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One beret, two yarns, slightly different looks


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Over a year ago, I crocheted myself a very cute little <a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v306/perpet/crochet/purple_beret_side.jpg">beret</a>. My hair's gotten considerably longer since then, and the hat barely fits now [i've gained an inch around my head due to the thickness of my hair]. This, of course, prompted a new hat.




2 Skeins, Lion Brand Incredible, N-hook




2 Skeins Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande, N-hook


The really interesting part about these hats is that they're made of the same yarn weight with the same hook and off the same pattern, but due to how they work up and drape, one looks slightly more fitted then the other. I love 'em both.



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Lovely berets. Sorry, but I can't see where the big difference is? (Maybe I should go get my eyes tested...) Whatever, they are very cute, my favourite is the blue one. You look very trendy btw!

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