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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi all,

Sounds like a good day is being had by all- except sorry to hear that you are under the weather LeeAnn- remember to rest, crochet and then rest some more!! Glad to hear your family is taking good care of you!! How's your Dad? Can't wait to see pics of your ghan!


Mary- Glad to hear the DD and family are doing ok in Nova Scotia- hopefully by now power is restored. And, yes :clap:clap:clap:clap for cooler weather!!! Enjoy it!!!


LeaAnne- WTG on the L&B!!! You are more than 1/2 done!!!!! That's great!!!


Colleen- The pig roast sounds like fun. I've never been to one- but seems that lots of you have! Should that be something I put on my "bucket list"?:lol:lol


We had an awesome day- DD and BF got here around 1:45, watched some Yankees then headed to Ocean Grove- There was a craft show going on and they had some neat things- we got there as some of the vendors were closing up. Then we walked over by the beach- and it was high tide. The waves were amazing! We hung out for a while on the benches just watching the ocean. Then we walked over to "Tent City"- it is unique to Ocean Grove - they are these houses that have tents in the front of them. After getting lots of fresh air and exercise walking around, we went to a fish restaurant for dinner and have enough leftovers that we all have dinner for tomorrow!


It was just a wonderful day all around!:c9 DD and BF left to go home around 8- he has an art show coming up in about 2 wks and has a painting that he needs to get finished.


I took some pics, but can't wait to see DD's pictures- she has a really neat digital camera - way more sophisticated than mine!


Thanks for all the compliments on my granny stripe- it means alot coming from all of you experienced "hookers" :hug


Here's a pic of the ocean, the dune and "Tent City"




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Joanne - Glad you had a great day. I've never been there, but tent city looks very unique :yes And you managed to hit a craft show :yay


Mary - Glad your finally cooling down, it's easier to cover up when it's chilly than to do something to cool down when it's hot :(\


I did my grocery shopping and was at the market for a long time, but now my cupboards are happy :) It's been a while since I was trying to use what I already had here so things were getting a little sparse. I managed to save qutie a bit between sales and coupons :clap Now I still have to finish putting everything away. I got the cold stuff put away and then sat down to eat the salad I picked up from Chick fil a :drool


I think I'm going to pass on my hook for tonight since it's late already....if I start now, I'll be in trouble trying to wake up in the morning :eek:lol So I'm just going to head up to bed and read a while :D


Good night everyone :c9

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Evenin all!

Joanne-thank you for sharing your lovely pics! How fun! So glad that you were able to walk around and enjoy the scenery and the great company. :D

Marisa-grocery shopping is kinda fun for us:lol the kiddos like helping and can run and grab things faster than I can check it off the list. :yes:devil

Mary-happy happy! Glad that cooler weather is headed your way.

LeaAnne-I am sorry I din't get back to your question. Dd is in another school, the schools here in Alamosa are wierd. K-1 is at Polston, 2-3 is at Boyd, 3-4 is at Evans and then 6-8 is at Ortega. She is making more friends and has been chatting about them, I think she still misses her old friends and her teacher-whom we just loved but is doing better. Thank you so very much for asking. I wish that for once my kiddos would go to the same school but since ds is in 7th, they will keep missing each other until high school.

My mom came over this afternoon to check up on me.:manyheart so sweet of her, she had dropped my dad off at dialysis, he was kinda grumpy today-he didn't get to go to the car show, too sick. But hopefully he will feel better after he has rested.

the in-laws came over this evening, it was so nice to see them! I did get to crochet for a little bit, but didn't take a pic yet, I want to finish a few more rows before the tada moment. :lol am feeling a little bit better, I was happy to eat lunch and keep it down. :cheer :cheerback to crocheting.

will chat with you all in the morning! have a good night and sweet dreams!

hugs and squishes and more :hug:hughugs!:c9

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Hello from chilly Beantown!:c9:c9 those aren't clouds, btw, they are my blankies!:lol


It's late... I just put down my hook, but wanted to say a quick :hi before heading off to bed!

Joanne - nice pics!

Mary - Glad DD is safe and sound, and that SIL got to stay home.

