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Vicki and Sarah- I just read that TS Hermaine hit your part of the state. Just sending some warm thoughts to you- and hope that all is well.


Hermine hit south of us last night. But that means we get lots of rain cause of being on the dirty side of the storm. It rained here off and on (more on) yesterday and it's been raining non-stop since late last night/early this morning. The yard is starting to look like a pond again like it did after Alex. We're in the train of rain that Hermine is pulling off the gulf so it's not likely to stop soon.

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Good morning!


Sarah- Did you get to rest yesterday? I hadn't heard about Tropical Storm Hermine- guess I was paying too much attention to what Hurricane Earl was going to do- that he didn't :lol


That's because it blew up in the Gulf off of Mexico and became a TS in about a day... So not suprised you didn't hear about it =0)

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Looks like Colleen and I were on the same wavelength for WIP Week!!!:yes I put my squares together- both from here and others I received from other Villers! I bordered mine in black and then whip-stitched them together.


I love it and it reminds me of the great friendships that have been formed here at the Ville. :manyheart:hug:manyheart


I was hoping to do the same thing as Colleen and use the pattern for the Sunflower square as LeaAnne's, but mine didn't come out good and it wouldn't do her justice to have it on my ghan!


I didn't put a border on it yet because if I receive any more squares I'm going to keep adding to it. And it leaves room for a sunflower square too!


I will think of all my Crochet friends each and every time I use it and will feel your hugs!!! :hug


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Hello hello!

Busy day! So glad that I am home and will soon be chilaxing. :lol My little girl gave me a run for my money. :D another little gal started on Thursday last week, she has been attached to my hip as well. She calls me "mom" kinda freaks me out, but I still give her lots of hugs and squishes.

Joanne-I just adore your square ghan! Very nice! what a great idea!

Marisa-how was your day? did you give the doc his crockpot? I love mine! I use it in the winter months, it's a great way to cook meals!

LeaAnn-:hughope it calms down soon.

Colleen-hope you were able to relax after doing your errands.

Beth-so glad that you love math! I am attempting to help dear son..but we are going to have to wait until dh gets home, I am lost.

bbl! Gotta help with homework!

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I can't stay right now, but wanted to come on and wish Colleen and your DD good luck for your first day tomorrow!!! you have been on my mind all day:hug:hug:hug


My rest of my besties: Luv and :hug:hug:hug to you all! I hope things are going well for you all...


I hope to get to do a little stitching tonight... I am still on round 59.

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Hi everyone! Feeling rather :sick today, but wanted to say I'm still here.


Good luck to your DD tomorrow, Colleen! I know you're ready to get back to a schedule.


I love you ghan, Joanne! It looks great!


To all my besties-- Have a good night, a great tomorrow, and big :hug:hug:hug all around!:manyheart

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:hi everyone!


Thank you for the well wishes for DD's first day tomorrow. We're all organized. Backpack is packed, outfit is set out, we discussed all those speed bumps that can lead to a meltdown and :xfin we'll make it out the door with no tears. Just have to pack the lunch in the morning and make her a good breakfast.


Got our errands done today and played at the park. I baked banana chocolate chip muffins this evening (gotta have a homemade treat in the lunch box :wink).


Joanne - I love your squares afghan! How "friend"ly looking. Great minds think alike!!!


Shannon - I hope you feel bettter.


LeeAnn - Give your little ones hugs and squishes from me too and good luck with your DS's homework.


Goodnight friends :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Hugs for everyone!

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Night friends!


Colleen-best wishes for a Wonderful Fantastic First day of school!


going to bed, I worked on the granny ripple, so happy to say I'm getting closer to finishing it! yippee!


Joanne-have a good day back at work!


Shannon-hope you feel better soon!


Marisa-can't wait to see your cardigan!


Stacy, Sarah, LeaAnne, Mary, and Beth-have a happy Wednesday!



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Good morning all!!


Hope that Colleen's DD has a wonderful first day of school!!!:hug


Sarah and Vicki- Hope you are weathering TS Hermine ok!


