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Floral scarf


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Here's a scarf I made a couple of months ago -- just now trying to learn how to post photos. With part of a 50-cent clearance skein of TLC gray heather, I crocheted this scarf using a strip from the Victorian afghan on the cover of a Terry Kimbrough afghan book. I'm very pleased with the result with one small nit: The yarn is so soft that after a few wearings, the scarf loses body and the pretty floral pattern isn't all that obvious. I've made another one with some Bernat Berella 4, and it has more body, but isn't so great to wear on a warmer day.





Okay, I'm so frustrated trying to link to pictures. When I click on the above link, I get a message saying that I must enable intranet settings and that this is not secure.

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Hey there :) The main problem I could find with your URL is the double 'Http://'s you've got going on. I don't know if the extra is added by the BBCode or what's going on there.


This should be the proper link;



And it's a beautiful scarf! You've done such a good job, I love it :D

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Perhaps what happened is that you used the little 'link' option (the chain and the world... I don't know what it's called officially) and pasted the full URL after the HTTP:// already included in the input box that pops-up? I've done that a couple times and it messed it up, and it might explain the extra 'HTTP'. The FAQ wasn't terribly clear in that situation XD

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Oh, thanks so much, LazyKat. I'm sure that's what happened. I thought that when I pasted the URL over the existing http that it would delete the latter. Well, now I'll be boring everybody with photos! I've been retired from the workforce and away from expert techies too long.


And, thanks for the compliment!

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Actually - just copy and paste the IMG code and your picture will show up here.


that is gorgeous!


Okay, I still haven't got this reply-to-quote thing down yet, but I'll get there . . .


I don't know what IMG is, but I looked it up, and I'll try using it to insert pictures. Thanks for both the tip and the compliment!


I paid a quick visit to your blog and saw the cool cable purse you designed and made. It reminds me of a designer crocheted cable purse I saw quite some time ago at TJ Maxx and passed up because it was $80+ and couldn't bring myself to pay that for something I might possibly be able to make. Looks like you did.


And, I'm glad you're doing well after your CTS surgery. I especially appreciate a reply from somebody who has to key with only one hand.

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I don't know what IMG stands for either but that's the code from photobucket that sticks the pics over here.


Actually - I can type. I can't lift anything or hold a pen or a hook but I can wiggle my fingers ok. Thanx for the comps on the purse. I'm going to have to make a couple more of those. That was my 2nd cables project ever.

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Very pretty scarf! No, I don't imagine that yarn would be good for a scarf either. How about Wool-Ease? I used the Heather for afghans & it was great, but when I made a pair of slipper socks for myself with it, they stretched out like crazy.

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