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Viking Hat and Hat w/ scarf set


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Here are a couple of things I have been working on. The viking hat is from a pattern I bought off of Etsy. It worked up great, this is for my son, he has been after me forever to make this for him.



errrrr, photobucket and I are not getting a long, I resize and post here, and it never fails, they are always still huge!


You can go to the web site and look at them at http://s512.photobucket.com/albums/t327/goldenj32w2/?albumview=grid


The Camo set is made from ww red heart, I kinda free handed Donna's Heart pattern from memory, and did not due it justice! ( Sorry Donna) About the time I decided to do this scarf Donna was testing a scarf, go figure, I should have waited for her to publish! LOL



Thanks for looking,



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