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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning!!! TGIF!!! Gotta love 3 day weeks!!!:clap


So you will be up with the birds too, LeaAnne! Almost time for you to be hearing the wonderful sound of the alarm starting your day!:lol


LeeAnn- glad to hear that your DD is adjusting and making new friends! And that your Dad is doing better.


Beth- speaking of Dad's- how is yours doing? Are the inventions adjusting to the routine of schoolwork again? When do you start your tutoring?


Vicki- It's FRIDAY!!!! You made it through another week and hope that your migraine is better.


Colleen- Hope that DD has a good 2nd day of school today! If you need something to do, you can come and tidy my house for me!:lol Hope you have a better day today.


Shannon- GEAUX SAINTS:cheer:clap:cheer- Didn't watch the whole game- but glad to see your Super Bowl champs won the game!!!


Mary- How are you feeling?


Stacy- Last big weekend before the girls start school- enjoy the last remnants of your summer!


Marisa- Have a good Friday- and enjoy the weekend with your folks! Your Mom is going to love your cardi


Sarah- Hope you enjoyed your quiet time at the library!


Time to get this day started!! Cya on the flip side as Vicki would say, and I should be around for chat tonight.


Make it a good day!:hug

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Hi everyone.


Sorry I've been MIA. I'm working more now, and tutoring, and still trying to adjust to dh being home... I miss him when he's gone, but I got used to it a lot faster this time, and it's odd to have him in the way now.


Tutoring is Awesome!!! :c9 The boy used to work with his grandmother, who passed away a while ago. He is very happy to have someone with him who "gets" math. We sat and worked problems for an hour. And I got paid for it! Doesn't seem right to take money for having so much fun.


Life at the ballet studio is kind of frantic right now, but things will slow down in a couple of weeks, as people get used to the routine.


The boys haven't dated since school started. The 2nd son is on the phone with his girl all the time. I'm proud of him, though. He told her not to text during school hours. The 1st son has a date planned for Sunday. I'm not sure if they've worked out the details yet, but they are planning this one without my interference.


My dd starts dancing on Saturday. She's not looking forward to getting up early that day.


My dad is not in good spirits. He still is losing weight. I'm sure having my mom obsessing about it doesn't help.


Joanne, Happy Friday! I hope your day goes well. Any plans for the weekend? Which games will you be watching?


Marisa, love the cardigan. I made one similar to that -- brown and everything -- but mine is much longer. I wear it at home. The family calls it my "Obi Mom Kenobi" robe. If any of you young folks need help with the original Star Wars reference, let me know. Any ways, yours is beautiful. I like the edge of the sleeves. Are the exercises helping your back? My dd got some exercises from PT for her back. I use them regularly, and they help a lot.


LeaAnn, I hope you get some good rest. I hope the snags at work get straightened out, too.


Sarah, my "baby" (well, my oldest) turns 18 on the 25th. We are planning a surprise bowling party for him. I remember when he liked Thomas.... Is everyone healthy at your house now?


Shannon, Geaux Saints! Congrats on the win. But don't your boys feel a little guilty, picking on an old man like Favre?


LeaAnne, sleeping in until 5:30, you slacker you! :rofl I hope your kids get used to their routine soon. Big change in get-up time from the summer.


Colleen, sorry you are having a case of the mommy blahs. :hug


Mary, I love your projects. You do such nice work.


Stacy, I have a friend who scoffs at yoga being exercise. I have never been to a yoga class, but I know that holding a pose for a minute is WORK!!! Your muscles are fighting with each other and gravity -- major effort. How are you adapting to school, your kids being in school, homework, and housework? You have a lot on your plate. I'm sure you can do it, though. :cheer


Vicki, twice in two days, does this mean you are adjusing to school again? Teachers work way too hard.


I'm trying to prove that there is life before coffee, haven't had any yet, so if I forgot anyone, I do appologize. :hug And I need to clear out my stash, so here's some hugs for everyone... :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:morecoffee Morning, friends!


Happy Friday!!!!!! It's cleaning day at the homestead... I gotta catch up from slacking off this summer, and doing nothing yesterday! I didn't get much sleep, but the extra R&R must have done the trick, because I am feeling energized today!


I hope you all have a superb day, filled with :U:c9 and lack of anything that causes you undue stress.




Beth, it was nice to hear from you, that all is well albeit busy, and I :rofl'd at "Obi Mom Kanobie".... that makes you Jedi Momster of your realm, right?


Stacy - I hope you feel less sore today from your yoga class and that you all have a good day today!


Colleen - Are you library bound? I hope you get to do plenty of poking around there if you go. Do you have anything on the hook currently?

