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My new hats


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Thanks a lot Lis



Nice patterns! They turned out really nicely!


Chris, patter hat 1 you can get in ravelry. I got it from there



I like both of them...but the white is really nice !!! Thanks for sharing !!!


Yes...white is my fav too



Very pretty well done thanks for sharing.


Many thanks Scotkat



Great looking hats!!!




My parents are from the Netherlands (Hoogezaand/Sappemeer) (sp?) area. They moved to the US in 1956, but all my relatives still live in the Netherlands.


Hi Carovan......do you know some Dutch words. Nice you still have your relatives in Holland. Groetjes




Love your hats. Would really like to have the patterns.


Pattern hat 1 I got from ravelry.com. Title pattern divine hat. Pattern 2 i got from magazine. If you like I can send it to you. Just give me your email address



I would love to make the white one for my hubby for Christmas. Could you please share where to find the pattern???


Hi hookonU, pattern the white one I got from ravelry, title pattern divine hat.



Those are AWESOME! (((((HUGS))))) sandi


Hi.....thank you so much



These are great hats..wonderful job!!!!! Are the patterns online anywhere?




Only pattern 1 online in ravelry. pattern 2 I got from magazine, but I can send to you. Just give me you email address



Very Nice Hats. I too would like to know where to get this pattern. Great Job!


Thank you. White ( actuallly blue) hat pattern I got from ravelry, and hat 2 I got from crochet magazine



both are very nice


Thank you Cher



I went on a search for the hat - and found it!!! :clap




(this is the pattern for the white one) Check out the Cable Hat pattern at this site too! Very cool :)


Yes...thats the one. You are right she has nice site and patterns



Great hats!


Many thanks


Very cute!!


Thank you


Awesome!!!!!!! My hubby was just commenting today that he sure would like to have a nice warm hat; wonder how this would work with homespun????


As I understand....you want make a hat with homespun. Probably possible to make it, but I never tried before.

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