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what is a really good funky first crochet project?

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heya everyone

i'm just wondering what each of YOU think is a really good *cough* funky first crochet project:hook :manyheart:yay:hug

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heya everyone

i'm just wondering what each of YOU think is a really good *cough* funky first crochet project:hook :manyheart:yay:hug

WOW! You don't ask hard questions do you? First thing I thought of was "first crochet project and really good funky project" just don't seem to go together. :rofl Most people start with dishcloths, afghans, squares for afghans, shawls or hats. But you did say really good funky so.......why not jump right in and make the Seraphina Shawl I would be most anxious to see how your first project turns out.

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diamond that's why i asked... all i ever see are really bad yukky projects that make me want to shudder.... my first project is actually a skirt im doing i bought the pattern and have made slight alterations.


you guys have all said really good suggestions! thanks

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I think a bag would be great! I would find a pattern you like and then jazz it up with fuzzy yarns or other types that would add the funk. You can make it as colorful as you'd like! I think bags are a great project for artistic expression! Whatever you decide, have fun with it! :hook

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Have you looked at Crochet Me? There's lots of neat stuff over there and there's probably plenty of things that would be a good first project... I think the February/March issue in particular had a lot of quick projects, so you might want to look through that issue...


Hope that helps!

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thanks guys and yes stacy i love crochetme its awesome! 1bizzymom i like the idea of that scarf thanks for that!

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  • 11 months later...

Cheryl, I love that Seraphina shawl! Thanks for sharing it with us!


And Granny Faye, I love your freeform idea. I'm a huge fan of freeform!


Kim (in So. CA)

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