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Some good clean fun?!

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I have all different colors- blue, yellow, lots of different variegeted, greens, off white, white, tan, red/white/blue variegeted, turqoise/pink vareigeted,red/white variegeted, maroon, - that's what I can recall off the top of my head- they are in a tote in the garage.

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OH bummer :( Looks like I missed a little chat while I was on the couch working on my cardigan. I now have 3/4 of a sleeve done :clap Now heading up to bed, I'm tired. I'll probably check in before heading out for my xrays :think


I like the idea of a monthly WIP week :yes


I also like when LeaAnne designs patterns :devil HINT, HINT!!! :lol


Nite nite

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Good morning!!!


WTG on the cardigan Marisa!!!! Good luck at the X-rays- and at least you won't have to wait long for the results!


I think I am going to tackle the border on the granny stripe this morning- DH is sound asleep (along with the rest of the world):lol So I think I'm going to go grab a cup of coffee and get this border started.


Getting together with middle DD today- at least that was the plan as of Thursday night:lol


Stacy- Hope you have great weather for the party today!!!


I'll be back later to give a WIP update!:hug

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Robert is home, but his luggage isn't. But who cares! He's home!!!!:yay:manyheart


Mary, I adore your afghans. I love the pattern of the one that is your WIP. You do lovely work.


Sarah, your son is so lucky. What awesome gifts you've made!!!


Joanne, you've come a long way, Baby! Your RR is great.


LeaAnne, I also have some extra cotton lying around, waiting for a good pattern to bring it to life.


Stacy, going to school and being a mom to 3 active children is a huge undertaking, but you can do it!!! And it will get easier.;


LeaAnn, I hope things are going wonderfully for you.


Vicki, how is school? Do you have any plans for the long weekend?


Shannon, how sweet that you missed chat because you were snuggled with your baby girl! Enjoy it! They grow way too fast.


Marisa, I hope the x-rays find the problem.


Colleen, sounds like your dd is a social creature. It sounds like your mom-date was as much fun as the play date.


The woman who taught me to crochet is dead. Her son went to visit her yesterday, and she didn't answer the door. I feel badly for her family, but I'm glad that her legacy of crochet lives on, and has been passed down to younger people as well.


I'm off to WIP some projects into shape.

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It's a great day for some horsey business!!


The weather is glorious, and Sister has a horse show! I :heart watching her ride!! So beautiful!


Have a great day all, and I'll be back tonight!:manyheart

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:hug:hug:hug Beth, I'm sorry for your loss. You're right, her legacy of crochet lives on through you, and through the people you have taught. :manyheart And a big :cheer:cheer:cheer for Robert being home!


Shannon, have fun at the horse show! Good luck to Sister. :h5


I think a dishcloth sounds like a fantastic idea for International Crochet Day. It's the 12th? :think


Lots of hugs to everyone! I don't have time to post individually right now- I forgot the decorations and a few other things when I went out yesterday, so I need to jump in the shower and go get them. I will try to pop in tonight, after the party!

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Shannon- Have fun at Sissy's horse show!!!!!


Beth- So happy that DH is home- and hopefully his luggage finds its way home soon too!!!

Sorry to hear about the woman that taught you to crochet! But you are so right- her legacy lives on!


Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!!

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Stacy- have fun at the party!!!!


The weather here today is splendiferous-ness!!!! Awesome--magnificent!!!!! DD is coming around 12 with BF and then we are all going to take a ride down to Ocean Grove- hopefully we'll find parking!!! It is a great little town, lots of shops/restaurants and a boardwalk for walking (no games/amusements or anything). Great walking day today!

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Good morning!!!


WTG on the cardigan Marisa!!!! Good luck at the X-rays- and at least you won't have to wait long for the results!


Getting together with middle DD today- at least that was the plan as of Thursday night:lol


Thanks, and I'll have to go back later to pick up the xray copies. Have fun with dd, I think you said ocean grove? We'll be waiting to hear all about it. The granny stirpe is awesome and the border brings it all together....I like the blue :yay



Robert is home, but his luggage isn't. But who cares! He's home!!!!:yay:manyheart


Marisa, I hope the x-rays find the problem.


The woman who taught me to crochet is dead. Her son went to visit her yesterday, and she didn't answer the door. I feel badly for her family, but I'm glad that her legacy of crochet lives on, and has been passed down to younger people as well.


I'm off to WIP some projects into shape.


:yay for dh being home, hopefully his luggage isn't too far away. This is such a sad story, was she already dead when her son found her? :hug :hug :hug to you and her family.


It's a great day for some horsey business!!


The weather is glorious, and Sister has a horse show! I :heart watching her ride!! So beautiful!


Have a great day all, and I'll be back tonight!:manyheart


Have fun at the horse show!!!! :clap


I think a dishcloth sounds like a fantastic idea for International Crochet Day. It's the 12th? :think


Lots of hugs to everyone! I don't have time to post individually right now- I forgot the decorations and a few other things when I went out yesterday, so I need to jump in the shower and go get them. I will try to pop in tonight, after the party!