Marisa - Great job on your clean-ness!

LeeAnn - glad you are feeling better and got a nice day.

Colleen and Stacy - I hope you had too much fun at your parties!

Sarah, Shannon, Beth and Vicki - :waving


I am up to round 51 of 81... I really am working hard to get this done!


:hug:hug:hug to you all!

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Hi Ladies

I went to bed at 1am was awake til about 2.30am and now I am up again. I don't know what is up with that. Tuesday Iam going to see if I can get in to see the Doc. There is a few things going on that I don't like. We will see what he has to say.

The afghan that Iam working on has 17 sections and Iam about to finish section 15 then just 2 more to go. I will just have to put the fringe on it and I can call it done.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Good morning


Mary- Wow- doesnt look like you got much sleep! Maybe a nap is in order for today! Can't wait to see a pic of the finished ghan


LeaAnne- You are really making good progress on your L&B WIP!


LeeAnn- Glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better!


Marisa- Have a great breakfast at Cracker Barrel


Everyone- have a wonderful Sunday- I'll stop by again later- just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful, relaxing day!


BTW- Chilly here this morning too- what a welcome relief from all the humidity we had last week!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just a quick check in before heading out to meet my parents for bfast :drool Just waiting for Mary to get her badorkus here!!!! :lol


LeeAnn - Sounds like you are feeling a little better :yay I can 'hear' it in your post :lol I don't mind grocery shopping either.


LeaAnne - You're making great progress on your L&B :clap


Mary - I agree with Joanne, you may need a few naps today :c9


Joanne - I'm off to cracker barrel :)


Mary's here!!!!! :D

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:)Good Morning!

Marisa-bfast at Crackerbarrel sounds delicious! yummy! :2rockare you going to stop at a Hobby Lobby? if so, you lucky duck! Love HL! One of my fav stores, I can spend all day in there. :yes


Joanne-whatcha going to do with yourself today? glad that it is cool as a cucumber. :lol Did you start on your felting project?

LeaAnne-you were up late! wowza! you will get your L&B done before we know it! Can't wait to see it!

Mary-so sorry you are not feeling up to par-that wasn't much sleep maybe you can take a nap later this afternoon. :hug

I couldn't sleep either, I think that Friday night I slept too much, :shrug I am enclosing a pic of the ripple, what do you all think?

going to sit and crochet, ds and I are the only one's up, he's an early riser. He is going to play his X-box, while I :hook.





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:hi, friends!


LeeAnn - your ripple is very pretty! I love the colors!


Marisa - hoping you enjoyed your breakfast. I love going out for breakfast!


Joanne - Enjoy your delicious cool and dry day! It's perfect weather for a WIP, wouldn't you say?:lol


Mary - :( I sure hope you get a BIG NAP! It's also a very good day for a nap! I hope you feel better, friend!


Everyone else - HI!!!!! I hope you are enjoying some hooky time!


I have a turkey to put in for dinner today... YUMMY and conducive to extra :crocheting time! :lol I sure hope I can make some nice progress today!


Make it a stitchin day, besties! :hug:hug:hug:hug see you later!

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Hi all,

I took a trek to Trader Joe's (thought of you Stacy). Stocked up on some Greek vanilla non-fat yogurt- (my breakfast of choice at work---that or oatmeal) and some Joe's Dark Coffee. Also picked up a few other things and treated myself to a bunch of colorful flowers!


LeaAnne- Yes, it is a perfect day for crocheting today! Yankees are on at 1- and there is a lovely breeze coming in through the sliding door which is right next to my favorite chair. Your turkey dinner sounds yummy!!!! We're having leftovers from last night's dinner out!!!


LeeAnn- Love your ripple- and the colors!! Glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better! I haven't started the felting project yet. I did find a WIP that I need to get finished! And like Colleen, I'm going to be mysterious about it- (just in case I don't get to it):lol:lol


Colleen- Hope you had a good time at the Pig Roast and that you get to have a nice lazy Sunday!


Stacy- How was the Party? Can't wait to hear all about it. Enjoy the time with your Dad!


