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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning!

Hope everyone had a good night's sleep and are ready to tackle the weekend! (pun intended- Sunday is FOOTBALL Day):lol


Had fun last night, and now off to clean- and then pamper myself with getting my nails done. I'm going to go get a battery for my camera too so I can take a pic of the infamous flannelghan!


Make it a good day-:manyheart

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:oops I thought Sunday was the 25th but it's not till Monday. Feb. song on Monday. :blush


Good morning besties! Last night's chat was fun!!!


Sarah - There is a CAL with the pattern for the Flannelghan. It's usually 2 colours. I understand you need approx. 3 lbs of yarn for the main colour and 2 lbs for the 2nd colour.


DH was going to take DD to the barber's with him this morning, but she's decided it is too early to go out :lol We have a relaxing day at home planned. :c9 Have a good one everyone!

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Good morning everyone!


I sure did miss a lot at chat last night. Reading through it was a great way to start the day, though. You all make me :rofl


Sorry I'm so late. I had to wait for my ds and dh to use the computer before I could get on, then I had 247 posts to read from last night.


Have a great Saturday! I am hoping for the best. My son has a swim meet. I help with lining up swimmers. I spend 4 hours on my feet in a hot, crowded, noisy room. I honestly don't know if I can physically do this right now. I've gone downhill since the leg operation. Oh well. There's only a couple more swim meets to go this year. I can do this!!!


So we're allowed to blame power surges for memory loss? AWESOME!!!! I like that!


have fun everyone!!!

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:hi, and good morning!


First, I would like to say sorry to Sarah:hug, who arrived at chat when C'ville was acting weird. Chat is not fun when it's hard to post, or you mistakenly post twice... :sigh...


Sarah~ If you want to make a flannelghan (twin sized), Colleen is right: 3 pounds of color 1, and 2 pounds of color 2! The hook size we are all using is P. If you want a full/queen sized ghan, get 4 pounds of color 1, and 3 pounds of color 2. You make it in strips. the pattern can be found in post 1 of the LUmberjack/Flannelghan CAL, here at C'ville. I make mine with 17 beginning chains to yield 15 HDC stitches per row. each color combo is 14 rows, as you are working with 2 strands at once.


Beth~ good luck at the swim meet... i hope your leg lets you do it. and :yes, you can blame power surges for memory loss!:lol:whew... I was relieved about that one, too!:lol


Joanne~ Good luck tackling those cleaning projects!:rofl... puns are my favorite jokes, you know!:lol


Colleen~ DD is wise beyond her years, deciding it was too early to go out:wink... she sounds funny, like her Momma! Did you get in trouble for your typing volume?:lol


Vicki~ I hope the DI field trip was AWESOMENESS for DD today!:clap Do you get to chaperone? what's up for your day?


Stacy~ Happy Saturday! Enjoy your day with all 3 girls home!:clap:clap give each a big hug from "auntie Lea", ok? ...and tell Eva to enjoy her morning "foffee":lol ...that's what I'm doin!:tup


Mary~ Have a fun visit with DD (and hopefully DS):hug It was great to see you last night.:clap


Thanks, girls, again for the funnest chat we've had in a long time! Shannon will be so sad that she missed it. She was already sad when we spoke lastnight and she said she wouldn't be able to come.:( She did say to say :hi to you all, and that she misses all of her besties!


:waving to Scooby, Chaya, C4J, and Frogger!!!!! I hope your weekends are starting off wonderfully, and that we get to hear from you soon!


...oh, and lastly... I did PM Donna, requesting an archive of this incredibly awesome CAL!!!! :xfin that the archive does the trick, so the next chat won't have any glitches!


:hug:hugHave a terrific day, everyone... I am off to "get it done" ...whatever "it" is! :lol


I'll see you later on:tup

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LeaAnne, just another Thank you for starting this CAL!!!:hug I am so glad to have an on-line family of "kooks" that crochet.


