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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Can you believe this week will include the last Saturday in April already? Where is this year going? I will be posting YTD scores on Sunday, so please include yours in your weekly post.




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Can you believe this week will include the last Saturday in April already? Where is this year going? I will be posting YTD scores on Sunday, so please include yours in your weekly post.





Thanks Beth not sure where April went either yup this year is starting to go by fast next month my 2 daughters have birthdays and in June my middle daughter has a birthday where has the time gone

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Thanks Beth not sure where April went either yup this year is starting to go by fast next month my 2 daughters have birthdays and in June my middle daughter has a birthday where has the time gone

How do our children get older when we aren't aging at all?

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well as you can see by my signature I got some work done so far this week! Of course getting my quilt done helps! I got a three letters done in the ABC quilt, loving doing it and it is knit!!! SO was sort of put out that it was for my 5 year old, he says 'does he really need an alphabet quilt??? He knows his letters" ummmm yea he does dippy he is my son!!

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Thank you for the Good Wishes and prayers, I am regaining strentgh.

Don't mean to cry on here, but want to explain. I have had Bypass 16 years ago, and then 2006 I had to have another. I have several stints 3 to be exact. This time there is nothing more they can do. So I have a lot of time to sit and crochet. I have plenty of yarn to use, all kinds, except cotton yarn. So you know I had to order a 7 skeins so I can so some cassarole covers. The new yarn arrived and I now have a -14, which gives me a -10 for this week. Oh dear, I better get busy:crocheting :laughroll:laughroll

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Thank you ladies for the prayers, Good news as the DNA of the cancer hasn't come back, but mesothelioma has been ruled out. DH is home from the hospital and driving crazy already. I didn't get any sleep last night. He kept waking me up to talk. His sleep routine is all messed up from the hospital as the nurses kept waking him up to check this and that. So I haven't had the chance to crochet much of anything else. Maybe this evening I can get a bit done.


Your husband is in my prayers, and so are you!!! I know you need all the strength you can get to deal with this.:hug Take care of husband first

:crocheting second, but use it to relax. :yes

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Karishema and LadyKats, :hug and good thoughts to both of you!


I finished a project!:faintand used another ball in the process, so my WTD is +14. Now I'm going to start another 3-strand project using scrap yarn, since the cats don't mind if their bed isn't all one color.

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I used up a skein today at my knitting/crochet group. I started a baby snuggli bunting. They turn out so cute.


I'm at 23 points this week so far.

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It's me again. I am postng early. I burned my hand with hot gravy, so no more crochet for me this week. And I was really on a roll!



Good luck, everyone!

It's hard to type one handed!


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well didn't get much completed today will have to see about tomorrow then that way I can post my final score for the week to date and year to date

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Well I finally crocheted some this weekend, but while I worked with three different skeins of yarn I didn't finish any of them. I'm really close to finishing one, but I'm too tired tonight, and won't be around tomorrow.


So this week I still sit at WTD = 0 and my YTD = +4.


Tomorrow I'll be potting flats of flowers, so there will be no crocheting for me. I'm gonna try to crack down next week and finish one of my afghans. Then I'll have to go shopping for yarn to finish another one. :devil


Have a great weekend everyone!

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