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FINALLY!!! I did something right


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So after ALL my frustrations, a full week and half of them...I seem to have a hat pattern manageable for me, and its turning out just lovely! :clap I won't say it was all worth it just yet, still have a few more rounds to go :hook




thank you for all your encouragement guys! :hug

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It is looking wonderful.


Everyone here makes it look very easy to crochet, but there is a lot of different things to learn. You have to learn how to make a chain, then you have to figure out where to put those first stitches, and figuring out how to do the stitch, then you have to get your tension right and keep it right.


I would say that you are well on your way to making some beautiful projects in the future. Keep up the great work. :yay

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I agree with Carolyn, there is alot to learn. Don't give up though, and soon you will be cranking stuff out without having to even think about it. I still have one of the first wearables I ever made. I like to look at it and say "you've come a long way, baby!"'

Your hat looks wonderful, by the way!

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Way to go! It's a really cute hat. Remember, once you've learned a lesson the 'hard way' you'll never forget it. Now, you've got the basics down I'll bet you crank out a lot of pretty hats.

~ Debby

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