Mary, so nice to read all your posts from last night. Did you notice how two people would post the same things at the same time? We sisters are a lot alike. You guys are FUNNY!!!


Sarah, it is good to hear that you get some time out for yourself. It's a lot of work taking care of a busy 3-year-old fulll-time. I'm glad his daddy steps in on weekends. Watch out for this group, though. They have me thinking about making a flennelghan, and now that snowflake afghan -- so pretty.... Like I need more WIM's!!! :lol If you make a flannelghan, what colors will you use?


Joanne, sounds like you have 2 weekends worth of weekending to do this weekend. Don't overdo it! The nap part really sounds nice. I hope you get one.


Colleen, you are a hoot! And your dd too. I agree about it being too early to go out. I have a hard time rising and shining when it's cold out there.


Vicki, inquiring minds want to know -- did the magic chair claim you last night?


Stacy, the date with Mia sounded perfect! I would love to have a cup of foffee with the two of you some time.


Scooby, I think about you all the time. I hope your drama is lessening, and things are going well in NE for you!


Chaya, how are things for you?


C4J, get any more A's lately? How is your free spirit doll coming?


Frogger, have things slowed down for you any lately?


Tena, how are the grandkids? How is Project Linus doing?


Since I desperately need more crocheting projects, my ds asked me to make him a bigger tote for his Warhammer figurines. He wants it to be 10" by 17" by 20", Do you think acrylic yarn would stretch too much to make a good, solid tote? I'm planning on using 2 strands of yarn together, and crocheting sc very tightly. Any input would be appreciated. He has spent a lot of money on these little army men (he hates it when I call them that) and he wants them to be carried safely.

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Morning all my besties,

No, the magic chair did not claim me last night. By the time we got home from tkd and had dinner it was after 7:30 and I had actually forgotten about chat because I was so not used to going to tkd on a Friday. I was sitting on my chair reading for my paper and then watching a movie with hubby before going to bed. It seems I missed a really good chat though.

DD is at her DI workshop. I get to go pick her up at 12. In the mean time I have vacuumed and threw the towels in the washing machine. I am supposed to go to a baby shower this afternoon and go looking for a suit for hubby too. I don't know how I am going to get all this accomplished today. It is going to be a crazy day. I hate crazy runaround days, but I guess they do happen!

Yes, we must turn others in to hockey fans. Hockey is a great sport. It is much more fun to watch it live than on tv, that I must agree with, but it is still fun to watch. I am not sure we want to turn people in to NJ DEVILS fans, but we can negotiate on that point.

And LeaAnne, come on now, the JETS are SO not like the Yankees. The JETS have not won ANYTHING in forever. Give them a break. I think they can beat the Colts. They will have a harder time getting past Shannon's Saints. They can keep it close if Sanchez plays a good game. That will be the key!

Ok, must run and get some stuff done. Talk to you all later!

Have a great day!


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:waving Vicki!

I just stopped by to see if you posted...

I hope you have a fantabulous day!!!!! glad to hear that you had a nice, relaxing evening last night:hug:hug:hug It is so much fun talking sports with you girls!

Is this baby shower for the purple set you made?




I would try a swatch of the dbl acrylic to see what happens. Use a smaller hook, and that woudl probably help with eliminating the stretch. Maybe an L or N?

...and you are right about our "sisterhood"... it is so good for my soul, too! i am so happy that we are all here:hug


Just got all my picking up done, and my shower... DH and I are having another "date" today... Grocery shopping!!!:lol I do love it when we get to do that together:)


see y'all in a bit!

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Hey girls!

Vicki, I'm happy to see that the magical chair did not claim you last night and that you had a nice night. How did dd do at TKD practice? Good luck with your day- I hate crazy runaround days, too (largely because they usually cost so much! :rofl) How is that baby blanket coming along?