It's off to work again for me today- but hey, it's already Hump Day!!! The weekend will be here before you know it!!!


Worked some more on my RR and am up to the 25th round!!:yay


WIP, WIP, WIP!!!! I love this idea of WIP week- getting so much done!!!:clap

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good morning, friends!


I just tried to catch up on all of the posts from the last day and a half.


Joanne - I :manyheart your friendship ghan! Very cheery! I hope your return to work today goes smoothly.


Beth - will you come help my DD with her Algebra? I hope that you get to :crocheting today.


Colleen - can't wait to hear all about DD's morning! How is your flannelghan coming along? Sorry to hear that it's boring for you:blush


Shannon - feel better, friend! p.s. I like the idea of new project week! When do you want to have it?


Sarah and Vicki - I hope it stopped raining where you are!


LeeAnn - I hope that the homework is getting better. Glad to hear that you have a couple of new little friends to enjoy!:hug:hug and squishies for you! HOw is your dad doing?


Mary - waiting :hyper to see your finished ghan! Are you having a good day?


Marisa - when will you find out what the doctor wants to do next? I hope you are feeling ok... WTG on your sweater! can't wait to see pics!


Stacy - How's school going? Your girls go back on Friday, right?



with the exception of 1 supply box, and 8 chapters of a book, we are ready for school to start tomorrow:yay I am left wondering how it went by soooo quickly?:think

I am STILL on rnd 59 of my L&B... had no time yesterday to work on it. Hopefully, today, but definitely tomorrow!


Make today the bestiest! Luv you all! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi, just a quick stop to catch up on everyone.


Joanne,love your ghan! I love that you didn't edge it, so you can continue to add to it. What a lovely thought.


LeaAnne, I'd love to come by and work on Algebra with your dd. Algebra is so much fun! Will you come to my house and clean? It'd be a fair trade!


Marisa, I hope your back is feeling OK. How's the cardigan coming? Can't wait to see pics! :hyper


LeaAnn, can't wait to see your pics of the finished project!


Sarah, thinking of you. I hope everyone is healthy at your house.


Colleen, first day of school -- I hope it's wonderful. Let me know how you handle it.


Vicki, do you see an end to all the interruptions and questions?


Mary, is it cooler now?


Shannon, thinking of you. I hope you are feeling better. :hug


Stacy, how is school? Do your girls all go to the same building for school?


Well, I need to skee-daddle. Have a great one! :hug

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supply box, done!

backpacks are packed!

supper is on the stove...

we are 90% done with the reading.

Pete has soccer practice at 5:30.


I am making my "bucket list" for the first day of school-ness:lol

I am officially ready for just one day to myself!:c9... and crocheting is item #1!!!!!!!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugto you all!

See you tomorrow!

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Hi all,

Quick stop in before I dinner is ready- Had a good day back at work, but would have rather been home working on my RR!:lol


:clap WTG on getting everything ready for Day 1 LeaAnne!!!! And enjoy your day to yourself- it'll be heaven!!!:c9


Colleen- Hope DD's first day went well.:hug


Beth- Hope your inventions are settling into the school work routine!! And that the dating sons are doing well!!


Shannon, Stacy, Mary, Marisa, LeeAnn- Hope you had a good Wednesday!!!!!


Vicki and Sarah- Hope you are weathering the storm ok!


Dinner is just about done!


Have a good night!!!

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:hi everyone!


DD's first day of school went well :clap I thought when I picked her up that we were in for some trouble, because the first thing she told me was that she didn't like her teacher and didn't like school :(, but one drink of juice and one cookie later and she was singing a different toon :whew So, :xfin for next day.


LeaAnne - :hug to all your chickens on their first day at chicken school tomorrow. Special :hugs for Jaime and her first day of high school. Was this Pete's first soccer practice? How does he like it? Enjoy your bucket list tomorrow. :c9


Joanne - Hope the first day back to work was a good one.


Beth - How are your inventions adjusting to school work again?


Marisa - How did your slowcooker meals go over at work? I made the mac and cheese today for our supper. It was good.


