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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I haven't been online for a few days. I have been at the hospital with my husband. He had surgery on Monday to remove a tumor on this lung. They removed the largest of the tumors and we were informed that he has Mesothelioma, The cancer is not only on his lung but also in his chest wall lining. He is in the early stages. It seems twenty years ago, brake pads for cars were made of asbestis. Back then we didn't know the dangers, and we would remove brake dust with compressed air, throwing asbestis into the air. We are now in search on a good oncologist in our area. I will be contacting Sloan Kettering in NYC tomorrow for their oncology department. Anyway, I have had tons of time to crochet waiting for doctors and I managed to finish quite a bit on a ghan. I am at WTD +8

Much love and hugs to you and your husband.:hug

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A friend of mine needed many different colors of yarn and asked me if I had any I could spare. She's making a scrapghan and needs a lot of colors.


She definately asked the right person. I gave her a whole bag!


So now I have a +18 this week and it's only Tuesday!



:cheerGreat score!:yay

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This is interesting. I have been thinking that I would hold a WIP Week next week.


Just for that one week we would put a big push on to get some cleared away. I plan to use the Dave Ramsey system for mine. :wlol


I think that is definitely a go now. Maybe I'll see you next Monday eh :wlol

Sounds like a good idea. I think I need something like this, but a month instead of a week...:laughroll

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I haven't been online for a few days. I have been at the hospital with my husband. He had surgery on Monday to remove a tumor on this lung. They removed the largest of the tumors and we were informed that he has Mesothelioma, The cancer is not only on his lung but also in his chest wall lining. He is in the early stages. It seems twenty years ago, brake pads for cars were made of asbestis. Back then we didn't know the dangers, and we would remove brake dust with compressed air, throwing asbestis into the air. We are now in search on a good oncologist in our area. I will be contacting Sloan Kettering in NYC tomorrow for their oncology department. Anyway, I have had tons of time to crochet waiting for doctors and I managed to finish quite a bit on a ghan. I am at WTD +8


I am praying for you both, too, Tracey :hug

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hey, all-

just got back from the Cape, and wanted to say :hi!


While we were there, we went to Joann's (who is having a "WICKED GOOD" yarn sale :eek)


I had 4 pounders & 6 RHSS in my hands (with my 9 y/o enabler by my side :devil)...and then... the amazing happened:

I left the checkout line, and put them BACK!!!!

My MIL couldn't believe her eyes :faint


I am very proud of my restraint, and wanted to share that story. I will also confess that it is because of this group that I put that yarn back... all I kept thinking was: "this yarn will really blow my score!" SO, :ty, ladies! :ghug


my week so far has been spent making squares, and I am at a +4!:cheer

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:manyheart Good luck Ladykats! Praying everything works out for you and your husband. :manyheart


I worked on my socks a little yesterday. Got to the heel and tried it on and it wasn't quite working so I had to frog a few rows and move the heel down. Not a big deal, wasn't much work to tear out but I may have to do it a few times to get the fit just right. This is my first pair of :socks.


I also started the Outta Sight by Doris Chan yesterday but my two year old wouldn't really let me concentrate enough to do more than two rows. So I may try to finish the afghan and socks before I do much more on the Outta Sight. Also on the to-do list: the Amsterdam Coat. I wish it was Fall all year round! I love jackets.



:earth Happy Earth Day everyone! :earth :tree


Edit: forgot to add, I finished my bathing suit cover up yesterday!

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hey, all-

just got back from the Cape, and wanted to say :hi!


While we were there, we went to Joann's (who is having a "WICKED GOOD" yarn sale :eek)


I had 4 pounders & 6 RHSS in my hands (with my 9 y/o enabler by my side :devil)...and then... the amazing happened:

I left the checkout line, and put them BACK!!!!

My MIL couldn't believe her eyes :faint


I am very proud of my restraint, and wanted to share that story. I will also confess that it is because of this group that I put that yarn back... all I kept thinking was: "this yarn will really blow my score!" SO, :ty, ladies! :ghug


my week so far has been spent making squares, and I am at a +4!:cheer


:cheer:cheerI am so proud of you girl!!! :cheer:cheerThis place really does help us to stay centred most of the time. I will remember you the next time temptation comes calling.


But if I ever get to Walmart that 2 kg of taupe yarn is coming home with me fer shure

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But if I ever get to Walmart that 2 kg of taupe yarn is coming home with me fer shure


:rofl it sure pays to "read the fine print!" :rofl


...and I hope my errands don't take me near my local Joann's this week... I might not be able to resist again!:devil:lol

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Found two more balls that needed to go home with Carol. So I'm up to +20 and I haven't done any crocheting at all this week. Maybe I'll do some tonight.



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I am getting really close on a couple of skeins. Got to get something done to pare down that score.


I think we are doing ok so far. One third of the year almost done... cool

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I busted a ball Sunday. I don't remember if I got in here to report it so I'll just report it now/again :lol


WTD +1


I was also good. I was near 3 yarn stores yesterday and one today and didn't go in any of them :D Course it helps that I really don't have the money this month. I'm saving up for a new digital camera since I broke mine. :sigh

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I finished up a ball working on leaves for my apple hats, so i'm up to 21 points in the positives!



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I have a question

if none of the -12 gets used this week,next week do I move it ytd and minus off that score,its slow going.I'm waiting to hear from someone that volunteers for the VBSPCA

and was looking for yarn for one of the ladies that makes cat beds

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Thank you ladies for the prayers, Good news as the DNA of the cancer hasn't come back, but mesothelioma has been ruled out. DH is home from the hospital and driving crazy already. I didn't get any sleep last night. He kept waking me up to talk. His sleep routine is all messed up from the hospital as the nurses kept waking him up to check this and that. So I haven't had the chance to crochet much of anything else. Maybe this evening I can get a bit done.

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Just back from having a Heart Cath, I am doing fine, just a little weak.

I gifted 2 full skeins of yarn to students in my crocheting class, so that gives me a +4. Yes, I am trying to teach some of my neighbors to crochet. just the basics, they can learn from there. But it did help my stash a little.

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Just back from having a Heart Cath, I am doing fine, just a little weak.

I gifted 2 full skeins of yarn to students in my crocheting class, so that gives me a +4. Yes, I am trying to teach some of my neighbors to crochet. just the basics, they can learn from there. But it did help my stash a little.

Glad you are doing well... you are in my prayers:hug


Thank you ladies for the prayers, Good news as the DNA of the cancer hasn't come back, but mesothelioma has been ruled out. DH is home from the hospital and driving crazy already. I didn't get any sleep last night. He kept waking me up to talk. His sleep routine is all messed up from the hospital as the nurses kept waking him up to check this and that. So I haven't had the chance to crochet much of anything else. Maybe this evening I can get a bit done.

That sounds like great news! That mesothelioma is nasty business... I will pray for your husband's rest, and for your peace :hug


I have a question

if none of the -12 gets used this week,next week do I move it ytd and minus off that score,its slow going.I'm waiting to hear from someone that volunteers for the VBSPCA

and was looking for yarn for one of the ladies that makes cat beds

yes, carry the -12 to the ytd total, and start the new week at 0:yes


So far this week I have used one skein and one ball working on a granny square afghan for my step daughter.
:cheeryou go, girl! Isn't it a nice feeling to bust stash?!:clap


I have actually gotten quite a bit done this week, I got a dishcloth done and the letter A block for an alphabet afghan and a few more rounds on my round ripple, almost used a whole skein there!

:cheeryay, Amy J!:cheer

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