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School Project-Little Rock 9 Flag Knitted


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In history class we were assigned an event or place for the civil rights movement. We had to create a memorial in writing and a peice of art. I decided to make a flag for the Little Rock 9. Well here it is!




I knitted the pink area first in stockinette stitch and then went over them with the duplicate stitch, with a small single crochet border. It took me forever so i wasnt able to block it so i attached it to a board so it would lie flat. She loved it, but lets hope I get a good grade!!


Let me know what you think.


P.s. the lavender color are the Little Rock Nine's members anitials and the All 1 at the top demonstrates that all nine and others were all together to try to desegregate the south.


The photo washed out the color-the background is baby pink.

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