Are you able to chat tonight? Sorry for not being here when you really needed one:blush:hug:hug:hug:hug


Joanne, Vicki, Marisa, LeeAnn - TGIF!!!!! :yes:yay


Sarah - I hope today brings you lots of joy and fun! Sept. 25 would have marked my parents 45th wedding anniversary, had they not divorced. It is also my cousin's 45th birthday that day. Celebrating on the 24th will be so much fun for you!


Mary - you surely were not kidding when you said you liked WIP week! Wowza! Those are some terrific projects! I bet they are going to sell like hotcakes at your next show!


Shannon - I hope Janna has a great day at school today! That game was too exciting last night! It was close right to the end! I am thrilled that our SAINTS pulled out win 1


Here are some more :hug:hug:hug:hug , just incase anyone needs them!

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I've got an Italian Herbed Chicken dish in the slowcooker, my coffee and some besties checkin' in going on right now. It looks like a great day for a walk. I haven't been out because of the weather and the getting dark earlier, so I think that might help me feel better. Otherwise I need to get my drivers liscence renewed and hope to pop into the library.

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Hey we have the same weather. I just find the days so lonely. At least I have some volunteering starting soon, so that should help. And, I've got one lead out there for a couple kids for before and after school, please keep you :xfin

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Woot! WTG on 3000 posts, you yacky bug! :lol


everyone did great yesterday! They are happy, and all is right with the world:lol Lindsey and her friends were on the front page of lastnight's paper for the first day. no article... just them! They are so cute!

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Hey we have the same weather. I just find the days so lonely. At least I have some volunteering starting soon, so that should help. And, I've got one lead out there for a couple kids for before and after school, please keep you :xfin


I will pray for that... it's hard to be home when you aren't accustomed to it. when does the volunteering start? I have to say, I am glad that I am not doing much of that this year. I have a job to find myself, and years of WIMs to catch up on!:lol

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I will pray for that... it's hard to be home when you aren't accustomed to it. when does the volunteering start? I have to say, I am glad that I am not doing much of that this year. I have a job to find myself, and years of WIMs to catch up on!:lol


Thanks. :hug I think our first meeting will be the end of Sept. with my tutoring starting first week of October. I get to work with the same student again, so I'm happy about that. I've been thinking about him. Otherwise I'll wait and see what comes up. DD's teacher included a sign up page in her newsletter about parent volunteers, so we'll see what she needs. I'm volunteering at my friend's school too but don't know when yet. I just seem happier when I get out of the house and see people, but I totally get where you are coming from. You see LOTS of people all the time at your own house :lol I sure hope you can find a job :yes

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The odd years :lol
you don't know just how true that is!!!!:rofl


Thanks. :hug I think our first meeting will be the end of Sept. with my tutoring starting first week of October. I get to work with the same student again, so I'm happy about that. I've been thinking about him. Otherwise I'll wait and see what comes up. DD's teacher included a sign up page in her newsletter about parent volunteers, so we'll see what she needs. I'm volunteering at my friend's school too but don't know when yet. I just seem happier when I get out of the house and see people, but I totally get where you are coming from. You see LOTS of people all the time at your own house :lol I sure hope you can find a job :yes

pretty soon, you won't have enough day! I know I will find something, I just wish I knew what I wanted to be when I grow up!:lol

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I just wish I knew what I wanted to be when I grow up!:lol


I hear ya! Me too! A stay at home mom isn't it, though, I'm pretty sure. Oh well, a couple more years and my chicken will be bigger.


Well my friend, I REALLY appreciate you taking a few minutes to chat. I'd better let you get your house cleaned up while you have energy and I'd better clean my kitchen up and get out of the house :lol


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug You are the best!!! I will definitely try to be here tonight for chat. :hug:hug:hug

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:hug:hug:hugright back at you, dear friend! I am glad we finally got to hook up... I usually check in around 9 am, so feel free to have coffee with me anytime you need a friend!


Have a wonderful day, and I will "see" you tonight!


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Nice little chat you had LeaAnne and Colleen- nice to share a cup of morning coffee with each other!!!


I'm going to post a pic of my WIP still in progress- the RR- I'm so proud that this one is actually not wonky!!!


I'll BBL for chat!:hug


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:waving, kids!


How was everyone's day?


mine was great...I did all of my cleaning and have 1 load of laundry left to fold that will wait until tomorrow after Pete's 1st soccer game:cheer Go Gators!


Joanne - your RR is looking really great!:clap:clap


I'll be back in a little... going to sit with my hunny for a little. I told him there was chat, and he said "Again? Isn't every night chat?":lol "no", I said, "it's Friday night chat!" :c9

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