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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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I would love to join as I have a few projects going on right now. I am around 60% done with my butterfly afghan. I will be starting a Tow Mater ghan soon, I am working on a sun set sunrise ghan which is about 30% done. I will also be doing a pink and black Elvis ghan for myself. I had recently begone the Elvis ghan in black and blue but the blue made the black look brown and I did not like it so I frogged the whole thing..ugh. But now it will be done in my fave colors. I will keep everyone posted on my work on all these....


Hello there! Do you have a name you'd like us to call you by?



I am on row 94 on my butterfly afghan


How many rows total does your butterfly afghan have? How many rows/day do you want to do? As soon as I have this information, I can update the progress bar on the first page, as well as put you in the daily roll call. :D


I have updated the progress bars for everyone else!


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Hello, didn't get much done over the weekend as I worked and had company. i am going to give it a good effort to get cought up on the baby blanket over the next two days. I just want to get it done. The crw won't be a problem to catch up.

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Jeannie, have you really finished all those items listed in your siggy? No wonder you're not reading too many books. :lol


Hi Sherri and Jeff! :waving:hi


Oh, Roxy, don't you just hate it when that happens? Hope the problem's not too far back. I get so excited :cheerwhen the rows on my shawl come out right.:clap


Laura, hoping your kitty gets well very soon. Pets can be so expensive to take care of, but you'll get there. :hug


I will be starting a Tow Mater ghan soon.
Where's a Tow Mater ghan? I need a couple of patterns for ghans for my 2 grandkids' younger half brothers. They would probably love Tow Mater!


Hey Brenda...watch out, Krystal gets us mixed up. Why? I have no idea. Neither does she. :haha

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Oh, Mrs. K! This cal has me thinking I can move mountains to get projects done. I started a knitted swatch for gauge for a...shh--sweater for Robert--shh. Then I just heard about a Tow Mater ghan. Hope there's a pattern for it cause you know I can't graph and stuff like that.


Anyway, I did THREE rows on the shawl :applause and am working on a square right now. Trying to find something different from all the others I have made. I'm so tired of Circle of Friends, Spring Breeze, even your gorgeous Eternity Squared, and I don't seem to want to repeat any of the squares I've made from 200 Blocks. You got any new ones? Anybody?


Found some very pretty Priscilla Hewitt's 7" patterns (check out Nordic Star and Carousel) but they don't work out to 8" with an I hook for the Traveling Hook squares. So, I've been checking out some 6" ones.

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Krystal I am checking in for today, tomorrow, and wednesday. Those are long work days, plus its my last week of fixing up my thesis type thing for my masters, so I did it early. Is that ok? Or do you want me to check in each day as if I just did it lol.

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Oh, Mrs. K! This cal has me thinking I can move mountains to get projects done. I started a knitted swatch for gauge for a...shh--sweater for Robert--shh. Then I just heard about a Tow Mater ghan. Hope there's a pattern for it cause you know I can't graph and stuff like that.


Anyway, I did THREE rows on the shawl :applause and am working on a square right now. Trying to find something different from all the others I have made. I'm so tired of Circle of Friends, Spring Breeze, even your gorgeous Eternity Squared, and I don't seem to want to repeat any of the squares I've made from 200 Blocks. You got any new ones? Anybody?


:rofl :rofl Guess what I just did? I went to update my grid and was baffled when I couldn't find the column with Brenda's Shawl!!!! Then I realized I messed you two up AGAIN!!!


As for the squares working out to 8", add a round of sc, hdc or dc to make it up to 8", that's what I do. SC will add 1/2", hdc about 3/4" and dc about 1" to the width. At least, in my world it does. :lol


Krystal I am checking in for today, tomorrow, and wednesday. Those are long work days, plus its my last week of fixing up my thesis type thing for my masters, so I did it early. Is that ok? Or do you want me to check in each day as if I just did it lol.


I've got you taken care of. No need to report until the next day you are called on the roll call!


K- I got my motif 7 for today done. :yay





I have been working on extra rows on my bear claw. As it turns out, I guess I cast on too tightly, so the bottom is a little restricted. Good thing it's for me and I don't care about those things. :no :no

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Amber - YES!!! It does work better that way! :lol In fact, I thought you disappeared and had removed you from my list. I'm a needy CAL moderator... if you don't talk to me once in a while (like every day!), I think you've forgotten me!


