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Watching Romney Fleeces running around!!


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I had to giggle last night - I was working the night shift (19.00-07.00) for the emergency services in Kent in the UK. When we are busy we are kicked out of our nice warm cozy ambulance stations and are put between two stations to sit in our vehicles and wait for calls...


Well, I found myself sat at one of my normal locations, sitting in a layby watching the sheep running around (there are hundreds of them all over the place in this area), as usual, thinking of my first spinning lesson coming up on saturday....


And where was I??? I was sat on the Romney marshes in Kent and giggled to myself wondering if these are the original Romney sheep that some of you have mentioned on the site. I am always sitting here enjoying them! I guess in the US that they are that breed of sheep and not fleeces from the UK but I still had to smile :sheepjump

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Haha - I didn't think of getting shearing lessons as well - now there's a thought!! My long haired ragdoll cat ought to watch out too!! :cat

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