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Shnidbits of yarn in yarn graveyard

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I was just curious of what everyone does with those little shnidbits of yarn that are saved to be resurrected in a new project. I just found a bagfull of half balls and other misc. colors of varying lengths and colors.

I don't know if this is the place to post this question. Any ideas? Some of these look like they still could be used for something, but nothing is long enough to be used for a complete project. I even have half crocheted things that I have no idea what was trying to be done with it.

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I am in the process (looooong process) of crocheting those balls into granny squares. I'm using an I hook and only doing three rounds, which for me makes about 4". Then when I get a stash of grannies, I'm going to edge them in the same color, fasten them together, add the border and depending on how many I use, donate the afghan/lapghan to a place yet undetermined. And you'll be suprised how little yarn goes into a 4" square. I made over 30 with one set of leftovers and after edging, it's a nice sized lapghan.

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There are some wonderful patterns out there for scrap afghans, books too! You can make squares of different colors with scraps, like granny squares, where each row is a different color. I think scrap afghans are so great!!!! Good luck finding a pattern you like!!!


there are a few girls on here that would love to take your scraps if you choose to do so too~

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Once a year, I gather all my scraps and give them to some new crocheter in my neighborhood. It gives them something to play with and learn by making small projects. It also gives them inspiration to try harder to learn. It cleans out my house. LOL.

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wow- crocheters seem to share one mind, cuz I was just thinking about this.

I had all my schniblets in a stash box, but got

irked today, and sat down

and just wound them into one big ball.

I plan to make a scrappy granny ghan with them.


My idea is just to keep adding until I'm ready to stitch 'em up ;)

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I have done the granny square thing also. I used 2 colors, then used black as the outside round. I'm still putting it together (you don't want to know how long ago I started:eek )


Also, if you have longer pieces, you can just start making an afghan of DCs and wherever the yarn ends, in the middle of the row, attach your next color. You don't need to "plan" any color sequence or anything! When you finish a project, just put the leftovers on the afghan and keep going. You will have a beautiful Coat of Many Colors.

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For those of you who don't want to fool with your scrap balls and don't have any new crocheters to give them to I'll take them, I love working with scraps, you never know what you'll come up with :hook



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Stitch markers. Use them to tie up skeins of yarn to be washed. I'm thinking about saving the best ones for a scrap something or other.

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I got a pattern years ago for a Vanna White afghan that is called "Granny's Daughter". It is based on the yo-yos and then you edge it in white. I just make how ever many yo-yos I can with that color, then throw them in a gallon zip lock baggie. Then when I have a baggie filled, I write how many are in there and put it in a tote bag. Some day I will have enough to actually finish the afghan! :eek

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I keep a box that I throw all the little balls into too and keep some in the car with a hook to have on hand in case I leave the house without a project. I also keep a ziploc with all the ends that you clip after weaving in your ends and the leftover pieces that that are too small to bother with. My daughter's girl scout troop uses them and I send them into the school for projects too. The lower grades love getting that kind of stuff to have on hand.

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I didn't have enough of any one kind of yarn to do anything with (or that I was interested in doing, anyway)... I offered them up here as a trade to someone who can use it.

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Thanks everyone for the great ideas.

Chatty and 3doxies, Thanks for offering to take them off my hands.

At this time, because I am so new, I think I will hang on to them a little while longer and try to make some granny squares. I never did those before and it might be a good way to pratice without buying new yarn and worry about wasting.

Thank you

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I am experimenting with it right now. I really wanted to expand my freativity and create my own patterns that weren't so 'linear' and freeform is an intersting process.


Has anyone else tried it? If you search on the web there are only a few sights as it really is 'no rules' crochet.....





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I was just curious of what everyone does with those little shnidbits of yarn that are saved to be resurrected in a new project. I just found a bagfull of half balls and other misc. colors of varying lengths and colors.

I don't know if this is the place to post this question. Any ideas? Some of these look like they still could be used for something, but nothing is long enough to be used for a complete project. I even have half crocheted things that I have no idea what was trying to be done with it.


I use those half way used up balls of yarn. Believe that! I even go to to garage sales and the Red Shield store looking for scrap yarn. I either make scrap afghans with them, or towel toppers,mostly.

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One of the sales people at my LYS just asked me for even the smallest pieces of yarn because she uses them in the scrapbooking class. So if you know a scrapbooker, or someone who teaches kids (or adults) crafts classes, I'm sure they'd be happy to take the little leftover bits. Patty

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I use scrap yarn to try new stitches:) . I get out one of my handy stitch books such as Harmony Guide to Crochet, I pick out an interesting stitch and try a swatch. Then I collect the swatches by like yarn. One day I'm going to put them all together in some kind of free form crochet project.

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In the book Simple Crochet by Erika Knight (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1400050790/qid=1120944337/sr=1-9/ref=sr_1_9/002-1406823-3843241?v=glance&s=books) there is a pattern for an awesome rag rug which I'm saving my scraps for :hook



which page? I just happen to have this book from the library ... i plan on making LOTS of coppies :lol .... I love so many of the patterns in it

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which page? I just happen to have this book from the library ... i plan on making LOTS of coppies :lol .... I love so many of the patterns in it


Your library has crochet books? Lucky.


I'm not sure which page. I've only been able to drool over this book twice in a bookstore. The title of the project is "rag rug" though, so it shouldn't be too hard to find what I'm talking about. It's mostly just a rug done in sc with scraps of fabric/yarn. She stuck to one consistent color scheme (neutrals: black, white, green.. maybe tan) & her finished product (I remember the picture has a dog lying on it) looks great.

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Your library has crochet books? Lucky.


I'm not sure which page. I've only been able to drool over this book twice in a bookstore. The title of the project is "rag rug" though, so it shouldn't be too hard to find what I'm talking about. It's mostly just a rug done in sc with scraps of fabric/yarn. She stuck to one consistent color scheme (neutrals: black, white, green.. maybe tan) & her finished product (I remember the picture has a dog lying on it) looks great.


yea they say on the computer they have a bunch but ive only ever found three that one and 2 other crappy ones :think its a really big library tho i would think they have more they have like 20 knitting books :angry


Kay I found it i didnt even notice that one when I was looking thru it and now i want to make it :lol I love the rafia place mats in it tho .. I think those are my favorite :hook

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