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hello and howdy!

Marisa-oooh my gosh! You are getting so close!:cheer

Joanne-I would have rather been home today too. Not that I don't like my job, but it was sure busy and extra crazy! We had 13 toddlers~! Too many, so they opened up another classroom and are moving my partner that I had in preschool and yours truly to operate it. :c9 we wil be back together again, in a different classroom but we can manage it. :cheer

Colleen-oh soo glad that your dd had a good day at school. Love the cookie and juice, sometimes I need chocolate to make the world go round. :rofl

Beth-I really could use help with Algebra. Ds didn't have any math homework tonight, thank goodness!

Stacy-glad that your geography class is going well. dd will open up soon, I am sure.

Vicki, Sarah, Mary and Shannon-how was your Wed?

going to :hook hugs and squishes!

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Leeann, I bet it will be nice to work with your old partner again. Good luck with 13 toddlers! :eek Glad to see you are feeling better.


Joanne, sounds like you had quite a group over this weekend! How fun! I'm sure it was a wonderful feeling to see they were using the baby blanket you made. :manyheart It seems funny that you are closing your pool soon- seems like you just opened it! :eek And your granny stripe is beautiful!


Colleen, glad dd had a great first day! And that cookies and juice made her re-think her feelings about school. :heehee


Marisa, sounds like you and Mary have been on quite a number of yarn outings lately! :lol 22 skeins- :dreaming. How nice! Did you buy them for a special project or just because? :clap for your xrays being negative and that the exercises are helping.


Vicki, yikes @ the puppies getting out again! Hopefully the replaced boards will keep them in the yard. How is dd liking school this year?


Mary, you are whipping through projects like no tomorrow! :nworthy Don't know how you do it. I hope you got the answers you needed at the dr. :hug:hug:hug


LeaAnne, how was the first day of school at the chicken coop? I hope Jamie had a wonderful first day of h/s!! :hug:hug


Beth, how sweet of you to tutor your friend's ds in algebra! :yay I can see how one would enjoy doing that subject- it's almost like a puzzle. Although I personally cannot stand it. :lol How are things going on the dating front?


Sarah, sorry to hear you are getting more rain! We are having some wonderfully overcast weather :manyheart due to some TS/hurricane, but I don't know which one. :think If only it would rain a bit...is Keith feeling better?


Shannon, hope you feel better soon. :hug:hug:hug The crud is going around here, too. It started with Eva and a runny nose, then of course dh was on his deathbed with it 2 days ago. :rolleyes Men are such babies when sick. :lol How is Janna? Any fun school stories to share? Sorry to hear Sister did not do well in her horse show. Is there someone else that can work with her horses while she is at college?


:whew I think that's everyone! My dad left yesterday morning, the girls sure miss him! Roomie came home last night. :rolleyes The girls are all soooooo excited to see each other, but are being extremely loud. (More her kids than mine, but of course she will not tell them to be quiet.) Quite honestly, it's making me a little :loco...so I might have my kids get ready for bed soon.


Well, I'm going to scoot, just thought I would stick around to see if anyone is chatting tonight. Have a great night, besties! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


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Hi everyone!

Today was a good day. Last night was the start of the bowling season so it was a late night. Now I am TIRED! But it was a good day at school. I got some stuff accomplished. There is still a lot that I need to do, but I am slowly crossing stuff off my to do list! I was able to talk to my principal today and I was telling him that I was so behind in what I had to do and all he said was relax, breathe, don't worry about it. You'll get it done when you get it done. He's so good to me. I don't think I could ever work for anyone else!

I am trying to get myself back onto a schedule. I am having a very hard time doing that. I played too much this summer! I want to play and not have to work at anything! Too much stress. I don't like all the stress that this year is bringing.


I need to go and get some stuff done. The sheets need to be folded and I have towels in the dryer. I really want to go to bed. That may take precedence!

Have a good night all and I will talk to you all soon!

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Hi, all~


Sorry I missed being here for chat. I am just now finishing tucking everyone in for the 8th time! :lol It's so hard for them to sleep the night before the first day...tomorrow night I will predict will be an early night!