Shannon- How did Sissy do in her horse race?


Beth- I'm sure you are enjoying the time with DH now that he is back home! How are the dating sons doing? And did DH ever finish her clay dinosaur?


Vicki- How the heck are you? I know you've been busy with school- are things starting to settle down a bit? And how are your dogs behaving?


Marisa- Hope you had a great breakfast!!!! I'm hungry thinking about it!


Mary- Are you napping yet? Fingers crossed you can get into the doc on Tuesday to see what's ailing you!!


Well, my friends, have a very relaxing Sunday!!! :hug

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Howdy all! It has beeh FOREVER since I have been able to get on here and say hi to my besties and I miss you all! Things are very slowly settling down at school, and I do mean S-L-O-W-L-Y! There are still a thousand things to do and just no time to do it! Plus lots of teachers who need me to tell them everything for special ed. stuff. No time to breathe! AAAHHH!!!!! It should slowly get better. I was so happy the other day. My coordinator came to visit and she told me that we weren't the only school to not have some of our documents out yet. I literally cried big old tears of joy! I said "Really? It's not just me?" She assured me that no, it was all the schools and I could calm down. I felt much better after that.

As for the puppies, they were good - until yesterday! They became little escape artists again! And as usual we could not find Aurora! Jasmine and Simba were trying to come home from the other side of the back fence, but Aurora was no where to be found. So I go to the front of the house and there she is running to the house. She ran all the way around the neighborhood to get home! We ended up replacing some of the pickets on the fence so hopefully that will stop them from escaping for the moment. Bad doggies!

I really need to pick up my hook. I haven't done that. I haven't had any time and when I come home I have been falling in to my chair. It has its magic powers again and there are nights that I have been going to bed early I am just so tired! I don't think I am quite back into the swing of things yet and that is not a good thing!

I need to go see what I am going to have for lunch. Have a great Sunday all and I hope you all have a wonderful LONG weekend!

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Hi Ladies

Leeann I love your afghan. It is going to be just great.

Joanne I did get a nap this morning and I have been crocheting all afternoon. It was only a 2 hour nap. Dh went out and the phone would not quit ringing. :angry

LeaAnne turkey sounds sooooooo good right about now. I would like the drum stick please.:yes

Vicki it was nice to hear from you. Hope things are better this week at school.

Marisa glad you had a nice breakfast with Mom and Dad.

Everyone else hope your weekend is going good.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Good afternoon, early evening :hi


Well, we met my parents and had a wonderful breakfast :clap Then went to the mall to pick up a few things. After that, Mary and I took a trek to HL..........lo and behold, they're closed on sundays :eek We were sooo distraught!!! So, went to walmart right next door and picked up a few things including 2 more bins for my yarn that's overflowing yet again :lol Hit an ACM on the way back where I bought NOTHING!!!!


I put some mac n cheese in the crockpot, which is halfway done now and just put some stuffed peppers in the oven :drool Was going to do the peppers in a crockpot too, but decided to make a meal and coincide their cooking times :D


Getting ready to go take my eyes out, might be time to open a new pair of lenses, these seem to be irritating my eyes fairly quickly :(


I have high hopes to sit and work on my cardigan this evening :xfin I haven't done any in a couple days now :(


LeeAnn - I love your ripple and the colors :yes


LeaAnne - How is today's progress coming along?


Joanne - It's always nice to have some fresh flowers in the house :yes


Vicki - Glad things are starting to calm down a bit, even if it is slowly....at least it's in the right direction :lol Hope you get some hook time in this weekend :xfin


Mary - Glad you got a nap and it sounds like your getting alot of hook time in :D

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Hi! It's me again!!!! I just now finished round 53. I don't know why I had a struggle with it:think:think the count just didn't work. anyhoo... :whew it's done!


Vicki - so glad you got to stop by... settling into "the routine" is not easy, especially when so many things have changed for you this year.


Mary - glad you got that nap! :clap


Joanne - we have college football on at my house!:devil


Marisa - :nworthy to you for going into AC Moore and coming out empty handed!!!!


:waving to the "rest of the best" besties in the world!


