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a sweet gift-cast cover


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Many of you know that I recently went one on one with a mulberry tree branch and it won by breaking my hand. Well for Easter I received a very sweet gift from my friend Jenny in my local crochet/knitting group. She knitted me a cast cover aka wrist warmer so I could dress in Easter fashion. I think it was really sweet so I decided I would model it for you. Images should be clickable.


Here it is by itself




and with my arm modeling it.


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Thanks for the nice comments. I shared them with her and she was very please at the reactions. I am not sure what I will do with it in 4-5 weeks but by then I am sure I will think of somethng. I may just frame it along with a small piece of the branch and hang it in my craft room as a momento.:hook

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I thought you gave the branch to Jimbo for hook making.



No what I sent jimbo was only a small portion of the branch. The full branch was about 5-7 inches in diameter and almost 5 feet long. It had several smaller branches sticking off of it and one of those went to Jimbo. I am just greatful all I got was a broken hand because if it had hit me in the head it most likely would have injured me severily or even killed me. Trust be when I say it really hurt!

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