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comfortghan needed for a dear friend who is a member here


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hi i could use a few more maybe in tans or light browns , got lots of the green now so maybe something to offset it tam i got your square today thanks sooo much is beautiful. also got yours deedes, and texas redhead got yours also . i am so excited this is going to be awesome. gosh got to check and see who else got them from, i have all the names and addys and am putting them in a envelope for fran. oh yea betty crackpot got yours also thanks so much virginia they are lovely. i know i must be forgetting .i love allof them and while right now your name is not on don't mean i didn't get it , my back is acting up again really bad so is hard for me to get up and get the names so if you sent recently and your name is not on here never fear as soon as my spine and back stop bombarding me with pain i will post them you guys are the very best in the whole world. terri and pat i would love to have a few more 12 in sq your choice of patterns is yours just need some darker and lighter colors am edging in cream so anything is fine thanks again you guys are the BEST!!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Vicki, do you still need some squares? I'd like to donate and just want to make sure you are in need of more.

Lauren :hook

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  • 2 weeks later...

pm'd ya pat i have a giant favor to ask ya all could you guys who made sq send me your address's i know fran is going to want to send thank you's and i have some but not all as not all put them on . you could send them via to my email here would be great. thanks so much, will be starting to put this together as soon as i can get to the sq right now my living room is full of boxes from the garage and is kind of hard to get to. thanks for your patience:hug:hug:hug

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thank you lauren for your sq

for all of you who have sent and i have not mentioned yet thank you sooooo much. i have not been feeling to good so am a little behind and now with this thing with the garage am way behind:eek:eek:eek

Vicki, do you still need some squares? I'd like to donate and just want to make sure you are in need of more.

Lauren :hook

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