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my first Flapper/beanie!


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This is my first Flapper/beanie hat. I followed the Modern Flapper Hat pattern, but got stuck on a flower since I have never made one. With help from the wonderful ladies of Crochetville, I completed the project and gave it to my daughter tonight. She LOVED it!! she wore it right away since they were going out to a concert while I babysitted my grandson. When she came home, she told me that a lady at the concert not only told her that she loved her hat, but asked her if I had a website and sold them!!!!! holy crap!!! I am soooooooo excited!! It's so nice to be appreciated and your work liked by someone.

Now my daughter (who was a crochet snob before) wants me to make more hats for her in different colors, and I'm working on a kitties in the row afghan for her. So you see, the young can be converted to crocheting..it's not just for "old ladies"...LOL:clap





thank you once again Crochetville, for all the help and just for being here for those of us who desperately need help!:hook

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Congratulations, you did a great job. Your story about your daughter sounds just like mine, at first she thought Crochet was "passe" but she has changed her mind, now I have a shrug and a second shawl for her on my project list (and maybe another hat as well).

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