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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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Okay I am behind. I spent my evening (from 9:30pm to now 3:15 am) outside with my neighbor waiting for the police to show up. I am frozen. Someone was throwing bricks at her house, peed on her door and pile brush by her door and tried to light it on fire. Four phone calls later, (not including the original call to the police) two of which were dispatch saying the police were on the way, we finally called back and asked what the **** was going on. They told us they were "too busy" and would come sometime tomorrow. Thank god I took pictures of it. I am so ****** off but sooo cold! Anyways, my crocheting got sidetracked due to these lovely circumstances. :irk I will try to catch up tomorrow.



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Is there some way I can call the two different projects something? They used to be knit and crochet, but now they are both crochet, right?



They're both crocheted afghans but I have named them. I'm calling the square a day one "diagonal" and the square every two days one "checkerboard".

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Sore- Sorry to hear about your neighbor! That is HORRIBLE!!


Honey Dew- I am soo jelous you can knit...one of these days you will have to teach me.


Krystal- I crocheted 4 more hexagons this morning that is probably a better goal. Would like to have it done in July.

I probably won't have any more time to work on it the next week. My daughter is getting ready to move, she has 7 kids, the youngest two ages 4 and 2 are making packing really hard. So I will pick them up after work and keep them until I go to work. Probably till they move and she gets unpacked some. Will get pretty busy!

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Okay, I counted. I am about to finish row 36. I think the pattern says there are only 36 rows and a border but I'm going to be putting 7 more rows I think. Then I'll have to figure out if I can tweak the border to work.

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Krystal- I crocheted 4 more hexagons this morning that is probably a better goal. Would like to have it done in July.

I probably won't have any more time to work on it the next week. My daughter is getting ready to move, she has 7 kids, the youngest two ages 4 and 2 are making packing really hard. So I will pick them up after work and keep them until I go to work. Probably till they move and she gets unpacked some. Will get pretty busy!


Christi - if you do 4 a day, you'll finish 8/19. If you want it done in July, you'd have to do more squares each day.

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Sore, I hope the cops came today for her, and I hope the people who did this don't come back ! Does she have some enimies who would do this, someone she ticked off?

Christie I will show you how to knit if you come and visit. I need to make some fingerless gloves in crochet for Laura now That match Sweeny Todds on the cover of the movie. Anyone who's seen them if you can direct me to a pattern. She liked the movie, I did not care to watch it, I heard it was pretty bloody. Off to crochet now.

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So I'm behind again. Whats new? :) I got very little done yesterday with work, running arrends and such. Today I worked and had a meeting. I hope to work on it a little this evening if we don't go outside and get some more yard work done. I must admit the yard work may come first as I really want to get some flowers planted. :)

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thanks for all the well wishes ladies. The police took 15 hours to respond and have now had to return three times since noon over this same kid. This is just one 14 yr old that my neighbor refused to bum a smoke too. Two days of just crap over not bumming a smoke to a minor. Unreal. I am exhausted. I will try to catch up what I can today, but I will most likely be behind for a day or more yet. I just might get a bat this weekend! :eek



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Oh Honey, the movie is riotously wild and funny! And the music is great! Can you imagine Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter singing? The extras on the DVD were so interesting! Even Alan Rickman sings some. There aren't that many scenes that are so bloody. Just put your fingers over your eyes.

I need to make some fingerless gloves in crochet for Laura now That match Sweeny Todds on the cover of the movie. Anyone who's seen them if you can direct me to a pattern. She liked the movie, I did not care to watch it, I heard it was pretty bloody. Off to crochet now.
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Oh Sore, that is so awful! How scary! I can't believe the cops put her off like that. I hope that now they are looking into this. Your poor neighbor. I cannot begin to imagine the terror she is going through.

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Whose schedule are you calling erratic??


The real story is...


ok, so my schedule is erratic...just a bit. I am off work for ten days but instead I have graduation and conference and a presentation and other things. I will try not to get beaten with the bat!!!

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Get the bats and the boxing gloves, Tracy! Get her!

:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry My name isn't there. :cry :cry :cry and I did up to s152 and r132 this morning. :(
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I don't know where I am right now. Gonna watch my recorded Part II of Cranbury and make some saltines. Will try to count tomorrow.


And you know I've been a bit incapacitated, K. So kill those stinkin bats!! Gimme a break! Sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Remember this one? :kick That's you on the left.

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I don't know where I am right now. Gonna watch my recorded Part II of Cranbury and make some saltines. Will try to count tomorrow.


And you know I've been a bit incapacitated, K. So kill those stinkin bats!! Gimme a break! Sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Remember this one? :kick That's you on the left.


:rofl :rofl You crack me up! You tough-talkin old bird, you! C'mon and get me, if you can catch me! :rofl :rofl

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sore~I noticed in your To Do list that you have John Deere Tea towel set. Just wondering what you are doing for this? I have a dh that loves JD and an extended family that would fight over it.

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I am cought up and then some. Still not sure how big this RR will be but I hope to finish it tomorrow. It got super busy at work today so I couldn't do a whole lot on it.

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Goofy: I am making it for my Dad for his birthday. He is a John Deere nut. He even names his tractors!:eek I am making up the pattern. When I get it done, I will be posting it in original patterns, but I can pm you to let you know if you like. I probably won't get it done for about another month at least.


I actually got to have a quiet evening! :clap So I have caught up on the scarf, but bad news I have less time to get it finished and missed 10 rows! So the new math is: it must be done by July 23 (69 days from now.) It has to be a total of 817 rows done. I have done up to r120 as of tonight (been doing ten a day) and I will do 17 rows tomorrow. So.. that would leave me with 680 rows to do in 68 days. 10 rows a day. (I have left myself the 24th to do the tassels.)


I still have to do the rows on my afghan tonight. I'm going to kick back and finish watching my movie and work on them. :hook So hopefully in another hour I will be caught up! Then start all over again tomorrow! My hubby is home for the weekend so my posting will be only once a day for the long weekend.


Hope you all had a great night!



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