:blush I swear, I'm in it for the long haul, but I've got a rather sketchy internet connection. I'll try to post no more infrequently than every other day, I promise!


I got another one more row down yesterday night/stupid ealry this morning and then one later on today. I think I should be at least one row ahead, which is good, 'cause I've got a few granny squares I need to knock out tomorrow, which might take all my crochet time!

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I was a bad bad girl today and didn't do any rows on my baby ghan so I'll be sure to do two tomorrow.


Now, instead of working on that I couldn't help myself but to start a little crocheted Duck in the same pattern book. I know, naughty naughty but it was calling to me .. quack quack quack :lol It's almost done and is really cute, I've never made anything but afghans before and this is going with the baby ghan I'm currently doing so I guess I could say it's part of the same project :devil


Oh, I also went out yarn shopping today because I had to get fiber fill for the duck :D So, I got one bag of fiber fill, 1 yard of ribbon for the ducks neck and 15 skeins of yarn :cheer

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Cindy great shopping there. 15 skeins of yarn is a lot, is it for anything in particular or did you just like it.


Jeannie its great to see you crocheting away and you sound excited about it.


Krystal I have done S4 and 5 on the quilts.


Im doing the squares at lunch time so the girls dont see me making the squares.

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Just a quick note as I head out the door for work - I FINISHED the pink baby shells last night :clap and did three more rows on the peach baby shells :clap Pictures coming later (I likely won't get the pictures done until tomorrow - I won't be home much til 9pm tonight). I will also be slow on the peach shells for a few days since I am making up a quick charity-type balnket. A teenage girl at our church is going in for tests todayand will be indergoing heart surgery soon and the ladies are getting a care package together for her. I am making a smallish throw (am making the bubbles baby blanket in a bigger size) and it needs to be done for the 27th.


Later girls :hug

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Got everyone down... Karen - let me know when you're ready to jump back in the fray!


Today's Roll Call:

Me: R16 on Bear Clas and the next strip of the dots afghan.

Tracy: up to S32

Tabby: nada, you're ahead. Or you can do S111 and R136 and stay ahead

Wendy: S5 on butterflies

Donna: S44

Desiree: R4

Amber - R7

Heather: M8

Brenda: M12

Brenda: Baby to R65

Sherri - to S108

Laura - You're ahead. Next row is 9

Cathy - Pillow to R10 both sides and Desert to S33

Cindy - Sweet Dreams to R63

Jeannie - Shawl ahead. Can do R48 if staying ahead.

Jeannie - Square

Beth- Sweater to $9

KK - Square

Roxy - Baby to R67

Cherrios - Butterfly to R94


Let's get moving, ladies!!! :cheer

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Krystal I did mine already.:yay


I have half a square done ready for tomorrow. Im in front for a change. Doing these 2 squares is just a nice thing to do in my lunch hour, with the squares being 3 rows each I just get them done in time. This way the girls dont see what Im making either and I will use my fridays off to put it together. What a surprise it will be.

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Cindy great shopping there. 15 skeins of yarn is a lot, is it for anything in particular or did you just like it.


Wendy, it's for another "blue star" afghan. Of course, I still have to finish the first one I started but now that I have the pattern corrections hopefully it won't be a problem.

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Krystal I did mine already.:yay


I have half a square done ready for tomorrow. Im in front for a change. Doing these 2 squares is just a nice thing to do in my lunch hour, with the squares being 3 rows each I just get them done in time. This way the girls dont see what Im making either and I will use my fridays off to put it together. What a surprise it will be.

Of course you're in front and are half a square ahead for tomorrow. It's almost tomorrow now :lol. Just teasing ya.


Is the butterfly ghan from a Leisure Arts book called "Perfect Patches" with a sailboat ghan on the front cover and the butterfly ghan on the back cover? Is it made like Cara's quilts? Those will be wonderful surprises for your girls. Now I'm thinking about a ghan for my DD's son who'll be 7 by Christmas.

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Hello everyone. It seems we are all staying close to on schedule. :)

I decided to count my rows to see how many rows I needed to do to get back on schedule and realized that I am on row 78!! so Krystal you can update my info. and progress bar. With that being said I am going to work on catching up on my crw...thats three rows today.

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