Have fun at the party, I hope it all goes over smoothly :hug:cheer


Stacy- have fun at the party!!!!


The weather here today is splendiferous-ness!!!! Awesome--magnificent!!!!! DD is coming around 12 with BF and then we are all going to take a ride down to Ocean Grove- hopefully we'll find parking!!! It is a great little town, lots of shops/restaurants and a boardwalk for walking (no games/amusements or anything). Great walking day today!


Enjoy, it sounds like such a peaceful and relaxing day :yes




OK, I ate my breakfast and am going to get moving on my cleaning. The whole house needs to be done and I'll start upstairs since that'll be the quickest :D Want it all done today so I don't have to worry about it and can really relax the next 2 days :D I think I'll leave the laundry for tomorrow or monday though, that's easy enough to change the loads around and not steal alot of time :D

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DD just called- BF won't be done at the Art Guild until 1 so they won't get here till 1:30! Oh, well, think I'll make a run to the grocery store while I'm waiting and pick up a few things!


Good luck with the cleaning Marisa!!!!

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Break time in between the up and downstairs cleaning. Upstairs is done!!! :clap Now for the downstairs and the stairway, which shouldn't take too long. Just a once over for the powder room and kitchen since they get done really well every time I clean the turles ;) So really just need to dust and vacuum :D Getting all the nooks and crannys today with the vacuuming since I usually just run the roomba :lol


I do need to go to the grocery store and am debating on when I'll do that :think I might wait until later tonight. I don't want to hit the mad rush and I don't really NEED anything right now. Just need to stock up a bit and also get some things for a couple of crockpot recipes for us to have at work this week :D


OK, back to work for me :eek

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:drool :drool :drool Joanne your Granny Stripe turned out beautifully! I LOVE :heart that blue. Good job! You really have come a long way. I am loving all the eye candy - and just to think WIP week has just started! :clap


Beth - I am sorry for the loss of your friend. That is nice that you see her legacy in all you crochet and in the people you've taught.


Stacy - Enjoy the party!


Joanne - Enjoy your day at Ocean Grove with DD and the BF.

I'm glad it is a beautiful day there. It is downright cool and rainy here.


Marisa - WTG with the big clean. :tup I like shopping at off-times too. Can't stand crowds.


Shannon - Enjoy sister's horse show. We never did hear what she thinks of her granny stripe.


LeaAnne - Enjoy your chickens today.


:hi Sarah, Vicki, Mary! Happy Saturday!


I have family visiting from Ohio, so we went to my cousin's for brunch and will be heading back there shortly for a pig roast (my cousin's DH roasts pigs). We just came home to make my pasta salad and for DD to have a quiet time. Lots of fun! Unfortunately that means no crocheting today, and it is a PERFECT crochet day. Oh well, maybe this evening.


Have a great day friends!

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Colleen - funny thing is I don't mind the crowds, I just hate waiting in line :lol


The pig roast sounds fun and my sister just called to tell me she's probably having hers the first weekend in november, but it's tentative right now because she has to find a pig! :lol They usually do one every fall, but missed last year because her bf's mom was really ill and had just passed away about then :( Too young and an absolute sweetheart!!!!!


Cleaning is finished :clap:yay:cheer Now I'm going to shower because I feel gross!!! :eek I called about the xrays and the lady told me to call back tomorrow and that she's there from 8-12 and also told me that someone will be there monday too. I'm :xfin for tomorrow, but definitely will not be able to pick them up today :(


OK, going to get squeaky clean in my squeaky clean shower :lol

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Hello there!


So very sorry that I have MIA. I was sick..still sick, :yuckbut am able to sit up without the world spinning. I worked yesterday, but I was a mess...was able to make it thru the day without tossing my cookies, but once I got home...it was terrible. :sick I have been in bed since then, only getting up to the bathroom. My wonderful family has been taking care of me. I was reading thru all of the posts, wow! I missed a lot. Let me see if I can keep it all straight.


Joanne-love your granny stripes! :applause:heart the border is fantastic! Did your dd and her bf make it over to your house? Glad that the tornado did not hit. :hugyour mini-vacation sounds just:c9 How's the felting going? I have crocheted a small purse then felted it, it was soo cool! I gave it away before I could take a pic of it, but what a neat process!


Beth-oh so happy that Robert made it home safe and sound:lol:cheer what are your plans for the weekend?


Mary-ooooooohhh my gosh! I love your ghans! I can't believe that you finished them so quickly, how long does it take for you to make one? Did you decide on the shawl/pattern?


