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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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I hope to catch up tonight but its not a good thing.


You see yesterday I tripped over my power cord for my laptop and ripped out the connection.


We luckily do have a desk top.


It is the last two weeks of class for my masters degree AND my hubbies college courses. Two people, lots of classes....one computer. To top it all off, today was the first day of the short final class for me, and we have a paper due today, a paper due tomorrow, final copy of paper number one wednesday, and also on wednesday a powerpoint with voice over narration, professional looking etc. Oh and in order to be in my masters degree program you must be working.


To top it off, we went to the dentist today and found out that it is going to cost 7k AFTER insurance for dental work for the two of us (mostly him). Can you believe it????????


So I wrote my paper for today, and now he gets the computer for his. When he is done I will try to do some of my powerpoint. So in the mean time I might as well crochet and latch hook. Sigh....

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Jeannie, I am making the Bus cuddle, so I have a rows of the same colour to put together at the moment, no need to be changing joining yarn. I did the first row (19 saltines) and when I started working on the next row I started joining them together. Confused yet? :lol Here is a picture I took today to try to explain how I am doing mine at the moment. I am on the third row now.





I looked at the Gods Children ghan, I think the best way for that one might be to break it down into 5x5 or 6x6 saltines and put those 25 or 36 together and then move onto the next block? :think

So you're sewing them together in one direction only? Looks like horizontally? Thanks for taking the time to look at my choice and to offer help. Really appreciate it. I think Cara's instructions say to make one block at a time...that being one child's block...and then assemble them. Maybe this one's too much of a challenge for me having to decide on shirt colors, hair colors and face colors. (calling, Hey Robert! Which colors do I use?):lol
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Well I actually finished my ghan. I have the border left to do and thats it. I will post a pic tomorrow. I will be starting another ghan tomorrow also. It will be Mater from Cars for my bf's nephew. I actually have two Mater ones to make one for my bfs little sister's b-day also.

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Jeannie, yes, I am going horizontally first and then later will do vertically. :yes

I ask other people for colour ideas as I never know what colour combinations to use. The Gods children ghan looks like it would be a good idea for stashbusting. :think Once you have worked out how you want to put the saltines together it will go quickly and you will have fun making the quiltghans. :)

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Hi, I just wanted to say that I saw the picture of your tetris afghan and love it! I'm always getting teased by the hubby for playing tetris on my cell phone. :)


Thank you. My MIL loves tetris so it's a gift for her. I think any tetris player would appreciate it. Thanks again. :manyheart

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I didn't get any rows done on my basket weave. I'm getting sick and didn't have the energy to get up and go to the living room to get it. Sad huh. Anyway, I did about 4 rows on my giant granny instead since it was next to my bed. I'll get 2 rows done on the basket weave tonight when I get off of work.

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Today's Roll Call

ME: row 22 of bear claw

Lots to catch up on with Dots (still)

Tracy - Up to S 60

Tabby - Tetris to S119

Tabby - Navajo to R145

Wendy - S13 on both

Donna - S51

Desiree - Desert R16

TMKA - Cable R15

Heather - CRW M15

Brenda - CRW M14

Brenda -Baby to R85

Sherri - to S122

Laura - to R12 Hook

Cathy - to S111 Desert

Cathy - RR to R36

Cindy - Basket R2

Jeannie - Square

ffsweety - to R36

KK Square

Roxy - to R77 Baby

Roxy - Square

Karen - Peach to R29

Karen - Sweater to R24

Cheerios - Mater - need row/square total count

Shelby - Afghan to R21

V - another strip

PIckles - Ripple R20

Tracy - Blanket to R19

Kristen - Square 2

Shelby - Scrap to R4

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Well, didnt get my row done yesterday. Usually do it at work in between calls but I left work early. This whole pregnancy thing is kicking my butt! :tired Spent the night in bed and somehow only got 2 hours of sleep from then until now! YUCK! anyways, I have lots of doctors appointments today so I will for sure get yesterdays and todays rows done.

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I got my row & square done today. :cheer


One question...I have that i'm done with square 104 & row 147 so how did you get your totals? Am I messing this up again? :think I figure the rows are right because i've done extras but the squares have be confused (not that that takes much) :P.


Okay, now that i've probably confused you i'm off. :D

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that I am doing these squares wrong!!!!!! i am on the 4&5 rows. was reading the pattern for the bi-color...... all the rest are wrong..... they look alike.. but mine just dont seem to be as puffy. What am I supposed to do now? I have already sewed the first 3 rows together. Do I start over?


I cant believe I did this


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that I am doing these squares wrong!!!!!! i am on the 4&5 rows. was reading the pattern for the bi-color...... all the rest are wrong..... they look alike.. but mine just dont seem to be as puffy. What am I supposed to do now? I have already sewed the first 3 rows together. Do I start over?


I cant believe I did this



I would say keep going the way you have been. If the ghan is for a gift the only person thats going to notice is you! :yes

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its for my parents for christmas.... I really dont think that they would know what I did.... but this teaches me a good lesson. Just cuz I think I know what is going on, doesnt necessarily mean that I do


All up in the kool-aid and dont know the flavor,



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Hey krystal, I counted my rows on my baby boy and am on row 98. I have 24 rows plus the two round boarder. I finished the border on the blankie and am ready to take of on the row a day again! i really want to make some more progress on the crw. I alway feel so accomplished after working on that. :)

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Cathy - I'm with the rest, it is your version, keep going!


Will I ever catch up, will I ever catch up - yes I will, I know I will (I need music).


I have been working on making a catalog of all the stickers in my Amish friends sticker shop. She has hundreds and they need to be scanned, resized and made into a catalog.

She got me started on this about 2 weeks ago. Now she is having an anniversary sale for her shop this Saturday and I have her stickers. Some of which were the only ones left on the pegboard. So, I am a scanning fool. Doing it pretty much while I am here chatting with you all.

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