I'm getting there.


Happy International Crochet Day!! I wish I could crochet in public, or teach someone some stitches. But I will be crocheting, and I'm going to try a dishcloth for the first time.


I can't say individual hellos right now. DD wants to play Playhouse Disney. We're going to see my sister at college today. Hopefully I won't be too tired to get back on to see you guys. I miss you all!


Have a great Sunday everyone!!:manyheart

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While we were having breakfast I told DH that today was International Crochet Day! He said "so I guess that means you'll be crocheting today" The man catches on quick!:lol


Shannon- Have fun visiting Sissy at college!!!


Colleen- Enjoy your day and your visit with DH's goddaughter!


Well, my friends, time to get hooking!:hook

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Hello there!

I hope everyone has a Fantastic Crocheting Day! I can't wait to start the dishcloth.

LeaAnne-Congratulations to dear Peter on his win! How exciting! Thank you for sharing the pattern name for the dishcloth, it has been years since I made one. :cheer

Colleen-your Saturday sounded just wonderful and :c9. Hope you get a chance to :crocheting

Joanne-you are right, it's a holiday, no work should be done. :devil I loved your rr btw!

Shannon-glad you are feeling a little bit better, the stomach bug went thru our house, thankfully we are all better.

Sarah, Stacy, Mary, Vicki and Beth-hope your day is filled with happiness and joy!

I finally finished the ripple ghan, I was going to post a pic while it was still on the hook but wanted to finish it and post the end result. Thank you Joanne for the idea of the reverse sc,:hug that is exactly what I did. It felt like it took forever but TADA! It's done!

here's a pic.



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LeeAnn---GORGEOUS!!! Love the color and the trim! It really makes it pop! Great job!


I've been working on a mindless dishcloth in honor of our day today! Simple HDC- on a row of 34 chains- keep going till you end and then do a row of sc around! I'm listening to the pre-game show- and thought, Mindless is good!!!! No pattern to follow!!!



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:hi ladies


Sorry I haven't been here since thursday morning, but my internet hasn't been working :( Thursday after work nor friday before work. I called and they're sending someone out to look at my modem on thursday morning. Me and Mary drove up my parents friday night after work and were tired when we got there so headed right to bed to be refreshed for Hersheypark on saturday :clap We had alot of fun...it was us, my mom, aunt, and cousin that went.


After that I already knew I'd have so much to catch up on between my 2 threads that I just didn't feel up to doing it last night at my parents so was very happy to find my internet working today when I got home :yay We'll see if it continues to stay on :think


Now I'm watching the Eagles game!!!! And, about to crochet too, which I haven't done since thursday night :eek


I did skim through the posts to get myself caught up, but didn't take any notes. But, Joanne's rr looks great so far :clap , Mary's projects are all amazing :yay , and LeeAnn's ripple is awesome :cheer !!!!!!!!

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Welcome home Marisa! I was worried about you-:hug but glad it was only something simple as internet not working- although that can be very frustrating!!!


Well the GIANTS WON!!!!:clap:clap:clap:clap


I'm watching the Eagles too- and notice they have new uniforms on so had to google it and they are wearing uniforms similar to the ones worn by the 1960 team to honor the 50th anniversary of that championship team. Glad to know I wasn't losing my mind!:lol:lol

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Sorry haven't been on. Been sick and then had an allergic reaction to medication so I've been sleeping a lot and not getting out of my chair all that much (laptop is on the other side of the room from my chair and our wireless internet router died so can't take the laptop off the desk now)

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Welcome home Marisa! I was worried about you-:hug but glad it was only something simple as internet not working- although that can be very frustrating!!!


Well the GIANTS WON!!!!:clap:clap:clap:clap


I'm watching the Eagles too- and notice they have new uniforms on so had to google it and they are wearing uniforms similar to the ones worn by the 1960 team to honor the 50th anniversary of that championship team. Glad to know I wasn't losing my mind!:lol:lol



Yep, those are the old uniforms in the old colors with the old logo....It's been at least 10 years since they changed it I think :yes I have a really nice blanket in the old color and logo and it's the best blanket ever. It's HUGE and comfy, whereas my new one is tiny and thin :( How come nobody makes good quality anymore :think


They are definitely not playing very well though :no *smh*

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Marisa- They aren't playing well,:D but definitely playing better in the 2nd 1/2. Changing the quarterback for the 2nd half was a good idea for the Eagles, not the Packers, although Packers till winning, but Eagles seem to have gotten some motivation in the 4th Q~


Sarah- Sorry to hear you were sick had a reaction to your meds- Feel better quick!!:hug

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They did do better in the 2nd half with Vick, but unfortunately the reason they switched was a concussion to Kolb :( I like Vick better than Kolb and was surprised when they released that Kolb would be the starter :eek Oh well, I think we got 4 injuries this game already and an insanely large number of penalties!!!! Hopefully next week will be better. Now waiting for the next game :yes

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