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Perfect for a windy day in the city...


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For some reason, I find that I crochet better free-hand than I do patterns. Perhaps it is because I make errors while reading patterns or I don't count correctly. In any case, I am awfully proud of this hat that I crocheted free-hand for a friend of mine.


I used 90% of a 7 ounce skein of Red Heart Country Blue acryllic yarn.


The stitches I used were single crochet and double crochet.


The red heart applique I found lying on a shelf at a craft store I visit often, and purchased it when I was told it was only 25 cents.


I hot-glued it to the hat.


What do you think?






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Very nice! Red heart looks great on the hat!


I know! I love the color contrast between the two.


My friend loved it.


I'm going to set to work making more.

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I used 90% of a 32 ounce skein of Red Heart Country Blue acryllic yarn.


Where do you get 32 ounce skeins? Is there really almost 2 lbs of yarn in that hat? At any rate, it's a very pretty hat. :yes Good job! :hook

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Oh my gosh! I just realized that I wrote 32 ounces. It's 7 ounces. Sorry about that. My cat tends to walk across the keyboard when I am typing. I could have sworn I had fixed it back to 7 after my kitty pounced on the keys.

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