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C'Ville Hands & Hearts Meet Across the Water! *UPDATED*


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If you already read this do check my slideshow link once more - I added a few more pics to it for you to see!!! :manyheart

I haven't posted in sometime as it was really hectic here plus readying for our trans-atlantic :plane(my first!) to Europe - Austria to see my dd who is there for a semester at school.

I became email/pm pals with a fellow "viller from Vienna, Austria and in the months prior to my trip we arranged to have a meeting while I was there!

It was sooo fun planning and she sent me a lovely RAOK before our departure filled with little Austrian sweets and treats - and YARN! :yarn:yarn Which I made my passport pouch from to take with me!

I also got busy and made her a C'Ville tote - my second one! With the patient help on the pocket from Mary Jo here on C'Ville;)

I wanted to fill it with some American yarns and hooks, books and treats (Chocolate!) for her to enjoy and surprise her!

Well it was lovely we met on the cobblestone streets of the center of Vienna and walked to an old traditional coffee haus where we shared the spirit and conversation that only crafters share! It was great and boy she sure was surprised! :eek

I told her how my dh let me use over half of his suitcase to pack the RAOK and my dd's and dormate's Easter Baskets (yup - she still gets one at 20!)

It made it safe and sound to it's new home in Austria with another "Viller!

Susanne is so lovely both inside and out and the city she lives so beautiful!!! I was blessed by our connecting here on C'Ville and in the "real" in Vienna!:hug:hug:hug

I thought I would share our meeting with you :yay

Click or paste for slideshow link -


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Oh Mary that is so cool. I was wondering if you left yet. The pictures are so cool. I am glad Susanne loved her bag. It looks great.


Sounds like you had a good time.


Thanks for showing us the pictures.:hook


Did you get to any of the yarn shops there?

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That is sooo cool!! What a neat story to meet someone (in person) from the 'Ville. :hug Your tote bag and passport pouch look awesome!! :crocheting

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Welcome to this side of the Great Blue Pond. I'm so glad you had a good time in Vienna meeting a fellow 'viller! Safe journey back now...

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It was great fun and we really wished we had more time to share together! My dd and dh really had a good time too! I could go back tomorrow if I could there was so much to do and see!

Funny thing was that here I was so afraid to make the flight over - I had never done that - when what ended up being the most dangerous was the short hop to DC Dulles before I got on Austrian Air - it was our good ol' domestic flights - and a small plane at that - which really should have been canceled due to high heavy winds. Many of our fellow travelers were late getting to Austria because there local flights were grounded.

After I got to DC I figured I was relieved to get on a bigger plane and hopefully above the weather front - which ended up being the case - it was smooth as silk!


Anyways DO check out my slideshow link above in my original post - I have added even more pics to it! enjoy! :)

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That is so neat. I would love to go to Austria (or anywhere, really... :P) It looks like you had a great time and how neat to meet Susanne in person! :manyheart



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How neat! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time both with family and with a fellow "Viller". Both bags looked great....so did those sweet treats in your slide show!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I didn't make it to the forum (to my PC, to be correct) for so long.


You can bet I was surprised! Meeting Mary and her lovely family was so nice, I enjoyed it very much (much more than I can express in english) It was like meeting an old friend - we talked from the first to the last minute on every topic you could imagine!

I felt very sorry that we couldn't meet longer.


The gift she gave me was unbelievable. There was this georgeous bag (which I only use at home to keep my current projects in, I don't dare to take it outdoors to keep it so nice as it came) and there were the wonderful yarns (and the yummy chocolate)

What I found absolutly great was a binder with the Serafina Shawl Pattern in it - Mary not only printed out everything that helps me with this pattern - she also wrote little notes for me to help me along.

Then I digged deeper into the bag full of presents and out came a knitting socks book (which is another addiction of mine), wonderful colored hooks and knitting needles and a broche to keep my serafina shawl shut.


I am very lucky to have a friend like Mary, although we might not see each other for a while because of the distance - I am really thankful for Crochetville to connect people all over the world.

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