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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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I fell behind. Thought my shoulder was going to fall off on Friday. Yesterday weather was too nice and I had to do some gardening. Anyway...

Krystal - I am working on the square marathon so I put the scrap on hold until Wednesday. Didn't do my 2 rows on the camp blanket yesterday, so I still need to make them up with today.

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I was behind in posting the roll call, and I notice I haven't heard from a bunch of you! :lol

Do you need a little motivation?


:tryme Who's first on my list? :rofl


Yesterday, 4/19

Tracy - to S48

Tabby - S115 Tetris

Wendy - S10 on butterflies

Brenda - CRW Motif 14

Brenda - Baby to R85

Laura - to R11 (I saw your post)

Cathy - Desert t S102

Cathy - RR to R30

Jeannie - Square

ffsweety - Sweater to R27

KK - square

Rosy - Sqare

Karen - Peach to R24

Cheerios Butterfly to R186

Shelby - to R15

V - Motifs, strips, something?


April 20th All of the above PLUS....

Me - buncha work on my Dots, R21 on bear claw

Tracy - Cuddle to S52

Tabby - Tetris to S116

Tabby - Navajo to R141

Wendy - S11 on butterflies

Donna - S49

TMKA - to R11

Heather - CRW to M/R13

Brenda - CRW to M/R 15

Brenda - baby Ros to 90

Sherri - to S 118

Laura - to R 12

Cathy - to S105

Cathy - RR to R32

Jeannie - Square

ffsweety - Sweater to R30

KK - square

Roxy - square

Karen - Peach to R25

Cheerios - to R187

Shelby - to R 17

V - don't know what you have done, so ???

Pickles - Diamonds to R3

Pickles - Ripple to R3

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Hi Krystal,


I'm back to my row a day thing now that I am done with my quick blankie for a girl at church (clicky pic included). This was a fast blanket to make (5 1/2 hour throw from Lion Brand).




I used two strands of Caron pounders (white and sky blue) and a 10mm hook. It took me 4 1/2 hours to do :clap It really is quick. It is 36X60. I gave it to the lady at church collecting for her care package but since she was in church this morning the blanket was given to her right away. She loves it and her Mom gave me a huge hug (I have actually never met these people before this morning - we are new at this church and there was a call for stuff for a care package for her - so I thought - here is a great reason to make another blanket - like I really need a reason) Anyway, her Mom said she was learning to knit and I offered to teach her to crochet if she's interested. We'll see.


Back to my other stuff now. I'll catch up on my peach shells rows :yes

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Sorry I haven't been on. I had a pretty bad seizure and I am still felling pretty sore and tired from it. I will try to get a few more rows done tonight. I did get some done the other day so I will be starting row 190.....

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Krystal, I have something I need to finish by the 8th of June, could you check my calculations please and add it to my current project please?:flower 4 squares with 49 rows each, 2 rounds edging, then 3 rows edging around all 4. Does that make 5 rows a day? :think I have done 9 rows on the first square, but that still leaves slightly more than 4, so is 5 okay? :hook

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K - I have completed rows 24 and 25 (plus rows 26 and 27) on my peach baby blanket this afternoon :yay


I also have a knit sweater I am going to add to this list. I'll work out the math on it soon and give you the details. Maybe I'll get to wear it by Christmas (I knit slowly :lol ) It's four simple rectangles but it's still slow...

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I haven't seen my name on the list for a few days :( But, I finished my Sweet Dreams babyghan. Went out of town yesterday, brought the yarn for my next babyghan but brought the wrong pattern book, grrrr (WIP's are too big to tote around). So, what's a girl to do but go to the local Michael's and buy more yarn and start yet another ghan. I'm now making a giant granny square ghan and I've done 14 rounds so far.

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krystal~I haven't kept up the past two day's. you'll have to put me back at the rows I should have done on satuarday. i was out woroking on the chicken things and crocheting an edging for my newest step-grandaughter, Jersey Truth. I should finish that tomarrow then I will work on the row a day again.

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Ok replying from my blackberry so we shall see how this goes....krystal~i have completed 5 rows on the baby ripple from my previous post. I forgot I didn't tell you how many I needed so to update you I have completed 18 rows out of 80. I will be working on this one first and then once completed moving on to the diamonds and chevron pattern on which I have completed 3 rows. Let me know if you need any other details.

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Good morning :manyheart SO here come the details of my knit sweater that I would like added to the row (or two) a day list please. The pattern was available online but I can't find it anymore (it is called Stargazer by Sarah Wilson and was in Mag Knits - an online free knit patterns publication). I have it saved on my hard drive in a Word document but can't find a working link to show you what it is.


Anywho, it is made of four rectangles that are sewn together kimono style when done. The front and back pieces are to be 10 1/2 inches and the sleeves are 21 inches. I am knitting at 6 rows per inch so the way I figure I need 357 rows to complete this "easy" little sweater :eek I have about three and a half inches on the back done. If I do two rows a day I will be done in 178 1/2 days (does my math work K??)


Here is where I am at now:



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