I luv all of ya's a wicked lot!!!!! :lol:manyheart:manyheart


p.s. I think I know Colleen's seeeeecret!:devil I am not going to tell, but it's killing me to see if I am right:rofl

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:hi everyone!


It sounds like everyone is having a good weekend! The pigroast was fun. Weather stunk (rain and cool), but it was fun. We went back and spent the afternoon with everyone today. They go home tomorrow.


LeeAnn - I'm so sorry to hear that you have been sick. Take care of yourself. :hug Your ripple is beautiful! Love the colours.


LeaAnne - Turkey :drool That's better than a pig roast in my opinion. I love turkey.


Mary - I'm glad you got a nap in. "just a 2 hour nap" :rofl OMG a 2 hour nap!!! How sweet would that be :dreaming


Vicki - Nice to see you here. Glad things are slowly getting better.


Marisa - Your dinner sounds delish! Were you having company or is that all for yourself? :think


Shannon - How was the horse show?


Stacy - How was the party?


Beth - I hope you are soaking up the time with your DH home.


Joanne - It sounds like you've got a nice day - a breeze through the window, a game on TV and crochet! Sounds like the perfect Joanne day.


Gotta go start some laundry. I have been out all weekend and I'm falling behind! See you later alligators.

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:hi everyone!


It sounds like everyone is having a good weekend! The pigroast was fun. Weather stunk (rain and cool), but it was fun. We went back and spent the afternoon with everyone today. They go home tomorrow.


Marisa - Your dinner sounds delish! Were you having company or is that all for yourself? :think


Gotta go start some laundry. I have been out all weekend and I'm falling behind! See you later alligators.


All for me!!! :devil Planning to take it to work for us during the week along with the chicken tortilla soup I'm going to make tomorrow :D We should be set for the week :think:yes I like to cook, but it's just me and I don't know how to cook small :( So, to work it goes :D I have my laundry going as well :h5

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hello there!

Marisa-soo sad that HL was closed. That's a bummer! :hugthe ripple is addicting! I keep telling myself one more row...one more row...but oh well! I am having so much fun! That is wonderful that you bought bins for your yarn. My yarn stash has grown:eek but this winter I will have more time to work on things. I really need to start thinking of x-mas gifts...any ideas?

Colleen-glad that you had fun at the pig roast. Spending time with family is so much fun!

LeaAnne-you are justa working away! How was the turkey? yuuummy!

Joanne-what a perfect day to crochet!

Mary-I am dying to figure out the secret??? please do tell when you find out! :yes:yay:yay

Dh is building the kiddos a club house! They are soo excited!:clap They have been working on it since yesterday, so far they have the floor and the walls up, tomorrow they are going to work on it some more. The in-laws replaced the carpet in their living room, they are giving the kiddos their old carpet, how cool is that? I think that I may just want to move in.:lol do you think they will let me?:devil

I have been crocheting for most of the day, my tummy is still not up to par, haven't eaten much today except for toast and a few crackers, did get my bathrooms cleaned and the laundry all done, so that's a good thing.:lol

back to :hook:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Sounds like everyone is having a good day:manyheart


And yes, Colleen, today was a perfect "Joanne Day"- game on (too bad they lost- oh well, can't win em all:lol), beautiful breeze through the sliding door and crochet in hand!!! I got a lot done on my "secret" WIP!!! I'm hoping to get it done by the time I go back to work on Wednesday!!!!:yes I can't wait to show you all, but mum is the word!!!:devil


Vicki- I was happy to see your Green post - and how funny that I was thinking about your pups and lo - and - behold, Aurora had snuck out! Hoping that the new fencing will help contain them better!!! Enjoy your Labor Day!!!


Colleen- Glad you got to visit your family again today and that the pig roast was a success despite your not perfect weather.


