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Another question! Curling bit on my poncho.......



I'm doing a poncho for my oldest dd. It is a granny square type thing, and on the front and back, there are points that go 3tc-ch2-3dc. These points curl somewhat, as they seem to be straining a bit. I'm trying to make the chains that go before, between, and after the tc's looser, but it doesn't help.


you can see a picture on my blog if you like. :camera I would appreciate any tips if you have them. thanks........



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4 answers to this question

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there are points that go 3tc-ch2-3dc


Is it 3tc, ch 2, 3tc? Have you tried doing your treble crochets looser instead? I've made this pattern from bella online and really didnt like how long the front and back were and how short the sides were because of the increase in length from the treble crochets.

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Yes, that's it. Oh no, this poncho is taking me so long! I tried another one but didn't like the lacy look. Oh, I wonder now if I should frog it all (yet again). I can see on the website on the mannequin that the sides are substantially shorter - well, that is part of the design. But I don't want it to look funny on my tall, slender daughter. argh argh, what to do, what to do........:bang


Thanks for letting me know your experience/opinion. Also the tip. I'll try loosening them up a bit.



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Well, I went off to Bella to look at the pattern. I suspect it's curling up because of the triples at the point. Because of the height difference of the doubles (on the sides) and the triples (in the corners) you're decreasing at a different "height" rate, if that makes sense. If you frog it (sorry!) and do doubles in the corners instead of triples, it probably won't curl and it'll be square shaped -- not longer in front and shorter on the sides.


I'm sure Eva designed it with the triples so that it WAS longer in the front/back. So, if you don't want it that way, doing a square design might be a good solution.


Another thought -- finish it with the triples and steam block it (carefully). Blocking cures all sorts of ills! I think a nice long fringe will help the drape of the poncho, too.

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thanks for the replies, ladies.

I decided to frog it all and start anew with a fresh ball. I'm now doing it all in dc, with no triples to mess with.

thanks again:*ccane


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