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Hook Holder


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This is one of the very first things I ever crocheted I finally had to ditch it a couple days ago but I re-claimed the plastic canvas inside because now I am going to do it again and this time I might actually know why I am doing what the pattern says.

It made a great case easy to use and opens like a book holds most all my hooks except the really really large or really tiny ones.:hook


one of the true classics



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That IS a great pattern, and we are SO VERY lucky it is a freebie, I made myself one, I made a few for RAOK's, and gifts...you can not go wrong with this hook holder!!

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Thanks for sharing this pattern!! I have been looking at cases in the store but they are so darn expensive!! I usually end up giving everything I make away- now I can finally make something for myself - something I need and want. Thank you !!! :hug

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Wow! i bookmarked this one. i made my own case a while ago and it's not as nice as this one. my dh was in the room when it came up and i just gushed. he wasn't as thrilled as me. thanks for sharing this. :hook



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