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Here it is! My surprise project. It's my Besties Afghan :clap:yay:clap I used LeaAnne's sunflower square for her square. I love it! :manyheart








Just found out that DD, her BF, BF's brother and wife and other brother along with my youngest DD and her DH are coming over to watch the Yankees and chill with us! Impromptu gathering for sure!!! And I'm so close to getting my mystery WIP done!!! Can't wait to show you! Gotta shower (just thought I was staying in today) and then going to try and do a little more before the troops arrive!!

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COLLEEN!!:cheer That's so amazing! I'm so jealous that yours is done! How did you join them?


Hi all! Not too much to report around here. Been pretty lazy so far today. Sister did okay at the show. Her horse hasn't been jumping since she went to school, so he was a little rusty. Oh, and I've been meaning to tell you that the pics of my granny stripe are too big, so I can't post them here. I think I'll put them on fb, and they're over on ravelry too.


I was thinking (I know, dangerous). What do you guys think about having a New Project Week? We're all working so hard on WIPs, don't you think we deserve to start something new? Just an idea.


I'll be back a little later to talk to you all! Have a great day everyone!:manyheart

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:hi, me again :D


Shannon - I whipstitched the squares together, and you know it wasn't bad at all! I did a round or two of sc in white around each one (that helped make them the same size) and then whipstitches. Glad your sis did alright at the horse show. I love the idea of a new project week, but I am feeling really focused on finishing wips right now, so I won't be there for a little while.


Joanne - I'm so glad you DDs are coming to watch the game and hang out. Enjoy!

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:wooGood Morning!

All of ya are up and about! ds is sick today.:yuck he has a headache and tummy ache. last night he had an asthma attack-we got that under control but are dealing with the rest. Guess this bug will go thru our house. I am going to disinfect door knobs and such today.

Colleen-you are all ready for school! Summer was gone in a flash! My ds has an epi pen too, he's allergic to macadamia nuts and lots of other things, that is his only food allergy tho. Do you pack dd's lunch every day? I love your wip! Soo pretty! Are you hanging it up to display? WTG!:cheer:hug

Marisa-I do need to get motivated and get my x-mas list together, I am thinking slippers and scarves this year. It has been awhile since I have made the kiddos scarves, I think they are in need of some. I have a pattern for some mary jane slippers that I think the gals would just love! :hug

Joanne-how fun! Your day sounds like it is going to be busy with good company and good food. :hug can't wait to see your WIP too! a little hint?????

Mary-how goes it in your neck of the woods? Did you sleep well?:hug

LeaAnne-do your kiddos start tomorrow? Oh my gosh! your hooks must be smoking! :hug

Vicki, Shannon, Stacy and Sarah-thinking of all of you and hoping that you are having a wonderful weekend!:hug:waving

I worked on the granny ripple last night and am confident that it will be finished soon.:cheer

have to get clothes ironed today and lunch made. My mom and little brother are coming over for a late lunch-lemon pepper chicken, macaroni salad and garden salad. I have never made macaroni salad but am inspired by Colleen's cooking. Wish me luck! Other than tidying up, I am going to crochet until I just can't. Guess I had better get a move on it, I want to :hook and relax.

hugs and Happy Happy Labor Day dear Friends!:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug

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Just a quick HI

Colleen I love your afghan. Hmmmmmmmm think I might put mine together too.

I finished the afghan last night. I just have to put the fringe on it and it will be done. I have a hard time doing the fringe at night, so instead I started to put the sweaters together.

It is rainy and cold here today. I should get the laundry done but I don't like using the dryer, I think tomorrow is suppose to be warm and sunny. If it's not then I will have to use the dryer tomorrow.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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I'm back from today's running around :D My house smelled great when I openned the door :drool


My xrays were normal :clap which I expected. I'll give the doc's office a call tomorrow morning to let them know I went and have them back and see what's up :think


I went to the car wash and now she's all sparkly clean :D Stopped by Borders to look for a book my mom couldn't find yesterday and they didn't have it so she will just order it. Then went to Joann's and bought 22 skeins of yarn :eek But it was on sale for buy 1 get 1 half off the entire stock of yarn :clap Sale ends today! I got the yarn for the Bernat CAL that begins on sept 22nd and then picked up some homespun to throw in with leftover homespun to make something :think


LeaAnne - WTG round 59, you're getting there :clap Did you get your school shopping finished today?


