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Tulip Stitch Dishcloth

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I have gotten permission from the designer to share the Tulip Stitch dishcloth pattern. I'm not going to post it here because of copyright, etc. but if you email me at mandy449@aol.com I will send you the pattern. :)

I'm not quite understanding this. If you got permission from the designer to share the Tulip Stitch dishcloth pattern, then you wouldn't be breaking any copyright laws, therefore, you could post the link to the pattern here or even the actual pattern (since you have permission). If I'm wrong, I'm sorry, but I don't see how I could be. What part would be breaking copyright?

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I'm not quite understanding this. If you got permission from the designer to share the Tulip Stitch dishcloth pattern, then you wouldn't be breaking any copyright laws, therefore, you could post the link to the pattern here or even the actual pattern (since you have permission). If I'm wrong, I'm sorry, but I don't see how I could be. What part would be breaking copyright?


The pattern designer has the right to determine how the pattern will be used. He/she may not want it to be published in a public forum for wide dissemination.


I may put my patterns on the Web for free. However, that doesn't mean that you can start placing these patterns on your Web site. You also can't copy parts of it to use in your own designs. Etc., etc., etc. The designer should be able to control the dissemination.

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