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I have been working on a sock here and a sock there for a few months, but haven't shared any of them here, so here I go all at once!


These are Shelle's Crocheted Socks, from Sportivo sock yarn (purchased in Poland, produced in the Czech Republic)--beautifully self-striping.



I had enough of the yarn left over to make a pair of socks that will fit my 4yo!


This next pair is from Sonny's Socks pattern, one of my favorites (with altered cuff). The yarn is gorgeous multi-color print from Germany--a holidays-in-July present from a generous elf.



I've decided to experiement with making my own sock pattern, incorporating all the elements that I like best--favorite stitch, favorite heel style, favorite cuff style, etc... It's still a work in progress, but this is the first pair (it really is a pair) of socks that I've made without a pattern. (More Polish self-striping in a weird color combo that I didn't mind experimenting with.)



And you can't really tell, but this next one has an improved toe (flat instead of round or puckered). This is more of the German yarn in a truly funky multi-print. My kids think these look like maps, but they remind of me of video games on old CRT monitors. :)3031938756_cd169c8ac5_m.jpg3031938786_86f1845bfb_m.jpg


You definitely can crochet socks--we all wear them, and with sock yarn and a 3.5mm hook, I can wear them in shoes, too. These all have after-thought heels, but I've been working on a short-row heel turn so that I can make mine all at once, from the toe up and finish them off. Can't wait to perfect it so I can make socks "my way" with all my favorite features!

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:cheer:clap:yay Wow!!! Great job and nice socks too!!!!! :yes:yes I would love to learn to make socks and one day I will attempt them when I feel not so intimidated by the pattern :lol:lol:lol. Keep up the great work. Oh yeah I forgot to mention I love the colors, especially the "map" ones :devil.
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Wow!! Those are really neat looking socks!! I like all the different colors of the socks, especially the self-striping ones!!

That is on my "to-make" list--socks. I want to make socks sooo bad, just to wear around the house when it's cold, but just never really make myself sit down and give it a try!! I keep telling myself "one of these days", but that day hasn't come yet!!

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So cool! It was a great idea to post them all at once -- loved seeing all the great yarns and different patterns! I thought my sock obsession had passed -- your beautiful work may have aggravated it again!

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