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Rainbow Curly Q Scarf


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I recently finished a fun, bright scarf. I was inspired by this scarf and decided I should try one myself. So, what do you think?



th_IMG_1229.jpg th_IMG_1231.jpg

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That sure is cute! I remember the other thread, I liked that scarf too. I really need to make it for my DD! She would love it.

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Thanks for all of the complements on this. I don't have a pattern for it, I just improvised, but I can tell y'all what I did:


I chained as long as I wanted it to be. I think it was about 175 or so. Then I did a row of dc. At the end of the dc, I chained 30 and then worked my way back doing 3 hdc into each stitch of the chain. This is what created the curly Q. Then I did a row of sc. At the end of that row, I repeated the curly Q process, and did another row of dc. Then, I switched colors, and did it all again. So for each color I had three rows of stitches, and the first row of dc ended in a curly q and the row of sc ended in a curly q.


I think if I were to make another, I would actually change what I did a little for purposes of symmetry with the placement of the curly Qs. I would probably do four rows in each color, rather than 3, with 1 row hdc, 2 rows sc and 1 row hdc. I would put the curly Qs at the end of the first row of hdc and the first row of sc. I think this would space them out more evenly. Of course, since I haven't tried this, I'm not positive how it would work, it's just what I found myself thinking about 2/3 of the way through this scarf.


I hope these ramblings make sense. If not, feel free to ask, and I'll try to tell you what I meant :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I love your scarf, especially the curlies. Do you know how many times I've done the curlies and they never curl right.:think Your's looks great.


My curlies tried to be cranky with me as I was making them, but I just forced them to curl the way I wanted them to by twisting them the way I wanted them to go as I was crocheting them. Then, after I had finished crocheting them, I twisted them a little tighter in the direction I wanted them to curl. When I washed the scarf they got a bit wonky, but I just started at the end of a curly and one by one made them all curl in the proper way again. Perhaps curlies need to be trained. :think I'm not sure as this is the first time I've ever made them.

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