I just wanted to leave some :hug:hug:hug for you all, and to see how Colleen's DD made out on her first day!:clap:clap

I will be by tomorrow to say hi "personally"


Sweet dreams, besties!

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Good night ladies :hi


Decided not to edge the cardigan since I didn't like the look as much as without it once I started :think So, it's done :clap


Some pics for you....well, just 1 pic for now. This is running super slow so hopefully will be better tomorrow to put up a couple more :xfin


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Good morning!!!


LeaAnne- Hope the chickens have a wonderful first day of school- especially Jamie! My niece had her first day of HS yesterday and was a little overwhelmed I think! But I know she'll do fine. Enjoy your ME time today while the chickens are all gone! Alot of the schools here are closed today for the Jewish holiday! They just went back to school and already have a day off!!


Marisa- :yay LOVE the cardigan-:manyheart and it seems that today is going to be a cool one, so you'll get to wear it!!!! Beautiful job on it!!! You must be so proud!!!


Colleen and Stacy- you both stopped in for a chat, sorry I missed it, but actually, DH and I were both watching the Rays vs Red Sox and were rooting for the Red Sox to win! :eek DH kept saying, I can't believe I hope the Red Sox win! But that is because the Rays are very close in the standings to the Yankees so if they lose, it's better for us. I ended up going upstairs at 9:30 and before I knew it it was about 4:15 and I was wide awake. I'm telling you - 6 hrs or so and I'm up- no matter if the rest of the world is asleep!:yes


Vicki- I gather from your post, that things are starting to settle in for you! That is good news! I was glad to see that!! And I take it you weren't hit too bad by TS Hermaine since there was no mention of it in your post! Can't believe it's bowling time already- but then Stacy couldn't believe I was ready to close the pool! Yes, summer did fly by quick!!!


Colleen- I think tonight I'll get to have my ghan on - it was still humid last night here- but overnight the cold front seems to have moved through and is much cooler. Hope you have a good day!


Beth- I bet you could get a job tutoring Algebra- lots of folks like me who just don't get it!


Mary- Are you enjoying the cooler weather? I can't wait to see your newest afghan!!! You just continue to crank things out- you amaze me!


LeeAnn- WOW- that's a lot of toddlers!!! How much longer will you be working there? I thought you may have mentioned October? Hope your DS is feeling better- here's some hugs and squishes for you:hug:hug:hug


Sarah- Hope that you didn't get too much flooding from TS Hermaine and that Keith is feeling better and back to his old self. When is his birthday? Can't wait to hear about his reaction to that cute puppy you made!


Shannon- Thinking of you and Janna and hope that you are feeling better- seems like a lot of people come down with something with the change in the seasons!


Stacy- Hope the kiddos went to bed early for you so you had some peace and quiet. Any WIP's on your hook? Seems like you have had your hands full these last couple of weeks between school , your Dad visiting, and birthdays!


Well, off to grab another cup of caffeine and get this day started.


Make it a good one everybody!!!:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :coffee


:yay for finishing a WIP!!! I then was working on a sunflower square and decided to get 2 brown centers done :yes It was kinda late til I sat down with it so that was pretty good progress for last night. I have that, the spiral ghan, and the stained glass afghan that are all still WIP's :eek How long does WIP week last?


I'm also throwing in the children's scarf sets that I've decided to make for the kids from the beach, and they should work up quickly. My problem is that I keep picking large projects :lol Oh well.....


Joanne - It is beautiful here too today, I love it :manyheart Not sure if I will wear my cardigan or just take it with me :think I haven't stepped outside yet, but my bedroom was wonderful when I woke up, with the fan in the window :yes

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:coffee Good morning! I slept so soundly last night. I guess the first day of school tired me out :lol DD and I have nothing on the schedule so far today, but it is a clear cool day (perfect for laundry) and we need to get milk. I think I can handle that :yes I made it through all the beginning of the year paperwork and newsletters. The best news is, DD was eating her breakfast and said "I want to go to school today". She doesn't have school until tomorrow, but I want to go is exactly what I want to hear! :clap


LeaAnne - I'm thinking about you and the chickens right now as school starts. I hope they all have a good day.