Colleen - I love your besties afghan :manyheart


Joanne - Have fun with your surprise company :yay


Shannon - I have a list of projects so will need to start them :devil


LeeAnn - Sounds like your sickness is making it's way through the house :(:hug


Mary - We need some rain here :yes I hope it's nice for you tomorrow to hang your laundry out :xfin


Alright, I have an hour until it's time to shred the chicken in the crock pot so I'm going to the couch to work on my 2nd sleeve of the cardigan :D

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I was right!!!!! Colleen - :drool:drool I adore it!!!!!


I thought you might be right! You are one smart lady. Glad you like it.


Home from a walk. We just decided we're having burgers on the BBQ with cheese and mushrooms on them, salad, and fries for DH and DD and sweet potato fries for me (:drool my new favourite).


Plugging away on my flannelghan. :sigh Looking forward to finishing it. :yes

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Very rainy day here thanks to TS Hermine. Doug is over at his Grandparents with Keith so I'm enjoying a quiet day just watching tv and relaxing. Thinking about taking a nap as I'm tired.

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stopped to by to see what everyone is up to.


Marisa-22 skeins of yarn???? how blissful! So happy for you!


Joanne-oh the suspense is killing me!


Sarah-realax, enjoy the quiet!


Colleen-BBQ with sweet potatoe fries, double yummy!


waiting for the chicken to bake...yummy! both salads are in the fridge chilling out, blackberry tea is made...what a day! going to finish up that ironing..bbbl!


hugs and squishes!

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I'm back...again :lol quiet day here. I'm going to try to remember some of things I've read today.


LeeAnn - My DD does bring a packed lunch to school. Our schools don't have lunch programs here, so everyone brings lunch. Your dinner sounds delish and your day relaxing. I'm so glad for you and I really hope your DS feels better soon and that the rest of the family doesn't get it. Slippers and scarves sound like great gifts. I have a couple scarves to make, but I want to finish some wips and use up some stash first.


Mary - :yay for finishing the afghan. I hope when you get the fringe done we get to see it :hyper I can't wait to see what you do with your besties ghan. I didn't do anything fancy, but it's just right for my lap during chats. DD helped me decide where each square went and insisted Beth's cheerleader went in the middle. The funnest part was remembering a few stitches in that Shannon crochets lefthanded :lol It was fun to put together a little piece of everyone.


Marisa - Your weekend has sounded very fun and relaxing! Your crockpot meals sound delish and you could freeze Mac and cheese too if you want a quick comfort food meal someday. 22 skeins :cheer You go girl! Your afghans for Christmas gifts sound like a great idea! I welcome you to join our Christmas Carol CAL where we very loosely fit what we're working on to a Carol. Join anytime.


LeaAnne - How was your turkey? Are you having a fun weekend with the chickens? WTG on your L&B. You are getting there! I am so psyched to see that one. :hyper


Joanne - How did the get together go with the DDs and their partners? And you still have another day off :yay


Shannon - What's new with you and Janna? I will have to keep my eye of FB to see your granny stripe.


Vicki -How are those naughty little dogs today?


Stacy - How was the party? What's new with your girls?


Beth - What's on your hook these days since you finished those beautiful afghans? How did DD's clay...was it a dragon?...turn out?


The flannelghan is not holding my interest very well, but it takes up so much room I want it done! I have 2 more ideas for afghans in my mind, but I can't start them until I at the very least finish this flannelghan.

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:hi, friends!


My brain is :loco! :lol School supply shopping was fun but crazy... Krissy has asked me 89 questions about her first day outfit, hair, supplies... :blah

:manyheart it's asesome, but sometimes overwhelming.

All we have left to do is a couple of outfits each for Jamie and Linds, and Pete needs a case big enough to fit his long list of requested supplies, yet small enough to fit in his desk:think We still have a couple of days, as we don't start till Thursday. DH will be on the road, so I will get the day all to myself!:c9


Please know I am thinking of you all... my brain just doesn't seem to be working well at the moment:blush


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone!

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Had a great day with the DD's and SIL, BF and BF's 2 brothers along with his one brothers's wife and 3 mo old baby! What a cutie pie- it was the first time I've seen him and they were using the blanket I had made for him!!!!


We bar-b-qued and one of his brothers and one of my DD's went in the pool- last hurrah for the pool this season- We''ll be closing it soon.


Now that everyone is gone home and I've finished cleaning up, I'm tired!!! I think the mystery WIP will have to wait till the morning when I have more energy!!! But tomorrow will be the day I post a pic!!


