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Slippers for Friend's Hospital Stay


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A friend of mine has been having lots of "female" trouble and will soon be going to the hospital to have a hysterectomy and have a biopsy on her bladder. She'll be "cut" instead of laproscopic because of previous operations so she'll need a bit extra time to recover. Anyway, I'm getting off subject here. She wanted to get some decent nightclothes together to take with her. I made her some slippers to take with her. :crocheting I think she'll like them because she's loved other pairs I've made her out of this pattern. Anyway, you can see them here. On my blog I have posted the link for the pattern if anyone is interested--you'll see it when you click on the thingie to see the picture. Thanks for looking...

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Thank you for your nice comments. She has been a great friend of mine for 28 years. You can always have many, many acquaintences but few true friends and she is definitely a true friend even though we live over 2000 from each other.

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What a nice thing for you to do. I hope she recovers all right. (I had three C-sections, so I know how it is to be 'cut'. My last one was really hard on me.)


I was looking at your chi blog, your Opi and Nellie are so cute. Our youngest son wants to get a chihuahua. (Especially since we rented the movie 'Beverly Hills Chihuahua'. :P)



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Very nice. And it sure beats those "huge, ugly slipper socks" they give you at the hospital, at least, at this hospital they do!! :lol

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What a nice thing for you to do. I hope she recovers all right. (I had three C-sections, so I know how it is to be 'cut'. My last one was really hard on me.)


I was looking at your chi blog, your Opi and Nellie are so cute. Our youngest son wants to get a chihuahua. (Especially since we rented the movie 'Beverly Hills Chihuahua'. :P)



She's also had 3 C-sections and a bladder operation too. Thanks for looking at Opi and Nellie Belle. They are my babies since my kids grew up and moved out. I loved the Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie! It was the first movie I went to a theater to see in probably 4 years at least. :yay

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Talked with friend last night and she said her adult daughter tried to snag the slippers! Guess I better make a few more pairs and send that way lol!:manyheart

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great slippers! And I loved looking at your website, thanks for sharing!

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Great slippers! And I loved looking at your website, thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much! It is nice to hear that someone likes my site 'cause there has been a lot of bashing of sites with music lately. I like the musical interlude of nostalgia.

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