Joanne - Enjoy the cooler weather. It is certainly here! We have leaves starting to fall, not a lot of colour turning yet, but soon.


Marisa - Your cardigan looks great! WTG! Have a great day!


Stacy - I hope the girls have a good day tomorrow.


Shannon - How are you feeling!


LeeAnn - Good luck with those toddlers. That would be a blast! I guess constantly changing classes goes hand-in-hand with your job.


Vicki - I'm glad to hear things are settling down. How is DD enjoying school. How is TKD going?


Mary - I hope you enjoying the cooler weather.


Beth - I hope you and the inventions have a great day! When do they close the pool there?


Sarah - How is Keith feeling? How big are the puddles by you?


Off to start the laundry!

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:waving, all!


Can you hear that? It's the chirp, chirp, chirp of my empty house!!!:lol


Everyone got up, and out, and the hubbub of the 1st day-ness is over for me until 2:15, when I see my 1st chicken! I hope they all had a funtabulous and wonderful day! I do know one thing... they are all going to be tired tonight!:D


Colleen - glad that DD's 1st day was wonderful enough to make her want to go back today!:clap


Marisa - I :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart that cardigan! Boy, you sure do nice work! ...about WIP week... it's all month, right?!:devil


Stacy - so happy to hear that everything is going well out there in cloudy CA!


Vicki - glad things are settling down for you, friend!


Joanne - I hope your day goes by quickly for you! WTG on all of your progress on your RR!:cheer


Shannon - GEAUX Saints!:cheer:cheer I am so excited to see that game tonight!


LeeAnn - Enjoy all those toddlers! What a fun age! And :yay for working with your favorite co-worker again!


Beth - how are you and your inventions today? when do you start tutoring? How's the dating scene, now that school has begun? When does DD start dance classes? How is your Dad?


Sarah - How did our little man enjoy his gifts? Is everyone healthy? what's on your hook?


YooHoooooo! Mary! did you go to see your GS off to kindergarten? Are you happily stitching away up there, in this gorgeous cool weather? What else is going on up in God's country?


I have lots to do, but don't feel like doing anything but sit here in the quiet for a while...


I hope you all had a terrific day, and I will see you later:wink



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Hi gang! OMG! Two days in a row and I am here! Stop the presses! Vicki made it yet again!

I am actually still at school. We have open house and I haven't gone home. DD should be home with hubby tonight. I have been getting some stuff done that I am SO late in getting done. It's nice when I actually have some time to do it!

I have a migraine today. I really am not surprised by this. There is truly too much going on and not enough time to do it, so I am stressed out and this is the result. My class was really very good today so that is a good thing.

Joanne - We got a lot of rain from the storm, but that was really it. It hit harder near the Mexican-Texas border. We needed the rain, so it wasn't the worst thing.

Marisa - Love the cardigan!

Mary - Wonderful work, as usual! I love the towel toppers! I still want to learn how to do those!

LeaAnne - Glad to hear that all the chickens had a great first day of school.

Colleen - What grade is DD in? Isn't it wonderful when they love the whole school experience? Glad she had a good time.

LeeAnn - How did the first day go for your lovlies? I hope they had a good day.

Stacy - YAY for a great start to your going back to school! I hope you have a great experience too!

Beth - How are you and have you started school in your neck of the woods?

I can't think of who I am missing. My brain is fried and it has stopped working for the moment. I will talk to everyone later. Have a great night all!

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Hi all,

Hope the first day went well for ALL your chicken's LeaAnne and that you enjoyed the QUIET of the house!!!! And why not make it WIP month?:devil And for those like Shannon that want to start something new- once you start it, it becomes a WIP, so it's all good!:lol


Mary- :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart your projects-the ghan, the sweaters and those towels w/the towel toppers!! Do you have a NJ Devils one? or a NY Giants one? or a NY Yankee one? I would gladly pay you for one!!!:yes


Colleen- that 's good that DD wants to go to school- Did you enjoy the lovely cool weather today? We have some leaves falling off our trees in the front too- but not too much color change either. Pool is getting closed next Wed-


Stacy- Hope you were able to get your lock before Yoga class today!


