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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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well today I finished another skein +2 for me but I might go to Joann's since I have a 40%off coupon and buy a skein of aqua ice for my cardigan so probably -2 for me though for the week I will post my score later tonight or tomorrow

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Gosh! I skipped yet another week of posting. :oops It is harder to remember to do when there is nothing to report, like this week (and the week before that, and the week before that, and....).


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0 / YTD: -15


I have been working on the local charity group's baby afghan (6") squares. They give me the yarn to use. IT NEVER NEVER GOES IN MY STASH! NOT EVEN CLOSE. So I don't count it in or out. I want to finish out the Simply Soft they assigned me, so I can concentrate on two of their skeins of TLC Baby during my upcoming trip to Spain. Lots and lots of airport and :plane time!:crocheting


Have :hook, will travel :lol.


When I finish with their SS, I will resume working on the yellow RHSS that I purchased for the VJGC squares until my trip (in May). I would also like to work on some daisy squares, which take a bit more concentration than solid granny squres, but the garden is starting to call me back, and that eats up a lot of time that would, otherwise, be spent crocheting.




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -15


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I'm posting early because of the holiday weekend. Although I've been crocheting on a few projects, they all involve big one pound skeins, so

score for 4/11/09 = 0

but that's not negative, so that's good.


Belated Happy Passover and early Happy Easter wishes to all the stashbusters.



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Ok I'll post my score early so if the score changes I will change it so here's the score Week to date+22Year To Date:-186


though I might get another skein guess we will see though today I'm on my 6th day of not buying yarn wow that's pretty good for me

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Gosh! I skipped yet another week of posting. :oops It is harder to remember to do when there is nothing to report, like this week (and the week before that, and the week before that, and....).



I am wondering if you are subscribed to this thread? if you get notices when all of us post on Saturday it would trigger you to remember to sign in as well. When you subscribe you can choose email notification ... that is my reminder too.

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I used up a skein last night as I completed my baby afghan for the fair. I made three and now I have to chose which two I want to enter.


So this week, my score is:


WTD=+3. YTD=-45 Happy Easter, Everyone!


At least it's in the positives!!!!



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AGAIN!!! A big fat ZERO! Good thing - means I am not buying any yarn. Bad thing - I am not accomplishing anything. Oh well, we shall see what next week brings.

Weekly Total 0

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I have been crocheting a lot this week, but I recieved two skeins of brown wool yarn, and offcourse you can't say no to free yarn. ;)


+4 WTD


+29 YTD

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I am going to post now as I don't expect to finish any more off today. The process of getting rid of all that new stash is going to be slow it seems :wlol


This week + 4


this year -32

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I will post early, since I remembered early. I won't get anything else finished in crochet. I am Quilling today, because I have a lesson coming up, so I better work with it for today.

+2 wtd +6 ytd

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Okay, here are my totals for the week...


I used up two skeins, but bought one when I visited the LYS yesterday (I know, I know...if you don't want to get hit by the train...).


Anyway, my totals are:


WTD +2 YTD +87

Happy Easter Everyone! :c9

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