LeaAnne- You? Stumped by a pattern? Wow- you are human after all!:lol


Mary- Glad you got a nap in, even if it was only 2 hours. DH keeps telling me to sleep in- He doesn't get that I have been only getting about 5-6 hours of sleep/night for years now and my body just wakes up and is ready to go. I'm going to try tomorrow to see if I can stay in bed a little later. But I don't see the point of staying in bed if I can't fall back asleep- seems like a waste of time to me- there are things to do, crocheting to be done, books to be read! :lol


Marisa- I forgot that HL was closed on Sunday's- I remembered after you posted that. DH and I had taken a ride to the HL in Easton- It was about an hour from here- I bought I Love this Cotton and skeins of I love this Yarn- I think I'll use the I Love this Yarn for my next RR!!! Your dinner sounds yummy- I took a roast chicken out of the freezer this evening and put it in the fridge- we are going to have roast chicken, sweet potatoes and salad tomorrow. Tuesday, maybe I'll put something in the Crock Pot- Mac N' Cheese sounds good! And makes great leftovers for work lunch!!


LeeAnn- I'm finding the RR addicting, but had to stop today when I thought about the WIP I wanted to get done during WIP week! But tonight, I may do another round to take a break from the WIP- and then next week, I think I'll start the felting project!


Stacy, Shannon, Sarah and Beth- hope you had a splendiferous day today!!!


Cya in the AM!

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Nothing new to report since posting last night!!! But wanted to pop on and wish everyone a relaxing Labor Day!!! It's great to have a Monday that does not entail going to work!!!!


Off for some coffee---and to work on my WIP


REMINDER: WIP, WIP, WIP, WIP, WIP, WIP- WORK ON YOUR WIP!!!!!!!:cheer:clap:cheer:clap



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Good morning ladies :hi


It's so nice to not have to go to work on a monday, and that means it's only a 4 day work week :clap AND as far as I know, I'll have my other doc EVERY day this week :yay I was up at 6, but rolled over and went back to sleep until 7:15 :D


I finished a sleeve on my cardigan last night and did the first 2 rounds on the other, which was a bit of a project since I had to figure out how much of the hold I closed up before starting. The space the pattern had me leave for the arm hold was just toooo big :eek:lol Hopefully the other sleeve will get done today and then I still have the hood to do :think


LeeAnn - I'm trying to work on afghans for xmas gifts and I'll start with the kids, that way if I don't finish some of the adults will get a pic of the finished product :rofl with a note that the product is to follow when finished :devil I made my list, which totals to 7 :eek But 3 are my nephews so they don't have to be huge and the spiral one will be for the youngest. I'm trying to make a steelers blanket for my sis and her bf, but didn't start yet, however picked up the yarn last week and am ready to go with it :D


How neat that dh is building the kids a club house....and it will be carpeted!!! Awesome. Maybe I can rent it out for a week :think I hope your feeling better and get more crochet time :xfin


Joanne - Me and Mary were soo upset to get to HL to find them closed :( We were soo excited to get ILTY because we both enjoy working with it. We went once before and picked some up to try, so this was our next trip back. Your dinner sounds wonderful for today and sweet potatoes are my favorite :drool I think I may try a RR for one of my nephews, but then I need a 3rd and if one's getting a spiral and ones getting an RR, then I need a 3rd just as cool pattern :think Still working this out ;)


Alright.....off to work on a WIP :D

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good morning, friends!


I am here having a cup of coffee, and am wondering if Colleen and Joanne have the same secret project:think:scrachin:lol


just a quick post to say :hi, and to wish you all a fantabulous-ness day! We have to go finish up school supply shopping today. Other than that, my :hook will hopefully be attached to me for the better part of what will be left of the day. I made it to round 59 lastnight, before I :out! :lol Boy there's nothing like cool air to make you sleep like a log!


I can't say indie hi's right now, but know I am thinking of you all today, and hoping that you are getting to :crocheting to your heart's content!:manyheart



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Just a quick good morning! I've got 2 loads of laundry folded and put away, one in the washer waiting to see if the clouds lift to go on the clothesline, the backpack organized for school, the lunch bag scrubbed clean and drying, DD's fall/winter clothes drawer is officially all tried on and the too small stuff (most of it) weeded out for donation. Now I'm going to go finish my WIP. That's right, unless I get some major interuption, I am going to finish it, weave in ends and hopefully get a pick on here later today. :clap:elle Can't wait to share my pics.

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