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Tons of Finished Projects!


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I love to crochet, as it destresses me after the labors of law school. As a result, I have made so many things. I picked up the Stitch n' Bitch book, Happy Hooker, and went crazy! I've also made some of my own things from other patterns and sources. Hope you enjoy, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!


Fluffy Bunny Slippers:

These are one of my favorite completed projects. I love them so much that I even took them to Oxford, where I was studying this summer. I made them out of the recommended yarn, with a substitution of sparkly mohair for the mohair they suggested.


Garden Scarf:

This was a blast to make. I'd never done flowers before, but I find myself crocheting them haphazardly now, and they make their way to my coat collars, bags, and hats courtesy of some good safety pins!


Strut Bucket hat:

I adore this hat. I originally intended to give it as a gift, but I fell in love with it and had to make the recipient one in a different color. It is felted out of Nashua Wool/Alpaca blend.


Skull Holders:

I learned a new way to change colors with these, and also found out how important it is to check gauge before you start! After frogging once and finding out what hook I should have been using, I finished them up nicely.


One Skein Scarf:

This pattern is floating around everywhere. It's a great, easy project to whip in an hour or two. I've since made about six of these as quick gifts, but they all look the same but in different colors.



I have more finished projects to snap pictures of, including a felted Peruvian-inspired "Chullo" hat (complete with earflaps and poofballs), a Homespun quickie scarf and matching oversized beret, a lacy scarf that I came up with off the top of my head, a ribbon-yarn drawstring bag, and matching fluffy bear slippers that I whipped up for my boyfriend. I'm excited to have found a forum to share on, and I look forward to hearing your opinions and seeing more of your work!


Currently working on a Scrapghan, lacy cardigan, and other various things.

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Hi...just want to thank you for your info re the helmet hat. I found it on Ravelry, purchased it and should have it tomorrow. Again, thanks so much. Could you please tell me how to get back to the picture of the red one you did for I can see the solid color..I am so new I have no idea of how to get around on this site .. YET!!

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