Colleen- Sometimes it helps to break up the flannel'ghan with something else. I found that using the 2 strands of yarn with the big hook hurt my shoulder when I tried to do much on it at one time! So I would do something else in between with a smaller hook. Just a thought! And DD did a great job on helping you arrange the squares!


LeeAnn- Hope that DS is feeling better as the day goes on and that it doesn't continue through your house!!!!


LeaAnne- Nice that you have one more day to get everyone ready for the big day on Thursday- especially for Jamie- 1st day of HS!!!! My brother and sister-in-law are back from Boston- after having dropped off their youngest for college (BC). They are feeling a bit of empty nest syndrome already! I told them- don't worry - you'll get used to it!! I love having my DD's come over and visit- and I love them going home too- if that makes sense.


Hope that everyone enjoyed the day and I'll be back on tomorrow- YIPPEE one more day off work!!!!

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Hey ladies, just a quick check in :D


I finished my 2nd sleeve and now started the hood, so I'm getting really close to finishing my cardigan :clap


LeeAnn - Blackberry tea sounds wonderful, I've never had it but think I'd rather enjoy it :yes


Colleen - I'll check out the cal, does it matter if my afghans themselves have nothing to do with xmas other than being gifts :think


LeaAnne - :yay for having a day to yourself


Joanne - Enjoy that pool while it's open :) Can't wait to see the mystery WIP!!!!

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Good Evening!

Whew! What a day! I didn't get as much time to :hook but going to in a just a few. Lunch was :c9 my brought over three sacks of roasted green chile! :eek can you believe it? yup! We had to peel and bag it, but I was soo happy! I had just told dearest Father in-law of Friday that I hadn't bought any and was going to be sad this winter. Dh loves his chile, the hotter the better! Three hours later, we are all set. Also mopped the kitcken when we were done, didn't want to leave any seeds as they can really burn.

Marisa-forgot to tell ya, but oh so glad that your x-rays came back normal. :hug your hooks are getting a good workout this weekend! Can't wait to see your cardigan.

Colleen-flannel ghans are tough, they are nice but really hurt your wrist and elbow and shoulder..hang in there! You will finish it soon.:hug

LeaAnne-I totally get the back to school chit chat. How fun! Can be overwhelming tho.:hug

Joanne-what a wonderful day you had! I can understand loving your kiddos but being ok when they go home. My in-laws are like that, I can imagine how loud their house is when we go over. :hug

Mary, Shannon, Sarah, and Stacy-huggers and squishes!

off to fix a light snack and relax!:hug:hug

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Marisa - Good news about the x-rays :tup


LeeAnn - I don't know anything about chilis. How will your DH eat these things? When they are roasted are they dry? :think Do you freeze them or keep them dry through the winter? I know, I'm a :loser Northern girl here. :lol


Joanne - Your day sounds so fun!


LeaAnne - :loco back to school shopping, eh? Just think, in 3 days you will have peace and quiet.


I don't have any discomfort working on the flannelghan. It's just boring :blush:shrug Soon I will have it done.

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Colleen-you are just too cute! We use green chile in many dishes. It is fresh but we have it roasted, after it is roasted it has to "sweat" then we peel it, chop it up and put it in freezer bags. We use it in casseroles, stews, with eggs n potatoes. The possiblities are endless! It is similar to canned chile but tastes delicious! do you like jalepenos? dh loves them! you can buy chile in different flavors-hot, mild, medium from different areas throught the states. I usually buy chile from New Mexico or Pueblo CO. :hug:hug:hugyou can also dry the chile and then crush it to make chile powder for enchiladas, or red chile. :hug:hug

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Good morning everyone. Sorry I've been MIA. What can I say? Getting ready for school, getting caught up from my husband being away, and enjoying the last days at the pool -- I haven't had much time.


Marisa, so glad your x-rays came back OK. What's next on finding the culprit for your pain?


Colleen, I wouldn't know what to do with a bag full of chiles, either. Love your Bestie-ghan. It turned out so well.


LeaAnn, thanks for educating Colleen and me.


Joanne, your family fun day sounds awesome! :c9 That's what I want when my kids move out.


LeaAnne, shopping with the chickies sounds like fun -- insane, but fun.


Sarah, did you get your nap?


Mary, is it staying cool up there?


Vicki, Stacy, Shannon, have a good Tuesday! Hooray for short work weeks!!!