Beth, I've used acrylic for totes before but I usually have to resort to a 6.5 for it to not stretch. And, of course, that is a hand-killer. I agree with Leanne- you should try swatches with a couple different hooks, to see what works for you. Btw, I had a great :heehee at your "because I desperately need another project." So, what colors are you going to use for your flannelghan? :devil:rofl Good luck to you and your ds at the swim meet.


Sarah, good luck if you decide to do that flannelghan- it is really a fun project, especially once you get to the joining and see how it all comes together. :yes Maybe you could make a smaller version for Keith, at first, just to see if you like the pattern. But beware- you'll be hooked. :devil


Ok, all...I've decided that I am just going to randomly start leaving the word "flannelghan" in my posts, so it brainwashes every single one of you into making one! :rofl


Leanne, I think it's funny that you call soda "tonic." I've lived in the pop part of the country and the soda part...and I thought the only one left was "Coke." :lol Have a super-fun grocery day. :clap Are you using "in-house" babysitting again?


Joanne, Colleen, Mary, Shannon, Scooby, Tena...happy Saturday! Hope it's a great one. :hug



I need to take a shower and get the girls ready. We are going to the Natural History Museum today. The girls want to picnic there, and since it's not raining, I said okay. Guess I'd better go check to make sure we have stuff to pack lunches! :eek

I will read through the 247 posts o' fun (thanks for counting, Beth! :lol) when we get home. Don't talk too much, okay? :hug




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I just had to pop on here and decompress with my Besties. I promised DD we could do one of her crafts that she got for her birthday today. So we did one, a little jewelery box that she decorated with stickers, jewels and glitter. Easy peasy. Then she wanted to do another one. I really should not commit to starting crafts with her until I've got all my chores done, because I was a stressed out wreck. I was trying to unload the dishwasher while assembling a butterfly garden (soon to be fairy habitat ;)) made out of foam all the while working around DH's dirty lunch dishes and the mail on the kitchen table and holding the tree down so it glues nice and straight :P. When I ran into the dishwasher door and screamed that was a turning point. Finally I just sat down with DD and worked on it and left the clean up for after. So we've almost finished (we are taking a break). She ran off to wash her hands and go for a quiet time and said to me "After you're done cleaning that up, could you please bring me up a drink of water?". :rolleyes.... at least she said please.


:sigh Dishwasher is now emptied, kitchen floor swept, little foam sticker pieces picked up and put to clutter up my dining room counter :blush. So I'm now going to do what I had intended to do today. Finish my ripple!!!!! And take several deep breaths and say a serenity prayer or 5.


Thanks for listening to me vent. I love you guys!

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Stacy, I get a daily e-mail digest of our thread, and it says how many posts were made each day. Believe me, I'm not going to count that high -- I'd run out of fingers AND toes!!!

How do you do that?


Just popping by to post a pic of the infamous flannelghan-it's folded on a rack right now- I'll try and take another pic later.


cya later!


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Colleen - No, this baby shower is for someone that I bowl with. Her daughter is having a baby. Her colors are pink and brown. I looked up her registry and figured this out from what shse register for. I actually have pink and brown yarn! I know that is terrible, but if I have the yarn I should use it. This is another baby project that I thought I had until late February or March to get the project done and here is it January and the shower is now! So once again, I will have to get the gift to them a little late. I told my friend that and she was fine with it. The purple one is coming along and is coming out nicely! So I need to get the purple one done and then do the scarf for my niece quick and then do the brown and pink and then do a scarf for DD and then hubby wants a blanket in Mets colors. Orange and blue. Maybe by then I can do one of Stacy's flannelghans!

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:drool Joanne that is beautiful! You did a fantastic job. I love those colours. Oh, that looks very napworthy :yes


Thanks for the hug, by the way Joanne. I feel much better. I went for a walk. :tup It is another beautiful sunny day here. We are supposed to get up to 9 degrees celsius tomorrow :eek That's warm! Our snow will almost all be gone after that.

