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Yay!! Teaching 4-H Crochet

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Hi all, I'm so excited. I start teaching advanced crochet (and knitting) on tuesday. It will be through 4-H. I will become an official leader.


I really am so excited. I really need something other than work to do. Something to make my life a little more interesting.


Any suggestions on how to make this class (an hour and a half) really fun and interesting for the girls. I've never taught a class before. I've led some groups but sadly they were never related to crochet.


Anyways, So excited. I'll have to let you all know how it went.





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I have no idea what we'll be working on yet. Since I've never taught a class like this before I thought I ask them what they'd like to learn and what kind of projects they'd like to work on. That way it's fun for them instead of something that they don't want to do.



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Maybe a scarf in there 4-h colors.. or school colors. what fun, excited for you.. have good music and some munchies.. :) Keep us posted.. :)

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Congratulations! I learned knitting and sewing in 4-H. It was a great experience. My knitting project was mittens. I would suggest a hat. That will teach them to use markers and crochet in the round. Maybe for some quick things how about refrigerator magnets. Enjoy!

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The girls may enjoy a simple purse pattern! You may also get them excited by showing of threads from the 'ville that show the many blue ribbons won, so they can see the posibilities. I know my county fair is put on by 4-H, so maybe they could select a basic project to work on to submit? Girls may also be into scented lotions/ body washes, maybe teaching cotton wash cloths or loofa's to the girls?

Enjoy teaching it sounds really fun!!!

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