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Long Leg Warmers


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Yes, I know that most people think leg warmers are for cold weather. :wbrr As a dancer, I like my muscles extra warm when I'm streching, so I made these this past winter. Being wool, they are EXTRA warm. I used "Encore" from Plymouth Yarn, in colors 0217 and 425. The blue heather seams to now be discontinued, as I couldn't find any more on the Plymouth web site (hence the use of black).


Here they are (including a light flare on my toe):




here is a close up of the stiches:



Hope you like 'em! :)

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Thanks for all the wonderful feedback so soon. :hug

I don't have a detailed pattern--I kind of made it up as I went along, but here's my best estimation:

I used ww yarn and I think an I hook, but I bet these would be very pretty in a sport wt or even fingering, with appropriate hook (if you have the patience). I started with foundation sc (single crochet while chaining) the length of my leg. The basic pattern stitch is as follows: (always working in back loop of previous row) 4 rows sc, 1 row dc1, ch1 (skipping 1 stitch), 2 rows sc, 1 row dc1, ch1 (skipping 1 st). Repeat this around the leg. I changed color in the middle of the 4 rows sc (2 rows color A, 2 rows color B). To give a little extra room for my thigh, I added a wedge by only doing the pattern stitch for about 8 inches from the top, decreasing every row until it fit. Stitch up the side, and add a picot trim to the bottom--slip st1, ch3, skip 1 st, around.


I hope this makes sense. I'm not very experienced in writing patterns (don't have the patience to re-write all my changes as I go :yes). Thanks again!

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