Stacy-:D You are sure busy! I remember those days of school, kiddos and work...very busy and jam packed! I agree with Colleen-you should be able to drop off dd and walk away at whatever time you want, it is childcare and that is the teachers job. I for one do not like for parents to linger, (especially the first week) I prefer for them to set up a good bye and pick up routine, such as a hug and kiss a cuddle then say their "good-byes". This way the child knows exactly what to expect and they will be ok. This also helps to alleviate the stress on the child, not knowing when their parent will leave and return. I always give the parent the telephone number where their child is so that they can call at anytime. ok off my :soap


Marisa-wtg! getting all of your cleaning done! wooohooo! off to a relaxing weekend! what are you going to work on for the WIP week? the stained glass ghan sounds lovely, it is hard to get into a project that feels boring.


LeaAnne-glad that Earl missed you too! how's MIL's house? a pot holder sounds like a wonderful project! I have a few skiens of cotton that is begging to be used. Good work walking by the way!


Sarah-love your little puppy~! now how cute is that? and the pillow?:c9 very sweet!


Shannon-your orange kitchen sounds cheerful and warm! I have an apple theme in ours, I love them! I was addicted to apples but have thought about going with another theme...just can't get rid of my apples.


Vicki-how was your week? do you get a three day vacation?

Colleen-your weekend and play dates sound like soo much fun! how exciting! when does your dd start school?


I think that is everyone, please forgive if I forgot someone, I really didn't mean to. going to sweep the living room and then sit with my :crocheting will post a pic of the progress on my ripple.


hugs and extra squishes!

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:hi, all!


Sounds like everyone is being very productive today, whether it be cleaning, stitching, or just enjoying family.


Joanne - I LOVE your granny ripple! It is gorgeous! You have come so very far with your :crocheting! You should be proud of yourself! I think you and Mary are the 2 WIP :queens! :nworthy.... what a great job! Now you have a nice felted project to look forward to as a prize! :cheer


Colleen - your day sounds like so much fun! I brought my :hook to sis' pig roast. I hope you have a great time, enjoying your family!


LeeAnn - :hugsorry you were sick! I hope you feel better! take your time and don't overdo!


Beth - So glad DH is home! Sorry about your IRL :crocheting mentor:(


Stacy - have a fun party! And enjoy your Dad! :hug:hug


Shannon - hope that you are having a good day! HOw is sis settling into school? she must have been so happy to see you! :hug


Mary - I hope your DD in Nova Scotia is ok in the aftermath of Earl. Are you enjoying this spectacular :crocheting weather, or what?! :wink:lol


Sarah - I hope your day is relaxing and well, just awesome!


:waving, Vicki! and :hugs!


Marisa - WTG on your cleaning binge! You must feel so great! :xfin for your xrays:hug


I am up to round 47 on the L&B. There are 81 in the pattern... I am getting there, slow but sure! We are having a roast beef with baked potatoes and green beans for dinner. Quick, easy, and done! Perfect for a WIP week meal!


gotta run... see you soon!


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Hi Ladies

Joanne I love youe afghan you did a great job on it and I think you are becoming a pro at crocheting.

Beth I am sorry to hear about your loss. Iam happy that Robert made it home OK.

Colleen have fun at the pig roast. Dh's family has them and I love them.

Stacy have fun at the party and just incase I forgot to tell you...... you are a great MOM.

Shannon have fun at the horse show today. Hope sis wins.

Vicki I hope your weekend is going good and next week is better at school.

Leeann sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Take care of yourself.

Sarah I love the puppy and pillow.

Marisa way-to-go on all your cleaning.

LeaAnne I hope you have a wonderful day today.

Today is alot COOLER :cheer:clap:cheer I got the dishes done and the sinks cleaned. I cleaned the bathroom and straightened up around the house. I also took out all the garbage and DH went to the dump.

I took a little nap today also. Was feeling kinda tired. Iam going to make dinner soon and then it is crochet time:cheer:clap:cheer:c9

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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DD in Nova Scotia is doing fine. The storm has past. She lost power this morning and doesn't have it back yet. She said it is hot as anything there but I told her it will be nice and cool tomorrow. Her hubby did not get called into work so that is good that he is there with DD and GD.

That is all I know so far. Will keep you all updated when I hear something.



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Leeann - Please take care of yourself and don't overdue it!!! Vacuuming is kinda strenuous :hug Rest, rest, and rest....and of course hooking is ok :D


LeaAnne - WTG, your more than half way done :clap


Mary - I'm glad to hear it's cooler there for you :D Easier to get your chores and errands done :hug


Hope everyone's day is going well. I haven't even picked up a hook or yarn yet today (well, except to move it out of the way for cleaning) :lol Getting ready to make my trip to grocery store in a few, then that'll be out of the way and it'll then be clear sailing for the rest of the weekend. Except to wash my car of course, but that's a given :lol I even washed the towels today and got that out of the way. :clap

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I had to close the doors and windows it is cold here, I love it :):):):c9

The weather sure did change fast.

OK back to crocheting. I want to get the afghan finished so I can finish some other things too. This WIP was a good idea, thanks so much.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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