Vicki- Oh my word- is it going to snow?:lol:lol:lol Two days in a row???:lol:lol Hope things settle down and that your migraine goes away soon!


Shannon, Stacy, Beth, LeeAnn, Sarah- Hope your Thursday was a fab day!


Gotta go get dinner!


GEAUX SAINTS!!! (DH Is rooting for the Vikings tonight- so we should have a good time watching the game)!!!

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Not much in the way of puddles. The were enough breaks in between bands to let the water drain off.


Keith's B-day is the 26th but we're celebrating it on the 25th.


I'm off to go to the library for some quiet time.

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Not much in the way of puddles. The were enough breaks in between bands to let the water drain off.


Keith's B-day is the 26th but we're celebrating it on the 25th.


I'm off to go to the library for some quiet time.


Enjoy your quiet time!!!:c9

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:hi everyone!


You crazy girls and your football!


DD and I had a rough day. Just a rough mom day. :( I got lots of tidying up done today and the house is looking neat and tidy. I like that. That's about it. Pretty boring around here. The good news is my volunteer work will start soon and I can't wait. I need to get out of the house do something!! :loco


It is downright cool here. The leaves on my Ash tree out front are turning yellow. It drizzled all day. Yuck!


Joanne, LeaAnne and Shannon - Enjoy the game.


LeaAnne -How did your chickens do on their first day? I've been thinking about them. And how did you do?


LeeAnn - How were all those little ones?


Vicki - Deep breaths, everything will get done. :hug


Mary -Your picks are great. Beautiful stuff as always.


Stacy - How was Yoga today? I'm so glad Eva is settling in. I hope things are going alright at home with roomie. I guess you won't be around as much, so that should help. Good luck to your girls tomorrow on their first day! :hug


Beth - How goes it down there?


Sarah - Enjoy the library. I think I might go tomorrow. I love the library.


I'll be on and off tonight if anyone is around for a chat. I could use a chat :yes

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:jumpyayGood Evenin Friends!

Marisa-I can't believe that you finished your cardigan! It is amazing! You do wonderful work! It looks lovely on you as well!

Joanne-tomorrow is Friday! :cheer:clapwooohooo! What a short week for ya!

LeaAnne-so glad that your chickens all went to school and that you were able to have "quiet time" what did you work on?

Vicki-two days in a row? So good to hear from you! i sure do hope things calm down for ya.

Colleen-what happened today? you ok?

Mary-I can't believe that is what you made in a week? wow! Fantastic! You crochet super fast!

Shannon, Stacy and Sarah-please post soon so we can keep up with ya.


Had an ok day, the new classroom has a few kinks but I am sure that it will work out. We have 5 kiddos and will be getting another one on Monday. I am missing preschool as that it where my heart is but am glad to have my partner. Other than that, nothing new. My dad is feeling somewhat better. Thank you all for asking.:hug:manyheart am working on the last leg of the ghan..I think I can! I think I can!

hugs and squishes and warmest of wishes!

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hi, all!


my chickens all had a good day! High School will take some adjusting to, but we expected that;)


I did nothing today during school... not one thing! and it was wonderful:c9 I wouldn't want to make a habit of it, but I sure did appreciate a day of quiet! ...and hey, tomorrow's another day, right?:lol


It is so nice to see everyone posting!


Vicki - glad you are catching up.

Colleen - enjoy the library... that will be on my agenda next week, i think :wink

Mary - I love your pics, your work is just awesome! :nworthy

Sarah - did you get a good book at the library?

LeeAnn - glad to hear that your dad is doing better! I know you can, I know you can finish that 'ghan!!!!

Stacy - hope your day ended up better than it started!

Joanne - your house must be all kinds of fun right now! I used to like the Vikes when Fran Tarkenton was the QB!:lol

Shannon-ness - Who DAT?! :rofl

Beth & Marisa - how was your day?

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sorry, Colleen:(


Maybe we can catch up tomorrow. do you want to have chat tomorrow night?


Anybody? Everybody?


:hugs, everyone!


I am going to go watch the rest of the game, and go to bed...

Joanne, you will be proud to know that my new get up time is 5:30!:eek

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