:hi Shannon, Vicki, Stacy, Mary, LeeAnn and Sarah (an anyone I missed) Have a great day!

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Hey friends!!!


I feel like it's been forever! LoL Well, considering how often I used to check in, it has been a while. School is going well, got my first assignment for the geography class and all we have to do is color and label a map of CA. :lol Easy, peasy.

Yesterday, Eva went into school like a champ! She sat down at a table and started to play right away, didn't even notice me leaving. Today, as soon as we entered the class, she ran over and hugged one of the teachers! :yay:clap:cheer Such a good sign. The main teacher told me today they are all just taken with her :manyheart but that she needs some help opening up. I had to :heehee. I told the teacher she is quite the motormouth, which they will find out once she gets accustomed to the classroom. :yes

My other two go back on Monday. This weekend I need to finish uniform shopping, but other than that, we are ready! :cheer I really hope Mia likes kinder- I ran into her old bestie's mom the other day, and she didn't seem too keen on getting the girls together. :( Mia keeps asking about her, so I am :xfin that she makes some new friends pretty quickly.

I have been working on some swap stuff, so technically I am working on WIP's. :devil I really need to work on that snowflake afghan and get all of the snowflakes worked up the correct way.


Well, I better get scooting- dinner is done but I will read through what everyone is up to, and be back later! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hello everyone :hi


Sounds like all is going pretty well and the kids are getting into the groove with school :D


Thanks to all of you checking up on my back :lol Well, when I took the xrays over yesterday and they were normal, he gave me a few rehab exercises to work on at home here, so I already started them and we'll see how it goes. Today wasn't too bad, didn't even take any pain meds :clap But near the end of the day I adjusted one of the guys who's kinds tough to get and I felt it, but still wasn't bad enough for meds :whew When I get off of here I'm going to do the exercises again before I start on the edging of my cardigan :think Otherwise, you know how the time flies once I pick up that hook :lol


LeaAnne - :yay for being ready for school and hopefully by now, you've made it to round 60 :xfin


Colleen - The meals went over great at work and we'll definitely have enough for tomorrow too and possibly friday (depending how hungry we all are tomorrow) :lol


Stacy - Glad school is going well and your geography homework is easy peasy so far :yes Eva sounds like me, I tend to be kinda shy until I get to know people and then I open up and there's no stopping me :lol

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Ooooh Joanne, I love, love, love your 'ghan!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer

I, too, am working on mine- planning to use the sunflower square for LeaAnne's square, too! GMTA, I guess! :lol

Thanks Stacy!! I just hope I can get the sunflower square done right- or else I may need someone (hint, hint, LeaAnne or one of my friends :lol) to make it for me so I can add it to the ghan!


Glad to hear that school is going well and that Eva is settling in nicely:yes. Love your homework assignment (are you sure you are going to college?:lol)


Fingers crossed that Mia makes friends quickly in her kindergarten. Hang in there for the last few days of craziness and then you'll be able to settle into a schedule once Mia and Isabella are in school. Is your Dad still visiting? When does roomie come home!

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Glad to hear that DD had a good first day of school!!!! Funny how a cookie and juice can make the world right!!!!


Marisa- Glad that you haven't had to take pain meds- and hope that the rehab exercises help your back. Do you go back to the doc now that Xrays are neg? Can't wait to see that beautiful cardigan!!!!!


Time for me to work on my RR WIP


Have a good night all!!!

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Glad to hear that DD had a good first day of school!!!! Funny how a cookie and juice can make the world right!!!!


Marisa- Glad that you haven't had to take pain meds- and hope that the rehab exercises help your back. Do you go back to the doc now that Xrays are neg? Can't wait to see that beautiful cardigan!!!!!


Time for me to work on my RR WIP


Have a good night all!!!


Thanks Joanne, I went yesterday morning and brought the disc for him to check them out and that was when I got the exercises. So, we'll go with this for a while to see if it will work and then I'll go see him again. When, will depend on how I'm making out with the exercises :D


Have fun with your RR ;)

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