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Holy Julie Newmar Batman!


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Hey y'all!


So, I love cats- I've always had at least one throughout my entire life. I've been wanting to make a cat-eared hat for the longest time; however, I never found a pattern that really called out to me. This all changed just a few days ago when I was looking at and petting my yarn stash (Oh, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!) The preciousness that caught my attention was the glow-in-the dark yarn that I've had for a while but didn't have a clue what I should create with it. Inspiration came a-knockin' my friends.


Most patterns I've seen seem to be a simple rectangle that is folded over and sewn together; however, the ears never seemed to be cat-like enough for my taste. There are also some that are plain hats with crocheted ears sewn on at the end. I hate sewing things together and avoid it whenever I can. So, I got tinkering with some yarn and with an increase here and a decrease there, I was able to get a cat-eared hat that really worked for me.




YAY! See! The points actually look like cat ears! WOOO ME!


I even wrote up the pattern for this hat- double wooo me!


It's available here. It's not been tested, so if you do make it, please let me know if there are any mistakes in it. Thanks!!

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great cat hat, the ears are purrrrrfect (lol).Really, they stand up and are pointy-perfect.While I was looking at your blog I saw your watermelon hat,have you ever posted the pattern ...........please...............it's great !!

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