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Hi Ladies

Sarah I hope we get a chance to chat again real soon. Sorry about last night but I just couldn't post. It was taking me 5 or more mins to post if it wasn't kicking me off the site.

Colleen :hug:hug:hug Iam just giving you back some of the hugs you have given me lately.

Beth here are some hugs for you too :hug:hug:hug I hope your leg feels better soon. Would you like me to come there and take care of you? I could take care of your leg and you could take care of my back. :)

Joanne I love your afghan. Very pretty.

Stacy I hope you have a great time with the girls today.

LeaAnne I think I forgot to congrad on the new job. WTG sister :cheer

I had fun last night at chat. It was great until everything started going wonky.

Hi to everyone else and I hope you are all having a great day. I think Iam going to start another snowflake afghan.

Talk to you later


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:hi, friends!!


here are some :hug:hug:hug for all of my besties...just because we all can use one now and again!


Colleen ~ Man, can I relate to your post earlier... I get stressed out if i "play" before my chores are done, too! Here's one more hug, in case the endorphins from your walk wore off:hug:D


Joanne ~ Your flannelghan is LOVELY! That color combo is so nice... you have a nice eye for color:yes


Mary ~ hoping that you are enjoying your day with DD...and that you are continuing to take it easy on that back... :hug


Vicki ~ Hope that baby shower was fun! How was DD's trip?


Beth ~ did you try the swatch? what did you decide?


Stacy ~ :lol at your post... flannelghan... so how was the museum? flannelghan...and the picnic?:rofl:rofl

.... and a big :hiflannelghan to all! Sarah, Scooby, Shannon, Tena, Chaya, C4J, Frogger... lots of :hugto you, and prayers that your day is terrific!


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Hi all


Another snowflake afghan, Mary? Did you finish the first one already????:lol


Colleen- good for you going for a walk- it does clear the mind and is good for the soul. Are you getting some :crocheting done on the ripple?


Vicki- Wow- all these babies that you need to make gifts for. I love pink and brown and :clap that you already have those colors!! I'm sorry you missed chat- and hope you don't mind the bit of fun we had about your "magical chair":lol


I just put laundry on and stopped by to see what everyone has been up to. DH really loves the flannelghan! I don't think I'll ever get to use it. He is watching tv right now with it snuggled around him. So, I'll just have to wait until Stacy makes my Giants/Rutgers/Devils/Yankee flannelghan:lol:lol


Hope you had fun at the History Museum- I was just saying to DH that we should plan a trip to NYC to go to the Museum of Natural History- or the art museum- I had such a good time at the museums in Boston last weekend.


Beth hope your leg holds up at the swim meet- you are probably there now- Good luck to DS! Don't overdo, ok?


LeaAnne- had fun last night- I can't wait until I come up again to Boston in the nice weather and then maybe we can 'hook' up once and for all:yes.


Well, I won't get to take another pic yet , since DH is enjoying having the ghan wrapped around him.


I'm going to go to brunch with 2 of my DD's tomorrow- Can't wait to see them- I laid some guilt on both of them today- "what's the matter- you can't call your mother"!! (I figure my Mom used to do that to me, so now it's my turn:lol) It's all in good fun though.


Hope everyone is having a nice Saturday!


I was thinking about the tote with the skeins of Caron Simply Soft Eco that I got- do you think it might be too floppy since that is such a soft yarn?

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I agree, Joanne... I would like that VERY much! (not to mention that I hope to have wheels by then!:lol) ...We could meet at Barnes, or a LYS, or Panera for coffee and a stitch! ...another reason to look forward to the nice weather!:clap:clap:hug

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Yes, that would be so much fun. I am soooo ready for nice weather! I forgot to ask you last night- did you sell any of the things you were making for the hockey sale (it was a hockey sale, right? Or is my power surge affecting my memory?)

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nope... I didn't sell anything. It's ok, though. I chalk it up to a marketing experiment:lol:lol We still have 2 months left of the cold weather part of hockey season, so I want to try some other things and see... :shrug.

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