We are easing ourselves into school today, just a couple of subjects, and a general introduction to a couple more, and I don't have to work (the ballet instructor says that the dancers would be late because they got lost trying to find the right bus.) It should be a fairly easy day. I paid bills, fed cats, stripped my bed, got my son to strip his bed, made my COFFEE!!! and organized the yarn for my sunflower squares, which is my project for the week. I even decided how I'm going to lay out the squares, if I ever get them done. We will wash sheets, towels, and clothes today, and keep the kitchen and dining rooms picked up. I have another job... I'm going to tutor my friend's son in algebra. I love algebra!!! Can't wait to get started. I was robbed -- my twins taught themselves, so I didn't get to play with them while they were learning. Now I get to make up for it. I need to make lesson plans for that, and reserve a tutoring room at the library.


Talk to you all soon. Have a great one! :morcoffee:heart

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Good morning ladies :hi


I should have my cardigan finished today :clap I only have the edging left and to join up the hood :yay:clap


LeeAnn - :yay for all your green chilies


Beth - Not sure what's next on the list to find this pain :( I'll have to see what the doc thinks. An MRI would probably be the most sensitive test :think We'll see what he's thinking.

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Good morning!


Happy First Day of School Beth!! Sounds like a lot on the agenda for today for you!! That's awesome that you are going to tutor your friend's son in Algebra. Wish I had known you when I was taking it in college- Algebra is NOT my best subject!!! I did so much better in geometry in HS.


Marisa- Have a good day at work- and can't wait to see the cardigan! I think it's amazing making a wearable (that you can actually wear):bow


LeeAnn- Yes, thanks for the chili lesson. Hope your day goes by quickly today at school!


Sarah- Did you get to rest yesterday? I hadn't heard about Tropical Storm Hermine- guess I was paying too much attention to what Hurricane Earl was going to do- that he didn't :lol


LeaAnne- Enjoy the last 2 days before school begins. Good luck with any shopping you need to finish.


Colleen- Is your DD getting excited to be starting school? Is it today? My mind can't remember all these different start school dates. :think


Vicki- Hope this week is a much better one for you and that things start settling down!!!


Mary- Good luck with the doc- is it still cool up by you? We are supposed to hit 90 degrees today:eek but not supposed to be humid! We'll see- then a cool front is supposed to come through tonight. Leaves are falling off my tree in the front already! Can't wait to see your finished afghan!


Stacy- Hope your weekend was fun and that you are enjoying time with your Dad! Is roomie still away?


Shannon- I bet your Sissy's horse misses having her around. I'll be starting some new projects- felting being one of them!


Time to get more coffee and work on the WIP.


Wow- it's nice having the day off!:yay

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:coffee Good morning! Just sitting here with my coffee watching the chaos of the first day of school. Today is the official first day of school, but my DD goes alternate days so only her class will be starting tomorrow (it will be much less chaotic because the rest of the school will know where to go). It is going to be warm here today too, Joanne, but just for today.


LeeAnn - Thanks for the chilis lesson. I think it would be so interesting to spend a weekend at each of your homes, just to learn how people do things in a different part of the continent. Very interesting. That said, I'm sure there are Canadians who freeze a load of chilis for the winter too :shrug Who knows! How is DS feeling?


Joanne - Enjoy your day off :c9


Marisa - WTG on the cardigan! Hope today goes well at work for you and enjoy your lunch feast.


Beth - Happy first day of school. I did much better in geometry than algebra too. I'm one of those if you can't see it it doesn't exist people :lol


DD and I have to pick up her new epipens today, get her hair trimmed, buy some lunch box groceries and maybe do some shopping. I can't believe how much she has outgrown :eek We weren't going to have a vehicle today, but DH ended up getting a ride with a co-worker, so we have the van. Otherwise all that stuff wouldn't have gotten done.


Have a great day friends!

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Colleen- Good luck with the shopping and the hair trim. I went last Wednesday night for my cut/color and was amazed at how busy it was- forgot about all the "back to school" haircuts!! I usually go Wednesday night because it's slower than Saturday- but this past Wed was just as busy- it was fun hearing all the kids talking about going back to school and their new outfits, though!


Finished the laundry- and it's all put away. Kitchen is all cleaned up and family room and living room vacuumed and dusted. That's it for the cleaning today! I am on vacation after all!!!


Vicki and Sarah- Hope that TS Hermine is staying out of your way!!!



Time to hit the shower and then work on my WIP!


BBL with pics!

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