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Red White & Blue Motif Scarf


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This is a motif I came up with to combine into a skinny scarf. (Two motifs shown) I've never been much of a scarf person myself, and this one will be for a swap I signed up for. The only scarves I've ever made in the past were just plain "keep you warm" kind of thick heavy things... anyway, do you think this is an acceptable design for a summery "accessory" scarf? Would you wear it? Thanks in advance for your input! :hug


PS. Sorry for the poor quality photo. My digital cameral bit the dust... this one was taken with my phone. LOL

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Thank you everyone for the encouragement! I appreciate the input! And thank you gumby28 for suggesting the belt. That's a great idea. I'm making this for a "scarf" swap, but when I send it I will definately include that option in my note to her. Thanks!

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